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Chapter 33 – Bone Broth

Note : Hey there you, who copy&paste translations without permission, don’t give the translators credits and never link to the original translations’ website, I’m tired of you leeching the translators’ hours of hard work for as little as a few seconds of text selection. So now, you need to work a bit. Please edit for me. I’ll check back on your website and copy&paste what you did and update this chapter with it if the quality is good. And no, don’t expect me to give you credit or link back to your website.

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尸体的喉咙被切开,焦皮和血水融为一体,散发出阵阵恶心的味道。AfterAfter thethe deadthroat person'sof throatthe wasdead cutbody open,was itcut beganopen, emittingthe thesmell vile,of charred nauseatingflesh and blood smallmixed together ofand a vile smell charredthat could fleshgive anyon e nausea and blood.was born. As the dead person's throat was cut open, it began emitting a vile nauseating smell of charred flesh and blood.景容皱眉不语。 Jing Rong continued to frown, butbut keptwas herquite uncommsilenceunicative. 纪云舒则淡定的将刀子放到一边,两手伸进尸体被切开的喉咙里,五指用力,喉骨被她生生折断了一节。 Ji Yunshu put the knife tao ssididee. Next, she used both hands ttoo wwidieden the cut on the throat. When she applied some force with her fingers, the bones in the throat snapped into piecesand broke. 从皮肉里取出来时,还沾着血丝,淌着粘稠的血水。 ThTihes action also rupturedbursted some veins, causingfrom bloodwhich toblood trickletrickled out. The texture mowas morere resembledsimilar to a gelatinous blob of blood more than a liquid. 因为没戴手套,纪云舒的双手此刻沾满了鲜血,而她像是把玩着一件玩物似的,将那节喉骨来回翻看。 Because Ji Yunshu forgot to wear her gloves, herat handsthis weremoment, nowher completelyhands soakedwere incompletely bloodcovered in blood. As if she was playing with a toy, she continued to fiddle inside the throat cavity in search of something. 丝毫不觉得恶心! This was absolutely sickening!旁边的景容,已经无法形容自己此时的感受了。 他上过战场、杀过人,手底下的亡魂没有上万也有上千,死尸遍地,他连眼睛也不眨。 Standing on the side, at this instant, it was no longer possible to describe what Jing Rong was feeling. On the battlefield, he had killed a countless number of people. His hands were dyed with the blood of more than ten thousands souls if not, at least more than a thousand. He had seen enough Ccorpses could be seen littered everywhere to the point it had became a normal sight for him. 可是,他还是头一回见一个人把尸体的零件拆下来,赤手空空的拿在手里。那画面,真够补脑的! Yet, it was the first time he had seensaw someone dismantleing a dead body with their bare hands in such a manner. The scene was truly too educational! "看出什么来了吗?"景容蹙了蹙鼻。 "Did you see something?" Jing Rong wrinkled his nose as he inquired. "死者中毒而死,就得知道是中了哪种毒。" "When we examined the body of those deceased by poisoning, the most important thing to determinething that need to be determined is the type of poison used." "什么毒?" "What poison killed them?" "暂时不知道。" "We still don't know for now." 纪云舒用手敲了敲那节喉骨,思忖片刻,拿着血淋淋的喉骨出去了。 Ji Yunshu knocked her hand on the throat bones. After pondering for a moment, she took the bones, still dripping in blood, with her.with her the blood-dripping bones with her. 外头的福伯这会刚把香插完,就见纪云舒出了门。 Fu Bo, who had just finishedwas just done giving incense to the dead, came in and saw Ji Yunshu going to thea door. "福伯,白醋水烧了吗?"她问。 She asked, "Fu Bo, did you boil the vinegar and water?" 福伯点点头,抬手指了指院子里的一间小屋子:"知道你要用,早就烧好了,用完记得换水进去。" Fu Bo nodded while pointing at a small hut inside the courtyard. "I kneow that you might've needed it, so I prepared it beforehand. When you're done with it, don't forget to change the water." "知道了。" "I know." 她干干脆脆的应下,捧着喉骨往那间屋子里去。 She promised straightforwardly. She clasped the hyoid bone and surroundingother cartilage bones and went inside the hut. 景容也像个跟屁虫似的跟了上去! Like a shadow, Jing Rong also tagged along and went inside. 刚到那间屋子里,景容却惊住了,脚步定在门框内,如同沾了胶水似的,一步一步往里头挪。 As soon as he entered the hut, Jing Rong was scared out of his wits. His legs halted at the door frame and wouldn't budge,bulge like it was glued to the floor. He still forced himself to move forward one step at a time. 昏暗的屋子内,只点了一支摇摇晃晃的蜡烛,周遭的四面大墙全是高矮不低的架子。而架子上,堆着无数的骨灰坛! In the dim hut, there was only a single candle moving to and fro from the ceiling. All the walls inside the hut werewas covered by tall shelves. On each shelf, there werewas earthen jars with bone ash piled up inside! 纪云舒走到大锅前,里头正煮着热腾腾的白醋水,她将那节喉骨丢了进去。瞥了景容一眼,大概是猜到了他的心思,便说:"王爷不必惊怕,这些骨灰坛里,装的都是些无名无姓的异乡客,福伯不忍将他们的尸体抛尸荒野,就把尸体焚烧,将骨灰装在坛子里。" Ji Yunshu walked to a big cauldron, containing a solution of white vinegar bubbling merrily under the heat of the fire. Next, she threw the throat bones into the cauldron. She shot a glance at Jing Rong and guessed out what was on his mind. Soon afterwards, she spoke to him. "Your Highness doesn't need to be scared. Those jars contained the ashes of those travellers from foreign lands whose identities remain unknownthat no one knew of their identity. Fu Bo couldn't bear for their corpses to be thrown out in the wilderness, so he cremated them and their ashes are put in an earthen jar." "小书生,本王何时惊怕过?"景容反驳。 Jing Rong retorted, "Scholar, when was this prince scared?" 纪云舒嘴角往下一压。 Ji Yunshu's mouth curved down. 死鸭子,嘴硬! 'Damned duck! He can't even admit it!' 话语间,景容已经走到她身旁,见她把喉骨丢在滚烫的白醋中,心生疑惑。 While Ji Yunshu was lost in thoughts, Jing Rong movedwent next to her and watched the bone that had suank into the boiling vinegar solution. His mind gave birth to some doubts. "你这是做什么?" "What are you doing?" "煮排骨汤。"纪云舒几乎是脱口而出。 Ji Yunshu blurted out, "I'm making bone broth1." 那一刻,景容感觉后脑勺被人掀开,一股冷风钻了进去! 他正"冷"得猝不及防时,纪云舒惊呼了一句,指着那锅白醋水。"王爷快看。" The instant Jing Rong heard her answer, he felt as if the back of his skull had beenwas forced open, withand a cold sensation drillinged into his brain from there! While he was assailed by cold shivers, Ji Yunshu let out a cry of surprise and pointed at the vinegar solution. "Your Highness, look at this quickly!" 景容一嗔,看了过去,就见原本白白净净的一锅白醋水缓缓便黑了。 Jing Rong got annoyed but still approached to take a look. Then, he saw the originally white and transparent liquid was gradually turninged black. "为什么会这样?"他诧异。 "Why is it turning black?" He was flabbergasted. "小的不是说了嘛,五具尸体的喉骨都是中间软,上下硬,此种迹象,乃是中毒而死,那么死者喉骨的骨髓中,也一定有毒,小的用滚烫的白醋水煮骨,能将喉骨里的骨髓和毒液分离出来,流出来的黑液,自然就毒。"纪云舒解释。 "This humble one mentioned it the other day that the hyoid bone iswas soft while the part above and below isit was hard. This indicates a very strong probability of the victim dying from poisoning. Since it's a poison that passed through the throat, there must have been some poison that seepeding inside the bone marrow of it. I simply boiled the bones inside this vinegar solution. By boiling the bones, the poison inside the bone marrow will percolateseeped out. The black liquid oozing out from the bones is the poison we're looking for." 景容又学到了! Jing Rong once again learned something new! 下一瞬,纪云舒从衣袖里掏出一块白色帕子,在淡黑色的白醋里沾了沾,帕子的一角一下就被染黑了。 Swiftly, Ji Yunshu fished out a white handkerchief from her sleeve and soaked the corner of it with the black liquid. "这毒的毒性一定很烈,不然小小的喉骨里不可能流出这么多的黑液来。" "The toxicity of this poison is very fierce. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have that much poison seeping out from such small bones like those irregular bones in the throat." 纪云舒细细看着帕子上的那团黑色,疑惑。 Ji Yunshu carefully observed the black blotchesd on the handkerchief with suspicions. "先生知道这是什么毒?" "Teacher, do you know what poison it is?" "小的既不是大夫,又不是制毒的人,看一眼,怎么会知道。" "This humble one is not a doctor and I can't treat poisoned people, so I can't tell just by looking at it." "是不是查到中了什么毒,就能查到凶手了?" "Can you investigate what type of poison and find the murderer from that knowledge?" "不能。"纪云舒笃定的回答。 "I cannot." Ji Yunshu replied calmly without hurry. 景容的眉色扭成一块:"那你浪费时间查这个?本王没心思跟你闹腾。" Jing Rong's eyebrows knitted into an unibrow. "Then, why waste time to investigate? This prince is not in the mood to follow you in your confusing antics!" "谁说小的闹腾了?" "Who said I was playing around?" "那你查这些没用的。" "But your investigation is useless." 小的好奇心泛滥不行吗?想知道死者中了什么毒不行吗?王爷若是嫌浪费时间,何必抓小的过来查案,天冷的夜,着实适合在屋子里睡觉。"纪云舒字字珠玑,说的哪哪都是理! "Can't I have a mind full of curiosity? Can't I want to know what poison killed that person? Prince, if you don't like to waste time, then you don't need to hold me here to investigate the case. It's better to stay at home and sleep than to be here duringin the cold night." Every phrases she spoke wasere eloquent and reasonable! 而景容不过说了一句,这小书生就说了这么多句。 景容的眉间中央露出了一个"川"字,摆摆手,道:"罢了罢了,本王即是有求于你,自然没有催促你的资格,只是那五人皆是本王的下属,奉本王之令回京复命,却不曾想会惨遭毒手。" Jing Rong was rendered speechless. 'This scholar talks too much.' The space between his eyebrows wrinkled until it looked like this: 川. He waved his hand and exclaimed, "Stop, forget it! I was the one who approached you and requested for your help. Naturally, I will not questioned your qualifications. But those five are my subordinates. They received my orders to return to the capital, yet they died under someone's evil schemes." 这般愁眉不展的景容,褪去了轻佻的姿态和邪魅狡猾的性子,带着那微疼紧拧的眼神,真真是破有魅力! The worry made Jing Rong put away his frivolous attitude, and nefarious, and cunning temper, leaving only a genuine expression of pain and stubbornness. It made him appeared devastatingly more charming! 男人,就该这样! 纪云舒将帕子塞进腰间,而那帕子因为沾了她血淋淋的手印,显得格外渗人。 'Men should be like this!' Ji Yunshu stuffed the handkerchief in her waist belt. The handkerchief looked quite creepy with her bloody handprints and black spots of poison. 她转身迈步:"王爷,不是要查吗?那就快点吧。" She turned and strodestrided away. "Your Highness, do you still want me to investigate? If so, let's move on." "……" 景容依旧乖乖跟了上去。 他们前脚出去,福伯就进去了。 "…" Jing Rong obediently followed behind Ji Yunshu. As soon as they left, Fu Bo came in. 每次纪云舒一来,他总是会煮上一大锅的白醋水给她煮骨! 可看着锅子里泛黑的白醋水,又忍不住摇摇头。 "这孩子,每次都忘记换水。" 最后,又是福伯自己换了水。 Every time Ji Yunshu came, he always boiled a cauldron of vinegar solution for her to boil the bones. When he saw the black content in the cauldron, he helplessly shook his head. "Every time, this child always forgets to change the water." In the end, he still changed the water. 重新回到五具尸体旁,纪云舒沉眸,一脸认真,不顾双手是血,将自己的衣袖卷了上去,一双纤纤玉手将尸体的头部微侧。 Yunshu and Jing Rong returned back to the five corpses. Ji Yunshu currently had her eyes lowered, showing a serious expression, not caring about her blood soaked hands. Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing a pair of slender and fair as jade arms as fair as jade, turning a corpse's head to the side. 十指与中指并用,用力按了按尸体的后颈,片刻下,再次拿起那把宽刀,切进了尸体的后颈,一路往上切,直到露出后脑骨。 With her fingers, she pressed on the nape of the dead body for a short moment, then picked up a large knife and cut into the nape until the back of the cranial bone was exposedseen. 又一边分析道:"死者竟然和凶手有过打动的痕迹,那么死者的身上,必然会留下凶手的痕迹,若能找到些伤痕,就能找到凶手的习性特点。" Then, she analyzed out loud. "Surprisingly, there are still some traces left from the battle between the deceased and the murderer. By examining the body, we will certainly will be able to find a clue left by the murder. If we examined the wounds on the victims, we can deduce the murderer's unique habits and characteristics." "例如呢?"景容问。 "Do you have a concrete example?" Jing Rong asked. "例如凶手是高是矮,是男是女,打死凶手时是惯用左手?还是右手?是从前面行凶?还是从后面行凶?等等诸如此类。" "For example, we can determine if the murderer was tall or short; a man or a woman; or if he used his left hand or right hand to kill.? We can even determined if he ambushed from behind or if he took them heads on.? And so on…" 听上去,未免太玄乎了! It sounded rather incredible how much can be found from so little! 虽然纪云舒根据周家小姐的尸体状态,最后找到了凶手,可景容还是有些半信半疑。 Although Ji Yunshu found the murderers of Miss Zhou based on her dead body, Jing Rong was still skeptical about her abilities. "一具尸体,能找到这么多?" "You can find out this much just from just examining a corpse?" You’re a damn clostridium difficile! I didn’t give anyone permission to host this translations on their websites apart from volare novels. If you’re not reading on volare novels. Translations’ and half-assed editing’s credits to Grenn, pyon and Q. Read it on volare novels.  "如果死者想告诉我们,那就一定能。" "If the deceased wishesd to inform of their grievances to us, we can certainly can find it." 片刻,景容又疑惑起来:"先生不是衙门里的画师吗?怎么还会做仵作的活?而且还做起了提刑官该做的事!" After a moment, Jing Rong became puzzled again. "Teacher Ji, aren't you a painter? How come you can do the work of a coroner? Furthermore, you're also doing the work of the law enforcers!" 是啊,他怎么记得,她任职衙门,当的是画师呢! That's right! How could he forget that her official position in the yamen was that of a painter!纪云舒也多次问过自己,她明明是人像重建师,明明做的是画师那份雅致的工作,偏偏误入"歧途"。 怪谁?怪她有个当法医的老爸呗! There were many times when Ji Yunshu asked herself where did she go wrong? She was obviously an expert in facial reconstruction and clearly occupied the position of a painter at the yamen, but her work always took another tangent. Who can she blame? She can only blame having a dad who was a forensic investigator and Grenn for being pissed off by people who copy&paste without permission, don’t give due credits and don’t link back, even manga aggregator knows not to take out credits.

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Grenn’s Rants Corner

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This is a real chapter customized for aggregator website and will stay like this for an undetermined time. *gives middle toenail*

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Please do not follow Yunshu’s example. Please wear gloves when doing autopsy.


Ji Yunshu really based herself on real cooking to make her bone broth. Although, it's not for the same results and reasons. XD For the recipe of bone broth, click on the link : Bonne appétit!

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