Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 27-29


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Chapter 27 – See You At the Memorial Hall

The crystal candlestick? The one that Miss Zhou lit every night? Jing Rong had an angry and annoyed face, but in an instant, his sharp features loosened into surprise. "Don't tell me there's a problem with that candlestick?" Ji Yunshu pondered for a moment. Her mind was nagging over the possibility of an oversight the more she thought about it, but the murderers had been apprehended already, they couldn't possibly have overlooked something! Thus, she shook her head and answered him, "It's nothing… I must be overthinking things." She slightly lowered the umbrella in her hand and resumed her walk. 'This scholar, he seems covered in a veil of mysteries, he speaks in a way that I'm unable to guess his thoughts!' Jing Rong caught up to her in a few strides. At the same time, he rolled his eyes and asked, "I still have some doubts, do you mind enlightening me?" "Are you thinking about why I told Lord Liu to deploy his troops around Zhou mansion?" "How perceptive!" 'Oh!' He still hadn't even asked yet, but the scholar's guess was spot on! Jing Rong nodded with an extremely pleased impression. "I simply don't understand how you could determine that the murderer was among the people inside Zhou mansion? Also, how did you foresee them staying in the mansion, awaiting capture?  If this Prince was the murderer, I would have long escaped, far from here!" "Your Highness, think about it. If the murderer was able to put poison in the medicinal concoction of Miss Zhou, and could secretly bring the body to the attic without being discovered, it signifies that this person was extremely familiar with the layout of the Zhou family's mansion. It had a higher probability than the culprit being a stranger, so if I eliminate Lord Zhou and Madame Zhou from the suspects list, all that was left were the servants. Since the murderer didn't want people to suspect him about Miss Zhou's faked accidental fall, it wasn't necessary for him to escape faraway. In addition, all the servants in this mansion have signed a slave contract, which means that if one of them went missing, a report will be sent to the yamen. However, ever since Miss Zhou's death, the yamen had yet to receive such a notice from the Zhou family. Therefore, I can deduce that the murderer was still inside the Zhou mansion."

"And then?" "The murderer certainly didn't imagine that his meticulous plan would be exposed, which left him extremely afraid. With such thoughts, he might want to escape, so when Lord Liu left yesterday, I told him about this matter and had him deploy people in the vicinity, taking some measures in case the murderers try to escape. If he did escape, the yamen runners would be able to catch him red-handed." "To sum it all up, when you arranged everything with Lord Liu beforehand, you still didn't know the identity of the murderer." Jing Rong narrowed his eyes. Ji Yunshu nodded. "If I knew, there would be no need for me to stay here for a night, and I probably wouldn't have discovered the murderer was in fact two people. It would end with Miss Zhou probably dying with remaining grievances. I was surprised that Suyun practically delivered herself to the door, it was also by chance that I saw her handkerchief. This is truly Heaven's will. It's really not an exaggeration!" At this moment, Jing Rong's heart gave birth to admiration toward her! But in an instant, his face tensed with distress. With some rebuke, he told Ji Yunshu, "Teacher, since you are this intelligent, how can you use such a clumsy method to draw out the second murderer? If it wasn't for me, perhaps, you would have already been sent to the doctor." Ji Yunshu became aware of his small guts. 'You're still thinking about it?! Didn't I let you help me out?!' He was clearly reprimanding her, but why was he showing such strong worry and deep concern? Ji Yunshu didn't want to ponder too deeply about it. "If this method can draw out the murderer, it's worth taking the risk. What harm could there be?" "You're really eloquent!" "Since this humble one has cleared your highness' doubts. Then, we should also part ways here. You're not planning to follow me home, right?" Jing Rong's indignant face unexpectedly became radiant. He observed Ji Yunshu's round and lukewarm face. "If you have a spare bed at home to accommodate this Prince, I'm willing to follow you home. What harm could it be?" 'Don't tell me that a monarch's child could be this shameless?' "My house is a lowly abode that does not befit your status. I will take my leave, no need to accompany me." As she threw these words, she accelerated her steps and left swiftly. This Jing Rong was like a sticky candy. He dashed forward. In an instant, a strong gale tousled Ji Yunshu's gown. Then, right in front of her stood the tall and ramrod Jing Rong, blocking her way. His tall height and her short stature stood diametrically opposite of each other. If she didn't have the umbrella above her head, considering their difference of height, her head would have bumped into Jing Rong's chest. As Ji Yunshu raised her head, her eyes locked onto Jing Rong's. Their line of sight met by coincidence caused both their hearts to skip a beat! Unexpectedly, Jing Rong was the first to initiate the conversation. "Are you thinking about abandoning me?" "Huh?" The question disturbed Ji Yunshu's heart, causing her ears to turn a brighter shade of red. Fortunately, her hair concealed the change. "Don't forget that when this case closed, you must investigate my case. Could you have forgotten about this matter?" Jing Rong rose his eyebrows and his tone was somewhat overbearing. 'It turns out to be that case!' Ji Yunshu let out a sigh. For no rhyme or reason, to suddenly spout out "don't abandon me", it really would cause people's imagination to run wild! She told him, "Prince, a hanging man also need to breath. Can you let this humble one rest for a night and investigate your case tomorrow?" "Who told you not to properly rest yesterday night?" The rhetorical question left her speechless! 'Hey! Your Highness, in order to solve this case I didn't rest last night! Unlike you who didn't properly eat your supper!' Witnessing Ji Yunshu speechlessness, Jing Rong showed off a winner attitude and displayed a magnanimous expression. "It's decided then! This prince isn't inhuman. You want to rest? Then, I'll let you rest during the day. Tonight at the hour of the rooster1, I'll wait for you at the memorial hall. If in the end, the five corpses rot, it will be more laborious for Teacher to investigate." This person's brain is really full of shit! She only needs the bones to investigate! This was inhuman, the night was bitterly cold and she didn't sleep a wink, how could resting during the day be enough? But… "As you wish your Highness. This humble one does not dare to not be present. I will see you at the memorial hall tonight, at the rooster hour." When he heard her promise, although the wording showed obedience and comprehension, how come it felt quite uncomfortable to the ears? He turned around and watched her delicate figure gradually getting further away. The corner of his mouth slightly rose into a smile, an intoxicated smile that made it seem like he was drunk on an aged wine. Lang Po, who was watching over them from a distance, arrived in front of Prince Rong in a matter of moments. "Prince, You and Teacher Ji… Did you mention about the Imperial Duke's case?" Jing Rong's expression froze on the spot and his eyes were like two freezing iceberg. "There's no hurry. Perhaps behind this case, there are numerous people are involved. Although Teacher Ji is intelligent, I cannot easily trust him. If there was a mistake, all the blame would fall on me." "This subordinate understands." Jing Rong felt some doubts, thus he immediately instructed Lang Po. "Secretly investigate everything related to Teacher Ji. The people this prince wants must have a completely clean background." Lang Po bowed his head. "Yes, your highness." Jing Rong took a deep breath of cold air. His gaze was still fixed on Ji Yunshu's back that was vanishing into the distance. To solve the Imperial Duke's case, he had already left the capital for half a year. But if Ji Yunshu was trustworthy, then his return to the capital won't be far away!

Grenn’s Rants Corner

I now know that I can’t translate 14 chapters in a week while going to work. *dies*

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Hour of the rooster : Between 5-7pm


Chapter 28 – The Wei Family’s Proposal

Ji Yunshu returned to her residence through the backdoor of West Side courtyard. She just arrived in her courtyard when she chanced upon Luan'er standing outside and crying with worry. When Luan'er saw her miss has returned, she had to blink twice. "Miss, you have returned." Luan'er was tensed. Ji Yunshu was neither hurried nor slow. She stared at her maidservant with narrowed her eyes. "What happened? You're always bustling with energy. Didn't Lord Liu send someone to inform you i wouldn't be back for the night yesterday?" This girl, every time there was an emergency, she would get all emotional and anxious! However, Luan'er vigorously shook her head. "It isn't that. It's… The Wei family came. R-right now, they are in the front hall. Just a moment ago, Master's servant came and told me to quickly bring you there to meet the Wei family." The Wei family? It seems they came to propose marriage! That ravenous wolf made his move too fast. He was determined to marry her off quickly. She took in a deep breath. It looked like she won't be able to take a nap. 'I really have shitty luck!' She entered her room and quickly changed out from the male clothing. Then, she rolled her hair into a simple bun and put on a bit of makeup before leaving toward the front hall. Inside the front hall, a group of people sat in circle. With a quick glance, Ji Yunshu saw that the table was filled with all kind of different sized boxes. It must be the Wei family's betrothal gifts. From the master seat, Ji Shuhan noticed her arrival. Every time he saw her, his face would distort into a fierce appearance, but this time, he displayed a very benevolent appearance. "Yunshu, why did it took you so long to come? Your Uncle Wei and Aunt Wei waited for you for quite some time." Ji Yunshu looked at the Wei's couple and bowed. "Uncle Wei and Aunt Wei, Yunshu is late. I hope you will forgive me." The people from the Wei family still hadn't spoken, yet the dignified looking Ji Muqing interjected, speaking in an affected manner, "Little sister is too spoiled. It's already the hour of the snake. Did you just wake up?" "Muqing, don't be rude." The words came from the Ji family's Old Madame, Ji Yunshu's paternal grandmother. Her body was dressed with dark purple silk and bluish-green satin. On her gown, exquisite phoenixes and peonies were embroidered and the cloth was embroidered in an embroidery shop in Suzhou. Her white hair was rolled into a bun, combed into an extremely elegant and dignified style, decorated by jade, pearl and golden hairpins. Each item was the epitome of luxury. On her neck hung a necklace made out of 99 white jade pearls, coiling around her neck into two rows.The most eye-catching jewelry was the silver phoenix bracelets on both of her wrists. Stories said that they were bestowed by the deceased emperor when he was still alive and were exceedingly precious. Garbed in such gorgeous apparel, the Old Madame shocked Ji Yunshu upon her arrival. If archeologists were fortunate enough to dig out her skeletal remains, it would turn into a big news within the archeology circle. Therefore after thinking a few times, if she really can return to the modern world, she absolutely must record the place the Old Madame will be buried. Anyways, speaking of a strange matter, the Ji family's descendants are numerous and prosperous, with Ji Shuhan marrying four wives, yet they all died from an illness in succession. Now, the Ji family's household matters were completely grasped by the 60-year-old Old Madame Ji. After Old Madame Ji reprimanded Ji Muqing, she addressed herself to Ji Yunshu, "Ah! Yunshu! For the matter of your marriage, your father and I have already helped you settle it. We have agreed to the Wei family's proposal. In the future, when you marry, you will go to the Wei Mansion. You must keep calm and not cause a ruckus, lest you make a fool out of yourself." Ju Yunshu didn't reply, it was already extremely clear in her heart. The most intelligent person in the Ji family wasn't Ji Shuhan, but that Old Madame who put on a facade of compassion and virtue. In her young age, perhaps, she was quite a ruthless mistress! If not, how can she sit at this position so stably, and for so long. Between the time when Old Madame spoke, Madame Wei was observing Ji Yunshu. Her appearance held in the endless satisfaction she had. She got up and amiably pulled on Ji Yunshu's arm and gave her a gentle smile. "This child's appearance is truly remarkable. I often heard about you from your grandmother and father. As expected, slender and elegant, truly a match with our Yi'er." She turned around and swept the hall with a glance. She was baffled. "Yi'er was just there a moment ago. Where did he disappear to in such a short time?" Lord Wei stated, "He must have run out just a moment ago." "That child. Today is his marriage proposal. Instead of looking at his soon-to-be bride he's just running off to play?" Madame Wei was grumbling, but immediately "consoled" Ji Yunshu. "Yunshu, don't mind him. Yi'er might be rude, but he has a good heart. You are surely kindhearted and an intelligent child. Don't take offense to it. After you marry into our family, you need to be very tolerant and get along with him. You must not avoid our Yi'er." She hasn't even passed through their doors yet. This kind of flattering is too unreal! "Aunt Wei is teasing me. How can I, Yunshu, turn my back on Young Master Wei? A daughter's wedding has always been the parent's command. The matchmaker said, that marrying into your home is my good fortune." As she spoke, she raised her head and glanced at her father.

As expected, that ravenous wolf was extremely satisfied with her words! Madame Wei was also extremely satisfied. She nodded with her eyes filled with love. Her foolish son will now soon have a wife! Ji Shuhan stroked his beard and said to Lord Wei, "Lord Wei, you also know that my daughters are my heart and flesh." 'I understand. If someday, you need help, you only need to tell me." Lord Wei nodded. "If you say so, then I feel reassured. Then this marriage is settled. As for the money and the wedding gifts, we can take out time discussing it." Lord Wei smiled and showed a grand and imposing appearance. "My wife and I only have Yi'er as a son. For the monetary gift, our Wei family absolutely doesn't lack any." Saying so, he let off a load from Ji Shuhan's mind. There were only two reasons to marry a daughter: money and status! Ji Yunshu stood in the middle of the hall obediently. She wasn't talkative and didn't look around. Both families were in heat discussion over the preparations of her wedding, until the Old Madame called her. "Yunshu, it would be better if you go inside to find Young Master Wei and have a nice chat with him. As for your wedding, your father and I will arrange everything for you." Madame Wei also hastily said, "That's a good idea. It's better if you go find Yi'er. You two should meet first." It just so happened that Ji Yunshu didn't want to stay. She simply greeted them and obediently retreated. The sharp eyed Ji Muqing curved her phoenix eyes and didn't let Ji Yunshu leave her sight before she was gone. Ji Yunshu finally came out from the abyss of suffering. She took in a deep breath of the cold air and pat the place that was pulled by Madame Wei. 'My sleeve is all wrinkled!' Madame Wei must be afraid that her daughter-in-law would run away! She yawned. She was beyond tired and had no intention of searching for Wei Yi. She rather go back to her courtyard. She was prepared to go back and take a nap since she still needed to go to the memorial hall this afternoon! Just when she passed through a long corridor near the backyard, she heard mocking voices. "An idiot also knows how to write? This is truly an oddity in this world." That voice, wasn't that the voice of her obstinate and troublesome third brother, Ji Yuanzhi? "Third Brother, Third Brother! Who is this idiot? Why is he in our home?" This time the voice belonged to Ji Lingzhi, Ji Yunshu's eight-year-old fourth sister. "He is the Wei family's idiot. In the future, he will be Third Sister's husband." "I don't want that kind of idiot as my brother-in-law. I don't wanna…" Ji Linzhi's sharp and shrill voice was absolutely ear-piercing.

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Chapter 29 – Feed You To The Fishes!

As she continued to walk through the corridor, Ji Yunshu chanced upon a nauseating scene. Wei Yi, dressed in a light blue changpao, was crouching on the ground. He held in his hand a short bamboo stick. Originally, he was writing something on the ground but stopped because of the constant mocking of Ji Yuanzhi and Ji Lingzhi. His body was curled into a ball. He lowered his head and was biting on his sleeve, trembling in fear, not daring to lift his head. Ji Yuanzhi carried the small Ji Lingzhi and directly put her on his neck so she can sit there. Then, he started to kick Wei Yi. "Idiot! Hurry and get out of our house. Be careful that you don't make this young master unhappy or i’ll feed you to the fishes." When he heard that, Wei Yi hastily waved his hand and begged in fear. "Don't want! Don't feed me to the fish. I don't want to be fish food!" In return for his begging, Ji Yuanzhi became more unbridled with his mocking. "An idiot is just an idiot. An idiot and a bastard is simply a perfect match." The so-called "bastard" was without a doubt referring to Ji Yunshu. Her mother came from a brothel. Moreover, she was never given status. If she wasn't a bastard child, then what was she?

Due to Ji Yuanzhi's words, Lingzhi showed a smile full of derision not befitting someone of her age. Shouldn't children still be innocent and unaffected at eight years old? This Ji mansion was truly like an infernal cage where people's conscience are killed! "This idiot is really amusing. Third Brother, don't feed him to the fishes."

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"Alright! I'll listen to you." Ji Yuanzhi lifted his leg and put his dirty shoe on Wei Yi's clean clothes. Then, he proceeded to rub out the dirt on it, "Hey Idiot! If people ask, you better tell them that you fell by yourself. If you dare tattle that this young master bullied you, I'll absolutely make sure to properly take care of you." When he was done, he walked away, perfectly content with Ji Lingzhi. If you're not a blood related sibling, don't come in our house!

Wei Yi was so scared he didn't dare to make a sound. With all his might, he tried to wipe off the dirt on his clothes. He held in his emotions and was feeling extremely painful. At first, Ji Yunshu didn't want to pay attention to him, but in the end she went over. Suddenly, Wei Yi discovered a shadow looming over him, he raised his head to take a look. His eyes couldn't help but dodge her gaze and he completely stopped wiping his clothes. Ji Yunshu noticed his furtive glances. A reaction stemming from being constantly bullied. Then, she noticed that the two words Wei Yi had written on the ground were his own name. The words were crooked and even the "Yi" in his name missed a line. "Is that your name?" Ji Yunshu's tone was very gentle. She tried as much as possible to not frighten him. Wei Yi mechanically nodded. She might as well correct him. Ji Yunshu squatted down and took the bamboo stick from him before saying, "You forgot to add a line on the word 'Yi'." She stopped talking and added an additional line to the crooked word. "See? This is how you write that word." Probably due to Ji Yunshi's amiable tone, added on to the fact that she didn't hurt him, Wei Yi completely let down his guard. He inclined his head and looked at the word for a very long time. "Why is it not the same when teacher teaches me?" He muttered softly, but it was loud enough for Ji Yunshu to hear. 'It's unlikely that we teach differently. Rather, that teacher simply doesn't know what to teach! He simply grabbed the money but shamelessly didn't do any work!' She let go of those thoughts and said to him, "Then, you better remember these words. You cannot miss a line. Otherwise, the other people will laugh at you." "Oh." Suddenly, he smiled. He stared at Ji Yunshu with his bright eyes full of expression. "Big sister, you're really nice."

'Big sister? Child, you seem older than me.' However, Ji Yunshu didn't try to argue with him on that. She beamed a "big sister's" smile at him and gave back the bamboo stick. "Then, write it one more time." "Yes~" Wei Yi replied straightforwardly. Next, he started to write his name. He applied himself carefully and seriously, afraid to make the slightest mistake.

Suddenly, Ji Yunshi took notice of his hand. "You're left-handed?" "What is ‘left-handed’?" Wei Yi stared at her. Ji Yunshu shook her head. "Nothing, continue to write." "Oh." He earnestly resumed with his writing practice. She took advantage of this time to carefully study him. He was in his twenties. His face was clean and fresh with a distinctive shape. The nose bridge was tall. To sum it up, he looked like a handsome young man. He gave out a pure and sunny atmosphere, had good proportions, especially those eyes which gave the impression of a palm-leaf lightly swaying. Unfortunately, he was intellectually deficient! "Big Sister, look. I'm done writing." Wei Yi happily shouted. She retracted her sight from his handsome face, then looked at the word on the ground. She smiled at him. "Correct! This is your name." After she spoke, she turned around. Wei Yi threw away the bamboo stick and ran after her. Both his hands were obediently put behind him. Seeing him like this, Ji Yunshu curiously asked, "What are you doing with your hands behind your back?" His mouth pouted and he earnestly answered, "Because my hands are dirty. I'm afraid to touch Big Sister's clean clothes. That's why I put them behind my back." In an instant, Ji Yunshu became surprise! 'This fool's social inner quality is higher than the members of the Ji family. In fact, Ji family's social inner quality is a waste on them with their brains!' She smiled and then she spread her hands. "Look. My hands are also not very clean. I didn't avoid you because you're dirty, so you don't need to put your hands behind you." "Really?" "Yes, really!" Wei Yi stretched out a hand. Ji Yunshu saw the dirt on his sleeve, smeared by Ji Yuanzhi's foot. She couldn't help frowning, then took out her handkerchief and cleaned his sleeve. "Wei Yi, you have to remember. No one can bully you. If someone dares to bully you, you must not tolerate it. Do you understand?" She asked him while cleaning his sleeve. Unfortunately, Wei Yi didn't understand! "Mama said that because my head is not good, I cannot quarrel with others, or I will suffer loss." "Then, tell me, didn't you suffer loss earlier?" "……" Wei Yi couldn't reply. Ji Yunshu continued, "You don't create quarrel with others, but they come and bully you. But then, why don't you fight back? Perhaps if you did, they would be afraid of you." She was aware that Wei Yi didn't use much of his brain. It was quite certain that he won't understand the meaning of her words. She simply sighed, then spoke again, "Forget it. I explained so much, but you can't understand." Indeed, Wei Yi obviously didn't understand at all. All of a sudden, he changed the subject of conversation. He asked her, "Big Sister, do you know? Today, my mama brings me here to propose marriage. I want to marry a wife." Ji Yunshu was helping him clean his sleeve, but her hand halted abruptly. Of course she knew about it. Not only did she have full knowledge of it, the wife in question was her! She put the handkerchief in Wei Yi's hand before asking him, "Do you really want to get married?" Wei Yi nodded. "I think, Mama said… After I get married, I will have many, many little Wei Yi and they can all play with me."

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'Many little Wei Yi?' Ji Yunshu's forehead immediately darkened! 'Your mother really can explain!' "Wei Yi, your mother is wrong. If you marry, your wife will bully you everyday; she won't let you sleep, won't let you eat and also won't let you play. Not only that, if she doesn't feel happy, she will grab you and throw you in the pond to feed the fishes."

Grenn’s Rants Corner

No teaser today. I didn’t have time to prepare it. T^T


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