Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 279

Chapter 279 – A Clever Person May Become Victim of His Own Ingenuity

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Note: Unedited

As the night deepened, the sky above the imperial was shrouded in dark clouds, planting unrest into everyone. Thunder rolled, but only a fine drizzle fell which was quite odd.

At that moment, inside the imperial prison, Jing Rong was locked in the deepest part of the prison where a stench had permeated the walls and ground forever. The fetid odor was constantly assailing his nose. His current cell had once imprisoned the infamous Marquis Chao and had never served its purpose again until now. Fortunately for Jing Rong, despite his imprisonment, the iron shackles weighing down his limbs didn’t restrain his movements. A biased treatment due to his identity as a prince, surely. He leaned on the wall made of ice-cold stone slabs. One of his hand rest on his knee. There was no change on his expression, remaining cool and neutral. There was never a hint of fear obscuring his face. His eyes were bright, constantly watching outside his cell as if he was waiting for someone.

It wasn’t long before two imperial guards hurried to his cell and opened the door.

“Prince Rong, Prince Yi wants to see you. Please come with us!”

Jing Rong sneered. He obediently got up and left his cell. His posture was tall and upright, completely unlike the crouching figure of any guilty criminals. It looked like he was patrolling the prison instead of being imprisoned.

The two imperial guards following behind him eagerly.

He arrived at an obscure room where Jing Yi sat inside, waiting for him. There, unexpectedly, a warm pot of tea was awaited him. The tea was fragrant, filling the air and kept the stench at bay. There were also a perfume that permeated the room.

There was only Jing Yi who had that kind of interest.

Jing Yi poured himself a cup of tea before giving Jing Rong a glance. The corner of his mouth curled up into a treacherous expression. He opened, “Suspect Jing Rong, plot maliciously against the Emperor. Your crime is clear as day, tie him up and start the interrogation.”

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The imperial guards followed the order and tied Jing Rong to a dark wooden stake. They shackled him with iron chains, depriving him of his movements.

They were efficient, showed how practiced they were. Jing Rong didn’t struggle, letting himself chained without complaint. However, the cold and stubborn light in his eyes never wavered as he stared straight at Jing Yi.

After a moment, Jing Yi poured hot tea into his cup and got up. He walked to Jing Rong and put the cup under Jing Rong’s nose. “Isn’t it fragrant?” he asked.

It smelled like fart, just like you!

“What do you want to do?” Jing Rong voiced out instead.

“I am the one asking question here. Why do you want to assassinate Imperial Father?” he veered back the conversation.

“It’s not me.”

“It’s a fact that you went to the Dispatch Bureau. You were also the one who replaced the lanterns for no valablereasons. Why?”

“If I say it, would you believe me?” Jing Rong mockingly chuckled.

Jing Yi didn’t see any fear in the other man’s eyes. It annoyed him greatly. His grasp on the teacup was tighter. He violently slammed the teacup into the ground, spilling hot tea everywhere.

Crash! The teacup shattered into smitter. The stench in the room alleviated slightly as the tea fragrance became more concentrate from the spill.

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The imperial guards inside the dark room didn’t dare to make a sound.

When the teacup shattered, Jing Yi grabbed Jing Rong’s collar. He revealed a vicious expression. “Jing Rong, you should know as clearly as I do the seriousness of this matter. Imperial Father has already awoke. He ordered me to investigate the matter thoroughly. Since you are the culprit, why not admit it, so you can avoid a bit of pain?” He lowly snarled.

Although he didn’t threat outrightly, his tone was bloodthirsty. It looked like Jing Yi has been waiting with impatient for this day to come.

If it was someone else, they might have crumbled and begged for forgiveness already, but we’re talking about Jing Rong. He didn’t eat this set. He raised his chin and challenged Jing Yi with his eyes.


“Jing Yi, from the day I left the capital, you had secretly dispatched people to trail me. When the opportunity presented itself, you ordered them to assassinate the five imperial guards I sent back to the capital to report my whereabout. In addition, you cooperated with Yan Weiyi to assassinate. Despite all your schemes, I have safely returned to the capital. Do you want to know why you always failed?” Jing Rong taunted Jing Yi.

Although his tone were light, it still gave a sharp impression similar to the edge of a sword.

Jing Yi’s eyes turned bloodshot due to anger. He gritted his teeth. He let go of Jing Rong before spatting, “Good. Let me hear what you have to say.”

No reply came right away as they both fought off in a battle of stares.

Finally, Jing Rong spoke. “You always failed because you’re too smart – a clever person may become a victim of his own ingenuity.”


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Jing Yi snorted with anger. His expression darkened as he slowly stepped back.

Jing Rong slowly explained, “You always think about eliminating me. Correction, eliminating anything that threatened you. You always viewed me as your biggest rival in the fight for the crown prince title no matter how many times I told you I wasn’t interest. I went as far as hiding from any fight for many years. In Imperial Father’s eyes, only that useless Jing Hua could be the Crown Prince, and you were the other he favored. As for me, I only wants to investigate the Lin Capital case. Yet, you always stood in my way, but because you did, you opened many opportunities for me in front of Imperial Father, allowing Teacher Ji who is on my side to gain achievement. If this isn’t getting pit by your own cleverness, then what is it?”

True, all of it was true!

It all originated from Jing Yi and Concubine Xiao who gave Ji Yunshu the opportunity to investigate the Missing Girls case. It led to Ji Yunshu making a deal with the Emperor in order to excavate the coffins on Lin Mountain. As a cause to effect, the success of the investigation made her reputation resounding. If Jing Yi didn’t try to act smart by capturing Gan Chouliang, Jing Rong wouldn’t bite him back in front of their Imperial Father. His failure was only due to himself and no one else.

After he digested Jing Rong’s words, his bloodthirst didn’t diminish at all. It continued to increase.

“Jing Rong, I have no time waste on you. Anyway, I heard what you said.” His tone abruptly changed into a ferocious one. “Bring it to me!”

The nearby imperial guard handed over a paper with rows of words on it.

He took it and showed it to Jing Rong. “There’s more important thing to do right now. Hurry and admit you were the one who plot Imperial Father’s assassination. This will spare you from a painful experience. I will say a good word for you in front of Imperial Father. Since you are a prince, Imperial Father might be lenient and spare you. Right, didn’t you want to be detached from any power struggle? This boded well with your intentions. Imperial Father could demote you to the rank of commoners or exile you out of the capital. You can then live the rest of your life free and unfettered.”

Thank you, jackass!

It was impossible for Jing Rong to admit. Fortunately, his identity wasn’t too low which spared him from sharing the same fate as Gao Bingze. If it wasn’t for him being the son of the Emperor, there was no way Jing Yi would take his time to say so many things to him instead of simply forced him to sign the confession before silencing him.

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“I refuse to admit it. If you want to kill me, then do it.”

Jing Yi wasn’t surprise by his half-brother’s obstinacy. He folded the confession paper into his sleeve and walked to a rack where many tools laid. He picked up a whip and pondered a bit. He returned to Jing Rong, whip in hand.

“Fine by me. Since you refuse to confess, don’t blame me for it later. I am only doing what Imperial Father ordered.”

As his words fell, his hand lifted. He lashed out the whip.


A deafening sound echoed through the dark room as the whip hit the ground below Jing Rong’s feet.

Jing Rong remained cold without the slightest hint of fear. This further fuelled Jing Yi’s ire. He pinched the whip. He whipped out the weapon with all his strength. This time, it landed on Jing Rong’s body. His clothes split on the impact, and blood flowed out from the wound.

“I’m giving you one last chance. Were you the mastermind behind the fire?” Jing Yi barked.

Jing Rong’s sword-like eyebrows knitted together. He felt a scorching pain from the whip wound. He chuckled with no care instead. He raised his eyes and stared at Jing Yi. “If I was you, I will never repeat the same mistake twice.”

“It’s best if you start to beg me for mercy or… just die!”


Within the room, the sounds of whip hitting flesh went on and on… There was only horror seeping into people’s heart, leaving them cold in front of the cruelty.

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