Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 22-23


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Chapter 22 – The Ugly Housekeeper

On their way back to East Park, Ji Yunshu was taciturn and didn't speak. Her expression was tense not allowing anyone to guess her mind.

Jing Rong followed after her into the guest house. When he saw that she was holding onto a box but didn't place it down, he inquired, "What is inside the box that could surprisingly make you frown with worry?"

"I'm not frowning from worry. It's just…" She shook her head. "Let's stop here. Tomorrow, I'll explain everything."

"If you know who the murderer is, why are you waiting until tomorrow to act?"

"Your Highness, did you forget what I said before? There is a high probability that the murderer is actually two people. If I start something right now, it will be like beating the grass and scaring away the snake."

"So, you already know who the murderers are among them?"

She hesitated half a second before nodding. "It should be them."

Jing Rong smiled. With both hands clasped behind his back, he strode into the room on the right side. Without turning back, he said, "Then, I'll wait for the good show tomorrow."

Creak~ Bam!

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The door closed.

Unexpectedly, he didn't show further interest in who the murderers were. In the reception hall, Ji Yunshu sat while lightly tapping her slender fingers on the box found in Miss Zhou's bedroom. As she nonchalantly tapped, the small chain on the box jingled with a lulling sound.

Not long after, she got up and left; her destination was the mourning hall where the corpse of Miss Zhou rested.

Several maidservants were guarding the place when they noticed Ji Yunshu's arrival. They lifted their eyes and went to greet her. Then, they tactfully went out to guard outside.

Inside, the coffin was placed in the middle of the room. A black cloth covered the closed coffin. On top of the black cloth, there was a block of green jade. In ancient times, there was a superstition related to green jade about how it warded evil spirits.

At this moment, the old housekeeper from earlier came in. His waist was crooked. In one hand he held a lantern, while the other was pressed on his abdomen. He slowly walked until he was in front of Ji Yunshu and questioned, "Teacher Ji, coming here at such a late time, is there anything you want to order us to do?"

Ji Yunshu faintly shook her head. "No. I merely wanted to come here to take a look."

"If Teacher needs anything, don't hesitate to order us. Milord made it clear that we cannot neglect you."

"You don't need to trouble yourself. This humble one is used do things leisurely. A life of richness and indulgence doesn't fit me." Ji Yunshu smiled.

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The old housekeeper lowered his head, but suddenly a cold wind blew in from the entrance and sent the mourning hat on his head flying. His aged face was immediately laid bare as the lantern light died out.

Skin of a mucky yellow hue composed of densely packed wrinkles, adding to deeply sunken dark orbs for eyes, his face could only be described in one word: wretched. It was especially fitting as the left side of his face was marred by a scar stretching from the corner of his eye to the corner of his mouth. That scar must have been caused by a knife, and due to inadequate treatment, the wound's edges did not close properly, eventually turning into a sinister red scab.

The sudden glimpse of such a sight was enough to scare people! Ji Yunshu's face slightly twitched when she saw his face.

The old housekeeper immediately lowered his head further. He put back the mourning hat and bowed down. "This old servant is ugly. I have startled Teacher."

"Please don't misunderstand. I absolutely didn't mean to disrespect you. It's just that… the scar on your face seemed to date back to quite a few years ago." Ji Yunshu cautiously showed her interest.

"Yes. A few years ago, I wasn't careful and wounded myself which left this scar on my face." The old housekeeper's tone was dull and devoid of emotions.

Ji Yunshu blinked a few times, but she no longer inquired about it.

The old housekeeper coughed and asked, "The sky is dark. I have a lantern; it would be better if I send you back, so you could rest."

Ji Yunshu shook her head. "There's no need. There is light on the way. I can go back by myself. The time is not early. You and the maidservants should also rest."

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She strode out of the mourning hall. Her face appeared to be serene, but that calmness was mixed with some apprehension and pity!

Although the thoughts rose into her mind, no one was aware of it.

On that night, a light drizzle fell until it was near the hour of the ox, and gradually the drizzling rain turned into snow.

Jinjiang city was situated at the northern end of Beiliang country. Since they were entering the winter season, there would be days where it would snow. As the white snow fell, it covered the city in a layer of fine powder, glittering with a silver glow.

However, once it fell on the snaking roads made of limestone, the layer of snow broke up and separated into countless lumps at each human passing.

Grenn’s Rants Corner

This case will be closed by the end of this week. :3


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Chapter 23 – Sour Face

That night, Ji Yunshu did not sleep. She stood under the eaves, watching the water dripping from the tiles and turning into ice. The icicles were sparkling and translucent, pure and limpid. When Jing Rong pushed open his door and appeared, he happened to see her dressed in a white gown made of hemp. Her bun was untied and her hair had unfurled to her waist. Her eyes like black ink were intently watching the icicles. The light reflection of the snow shone upon her, highlighting her delicate figure as she stood there. As the snow fell, the cold wind came as its companion, making her sleeves flap. A few strands of hair repeatedly wandered around her fine face, ruffled by the wind. It was a beautiful scene hard to come by!

It suddenly dawned on Jing Rong as his soul was stirred. His thin lips faintly hooked up as he walked towards Ji Yunshu. He gazed at the sky filled with snow. Then, he outstretched his hand and several snowflakes fell into his palm. "Teacher, did you watch the snow fall the whole night?" Ji Yunshu remained silent. "Did you get frostbite? Are you mute?" Jing Rong asked. She shook her head, then withdrew her gaze from the roof. She shot a quick glance at him and replied with a rhetorical question, "I wonder if Prince Rong slept well on Zhou Mansion's padauk bed?" "I didn't sleep well." "Oh? On the contrary, I believe you had a very good night of sleep." Hearing her words, Jing Rong's interest became stronger. He raised his long eyebrow and asked, "Then, do enlighten me. How can you prove that this prince slept well on this cold winter night?" Ji Yunshu calmly sized him up before speaking with confidence. "This humble one remembers there was a jade pendant tied on your Highness' waist yesterday night. If I'm not wrong, it was hung 2.5cm below the waist, but right now, that isn't so. In fact, it's hung around 7.5cm lower. What's more, your Highness' clothes are tidy. Not to mention, you're meticulously well-dressed. These few points are enough to reveal that your mental state is clear-headed and that you slept well. Besides, the regions around your cheek bones are raised, leading to the contours of your eyes to be slightly swollen. This is a sign that could mostly be seen in people who could peacefully enter a deep sleep." After she was done assessing everything one by one, she asked, "I don't know if my analysis was correct?" Jing Rong was shocked. He had met countless people with extraordinary talent while traveling far and wide, but this young scholar was one of the most intelligent people he had met. He could not help but sigh and shake his head. "This is truly unfortunate." "Why is your Highness saying that?" "Such a tiny and insignificant city like Jinjiang might not be able to contain Teacher." Jing Rong stopped speaking, but a mysterious smile hung on his face. Ji Yunshu observed him, but she dismissed something and did not inquire further. At this moment, a maidservant had braved the snowy weather and ran into the reception hall. When she arrived in front of them, she said, "Teacher Ji, Madame sent this servant here to inquire if you have found the murderer?" Your own daughter was killed by someone, as a mother, being anxious about it was quite normal. Ji Yunshu was resolute. "I will trouble you to invite Lord Zhou and Madame Zhou to the mourning hall." "Right now?" "Correct. I want to invite them right now. In addition, summon everyone else in the mansion." The maidservant displayed a bewildered expression, but she wrapped her arms around herself and faced the whistling cold wind to go inform everyone. Jing Rong knitted his eyebrows. "Isn't better if we eat breakfast before going?" Ji Yunshu coldly burned him with her glare. Then, she spoke to him in a mocking tone, "If your Highness properly ate last night supper, you would be unlikely to care about this morning's breakfast." 'Who told you not to eat yesterday, serves you right!' Without waiting for Jing Rong to refute her, she started moving towards the mourning hall. This was the first time Jing Rong was rendered speechless by someone. His bright and stern eyes were intently staring at Ji Yunshu's straight back. His expression was cool without anger.

In the end, he still followed behind while feeling vexed! Thus, a man with a sour face thought about punishing Ji Yunshu.


The mourning hall.

Top to bottom, more than 20 people in the mansion were already present. Lord Zhou expression was grave. His face was slightly drooping, and his forehead was wrinkled. Madame Zhou who was beside him no longer wailed nor wept endlessly. Her complexion was also much better. However, her eyes continued to redden every time she looked at the coffin containing her daughter. "Teacher Ji, the proper time to bury my daughter has passed. If we don't bury her today, I worry that my daughter's body will…" Lord Zhou didn't finish his words as a sigh replaced what was left unsaid. A corpse left alone for a few days will begin to exude a putrid smell. What's more, Miss Zhou's corpse smashed into the ground leaving most parts broken and her flesh burst open. Even if it was still January, the corpse's stench was quite overpowering.


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