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Chapter 36 – A Servile Nature

Jing Rong weakly whispered in Ji Yunshu's ear. His entire body was limp, but he still tried to act brave. Ji Yunshu's hands felt like they were akin to fire as she kept them raised to support the Prince. Her fingers unknowingly tightened on him. His whole body weight pressured her causing her knees to gradually buckle. Finally, she gritted her teeth and pressed on a part of Jing Rong's waist. He, who was on the verge of falling to the ground, suddenly stood taut. The distance between them shrank to a paper-thin distance with Ji Yunshu's ear pasted on Jing Rong's strong chest. She could hear the cadence of his heartbeat. At this instant, his heartbeat seemed to magnify many folds, making a deep drumming sound in her ear. But, this was not the time for her to blush. "You… Hold on. I'll carry you, so don't move." She used everything she had to support him, but when it came to moving forward, she could not make a single step. How about she just lets go of him, so he could fall and "break into pieces". The thought crossed her mind for a moment and was very sinister. 'That won't do!' "Your Highness!" Like the sound of Providence, a voice was heard not far away. Lang Po was first alarmed by the corpses. Soon after, he rushed in and caught sight of his Prince in an ambiguous position with Ji Yunshu, causing his brain to short-circuit. "What are you standing there and looking dumb for? Hurry up and take your Prince away." Ji Yunshu's tone was heavy. Lang Po was a strong man, so he was far from being delicate and attentive like a girl. He roughly separated the two of them and took over for Ji Yunshu to support his master. He was ready to bring Jing Rong back into the hall. "Where are you going? Put him down." Her voice was urgent and her expression grave. Lang Po obeyed her without hesitation, laying the unconscious Jing Rong on the freezing ground. In a second, Ji Yunshu was already squatting next to Jing Rong and tearing her sleeves into a long strip. After a moment, she grabbed Jing Rong's tattered sleeve and ripped it away, tearing it until his wound was clearly exposed. His arm was dyed in black blood!

Lang Po cried out in alarm, "His highness is injured?" 'Hey fellow, are you blind? Your Prince is unconscious, if he's not injured, did you think he was sleeping?'

At this moment, Ji Yunshu could not be bothered to explain the situation to him. She used the long strip made from her sleeve and made a tourniquet1 around 10cm above his wound in order to slow down the spread of the poison.

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When she was done, she raised her head and looked at Lang Po. "There's strong liquor beside the memorial tablets on the offering table. Hurry and go get it for me." "Yes sir." His servile nature kicked in! Lang Po ran into the house and found the strong liquor without needing to search for it. He rushed back and delivered it to Ji Yunshu. Ji Yunshu took the jug and poured the alcohol into her mouth. Then, she sprayed the rest on Jing Rong's wound. In a flash, the blisters on his wound burst, releasing its contents with a sizzling sound. The sight could be compared to the bubbles in a 7up fizzing and turning into a liquid the same color as a Red Bull drink.

Lang Po, who was clueless about Ji Yunshu's treatment, watched helplessly in worry. Not waiting for him to react, Ji Yunshu restrained Jing Rong's arm with both of her hands, before leaning on him and starting to suck out the poison from his wound. As she sucked out the black blood, she spit it out and repeated the same steps for more than ten times before she stopped. Her mouth was now covered with black blood. Although it was clearly a cold winter night, Ji Yunshu's brow was beaded with sweat. Lang Po asked nervously, "Teacher, how is his highness?" Ji Yunshu replied, "He was exposed to Shiban poison. The effect is very fierce. Fortunately, the poison didn't seep into his bones. He won't die." Then, she grabbed the jug and stood up before quickly adding, "Hurry and bring him into the house." "Yes sir." Once again, Lang Po's servile nature resurfaced. He obeyed Ji Yunshu and brought Jing Rong into a small room that Ji Yunshu had pointed at. Then, he put Jing Rong onto the bed. Meanwhile, Ji Yunshu went into Fu Bo's room with the jug of alcohol and used the same method as earlier to temporarily treat Fu bo. Following that, with great ease, she was able to find several raw medicinal materials inside the memorial hall. She hastily compounded them into a medicine which she spread on Jing Rong's and Fu Bo's wound. After that, she bandaged both of them. If she was a bit slower in treating their injuries, there was no doubt that only death awaited them. After being busy the whole time, her legs weakened from tiredness. She cracked her neck and took in a few deep breaths. 'It's finally done!' Lang Po, who did not understand her actions inquired, "Teacher, what medicine did you give to his highness?" 'Can he die from it?' This Lang Po really took after Prince Rong's moral conduct, fearing that she would poison them. Ji Yunshu stated with a frown, "The medicine is made from common ingredients: fresh ginger, a couple of spices and Viola mandshurica. I compounded them together and pasted it on the wound. This can stop bleeding and absorb the poison from the wound. It won't kill people." "How did his highness get poisoned?" In fact, Ji Yunshu did not understand how the brain of those ancient people were geared. Why do they love to poison this, poison that, poison here and poison there?! Other than poison, hidden weapons were just as popular! 'Stupid people!'

"If you want to know, let's go out and search for those men in black and examine the sword that almost claimed your Prince's life." Hearing Ji Yunshu's words, Lang Po rushed out right away. 'He isn't planning to hack those corpses into pieces in retaliation for poisoning his master, right?'

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Ji Yunshu shifted her gaze and observed Jing Rong's pale complexion. At this moment, his appearance lacked its usual spirit, looking quite meek and docile with his well-shaped brows and eyes, tall nose bridge and lips which weren't purse from the arrogance about his own power and that sharp feeling he gave vanished. 'Ah! And look at that skin. It could only be described as perfect.' Then, she realized how "obsessed" she looked when she stared at him, causing her to panic. It made her feel ineffably nervous. Then, she recalled the moment when Jing Rong shielded her by pulling her into his arms. Although she was very grateful, inwardly, she was also flushed with excitement, but only a bit. Despite the fact that he was the main reason of the night’s events, he did suffer from a sword slash, so she should feel grateful to that deity. The more she thought about it, the more she felt confused and panicked, which annoyed her to the point she became restless. She might as well go outside and calm down. She headed outside right at the time when Lang Po was studying the corpses of the attackers. He was seriously looking at them with a frown. Ji Yunshu blurted out, "Not only did those killers want to take our lives, they even coated their swords with poison. They mostly attacked Prince Rong which made very clear that their aim was his highness and they wanted him dead." 'Hey! You better speak the truth. Did your Prince owe someone money? Or extort others? Or even employ a hit-man?!'

Lang Po remained silent. Ji Yunshu wrinkled her nose. At this moment, apart from the smell of the dead pervading the courtyard, the smell of blood was equally strong. Suddenly, deep within her heart, curiosity gnawed at her as she wished to know the truth of the matter. She walked over to one of the corpses and was about to crouch next to it when Lang Po shouted, "Teacher! What are you doing?" "I'm curious." She threw the words at him, making him unable to reply back. She promptly pulled down the mask covering the dead man's face. Under the mask hid a dark-skinned man with a rough appearance of foreign origin. It was a commoner.

Ji Yunshu would not stop until she got to the truth, even if she was courting death. She continued to take off all the masks on the corpses. They were all commoners, but there was nothing strange about that. As soon as she got up, her foot unknowingly kicked something.

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Clang! She lowered her head to take a look and saw a blue jade pendant next to her foot. She stooped down to pick it up and carefully examined it. The jade pendant was round and engraved with a bouquet of pear blossoms. The engraving could be considered quite exquisite and quite nice to look at. But, this thing looked quite familiar!

Grenn’s Rants Corner 

Tomorrow, sunday August 27th, there will be a live reading session of BPC on volare novels discord channel at 10 AM New York/Montreal time. It’s too confusing for me to use GMT. I end up getting the wrong time.

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A tourniquet is a usually a very constrictive bandage.

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