Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 282

Chapter 282 – Too Bad, What a Pity…

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Note: Unedited

“If he is harm in any way, I will kill you!”

The killing intent coming from Jing Rong was palpable. He was quite agitated, and his fist were tightly clenched.

The more he was agitated because of Ji Yunshu, the more pleased Jing Yi was.

Jing Yi parked himself in front of Jing Rong, towering him with condescension. He grinned maliciously. “You are now a criminal. Don’t you know your life is hardly guaranteed?”

Jing Rong felt his throat constricted. He pressed his lips together until they were like a thin thread. He could only grip the wooden barrier to vent his helplessness. Mustering his strength, he used the barrier to prop up his cumbersome body. There was an iciness seeping through his eyes which made people shudder.

Jing Yi stepped back in a hurry. He shivered.

“You should know how I am. I do what I say. You touch him; I will kill you.”

This was a naked threat.

Jing Yi regained his smirk. “Are you threatening me? Good. I want to try something. I’ll watch and see if you can kill me after I kill him.” What he said wasn’t empty words. He was ready to end Ji Yunshu’s life.


“Do you dare to gamble his life?”

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Jing Rong felt stifled as if his heart was squeezed. He was trapped. Jing Yi had Ji Yunshu’s life in his hand. His threat was no hot air. He will also what he said.

“What should I do so you release him?”

“It’s very simple. If there is a breakthrough with the current matter Imperial Father ordered me to investigate, I will naturally release Teacher Ji… Well, as long as you signed the confession…”

Jing Rong’s expression shone. He was about to voice his thoughts, but Ji Yunshu cut him.

“Don’t believe him. Your Highness is innocent. If you accept to bear the responsibility of regicide because of me, I will be damned for all eternity.”

Jing Rong looked at her. “I can’t let anything happen to you.”

“I will be fine,” she vetoed. Then, she directed at Jing Yi, “Prince Yi, this lowly one understands a few things about the laws and rules of Great Lin. I would like to ask which are the ones corresponding to trespassing into the prison?”

Urgh! Jing Yi swallowed his words at her question.

Ji Yunshu continued. “According to rule number 32 of the Great Lin’s code of laws: Any individual who charged inside the prison with a weapon, kill a law enforcer and/or participate in a jailbreak will be sanctioned to death. This lowly one had no weapon, didn’t kill any law enforcer and didn’t help any convict escape. At most, this lowly one is guilty of duping law enforcers.”

“Good… What a clever mouth. No wonder Prince Rong treats you as a distinguished guest, going as far as protecting you.”

“If your Highness wants to kill me, are you ready to bear the infamy of killing an innocent randomly?”

Justice was on her side, she could be bold and confident. There was nothing to fear.

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Fortunately, in the past, Magistrate Liu in Jinjiang would send her a few books. In addition, through processing numerous legal documents and cases, her interest was piqued and in her leisure time, she would read through the Great Lin legal code.


“Teacher Ji is a gifted scholar. Fine. Since you mentioned about the rules and laws, this Prince will do accordingly. I will spare your life. Although life can be spared, the punishment cannot be forgo.” He snapped his fingers.

An imperial guard answered his summon.

“Send Gentleman Mo out of the palace. As for Teacher Ji, keep him in the interrogation room. This Prince will personally… interrogate him.”

“Yes, your Highness!” An imperial guard led Ji Yunshu to the interrogation room.

Mo Ruo flung back his sleeves and was pushed out of the prison. “Prince Yi, Teacher Ji was brought into the palace by me. If you want to interrogate him, then interrogate me. There’s no need for you to make things difficult for a scholar that had no strength to strut a chicken,” he urgently spoke.

A scholar?

Jing Yi’s expression darkened. “From what this Prince see, he isn’t a simple scholar but a very intelligent person.” His words held a deeper meaning. Then, he gestured. “You haven’t sent Gentleman Mo away yet?”

Four imperial guards made their moves and dragged the struggling Mo Ruo away.

Jing Yi turned back and said, “Rest assured. After I’m done with the interrogation, I’ll escort him safely outside the palace.” He directly left for the interrogation room after he was done speaking.

When Jing Yi was out of sight, Jing Rong stopped enduring and keeled down. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Inside the interrogation room.

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Ji Yunshu was tied to a bloody wooden stake. She shrunk back when Jing Yi arrived. It was a dim room with the constant stench of blood, rot and mold. Ji Yunshu wrinkled her nose and panted in discomfort. Her keen nose picked up too many stimuli causing her to feel a rising nausea.

Jing Yi had his hands behind his back and walked to her. He was observing her from head to toe. The corner of his mouth slightly curled up.

Then, he extended his fingers to stroke lightly Ji Yunshu’s ear. She moved her head away and glared at him.

The more she resisted, the more interesting he felt. His fingers continued to trace wantonly her ear, then they trailed her fair cheek until he reached her faint scar.

“Teacher Ji, you wore a mask before, but now without your mask, this appearance leave me breathless.” He sounded like a farmish wolf that would gnaw everything to the bone.

She struggled to avoid the touch of his fingers, but Jing Yi grabbed her jaw and raised it higher. He examined her while uttering, “This is clearly the face of a beautiful woman, but to disguise yourself as a man… What a waste.”

“Let go!” Ji Yunshu spat out.

His grip became stronger instead.

“This Prince doesn’t understand why the Ji family wanted to send Ji Muqing into the palace to be the Crown Princess instead of you. Too bad, what a pity…”

Too bad your sister!

Ji Yunshu sneered. “Prince Yi, would you like to know the reason?”

“I am all ears!”

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“Because an intelligent person will not rack their brain to scheme and grabbed the power and status that don’t belong to them.”

“What are you insinuating?”

“Don’t tell me I wasn’t clear enough? What your Highness is doing isn’t to grab the Crown Prince’s position so you can be the Emperor? However, since ancient times, princes who are like that only have two fates – revile by people or lost their lives amidst the intrigues and factions fights.”

History was fraught with such anecdotes, even the outstanding Qin Shihuang does not escape the struggle of throne fight.

Her words continued to fuel Jing Yi’s interest.

This woman is very interesting. He raised her jaw a bit higher. He lowered his head and faced her unyielding and icy eyes.

“What a glib tongue. This Prince is very fond of your speech. Miss Ji’s intelligence and unyielding temperament awe me. Leaving such a clever woman at Jing Rong’s side is truly a waste!”

Saying it was a waste and a pity every-so sentence made it seemed like he was sincerely feeling woeful about it.

“Why don’t you follow this Prince? You can be my distinguished guest at the Yi Estate. You might not need to be fretful and on edge all day long.”

Spat! I don’t give a damn.

Ji Yunshu bite her lips and violently twisted away from his vice grip. “Since your Highness don’t intend to kill me, are you bringing me here only to say theses? Why don’t you get right to the point?” she bluntly stated.

Jing Yi chuckled. He stepped back. His treacherous smirk reappeared hung on his face again. “Miss Ji, aren’t you verygood at making a deal with people? How about we make a deal?”

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