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Chapter 49 – A Complete Mess

This scene was within Ji Yunshu's expectations. Ji Lingzhi's hands had been injured, so she definitely would have tattled on her!

And Ji Yuanzhi, who was closest to her, was naturally the one to help her vent her anger out. It was a pity for all those plants in her courtyard. Ji Yunshu calmly walked over. Her eyes narrowed and she had a blank expression on her face. Luan'er was kneeling on the ground, her face covered in tears. Seeing that her mistress had returned, she cried even more heartbrokenly, crying as she called out, "Miss." Ji Yunshu walked to her side and helped her off the ground while speaking, "Who told you to kneel every time something happens? There's no benefits to it."

Luan'er choked with sobs, and used her sleeve to furiously wipe away her tears. It's because she was upset about those plants!

Ji Yuanzhi had his hands behind his back; his chest was thrust forward while he arrogantly lifted his head. Seeing her in men's clothing and only returning at night caused him to feel uncomfortable. He snorted and yelled at those servants, "Hurry up and smash them! Don't leave a single one behind. Smash everything."

Having received their orders, the servants lifted their sticks and smashed with even more force than before. The courtyard seemed to be filled with the sounds of firecracker-like crashing.

As expected, a small matter every three days and a major one every month! They were as punctual as her period, like usual.

Ji Yunshu's gaze sank as she stared at Ji Yuanzhi. She simply said, "Go ahead, smash everything. If you still aren't satisfied, there are still more in the house. Why don't you go bring them out and smash them too?"

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"You dare to talk back?!" Ji Yuanzhi's anger flared more fiercely! "Third Brother, don't you like to break things? Since that's the case, you might as well everything in the house too. Wouldn't that be a great idea?" "You think I don't dare?" Ji Yuanzhi leaned forward. He was extremely pissed. "You pushed Lingzhi and caused her hands to be injured. Even if I didn't just smash but torched your courtyard, it would be fine. You're just a bastard who doesn't deserve to be a part of my Ji family."

‘Bastard!’ That word again! Ji Yunshu's originally expressionless face suddenly turned sharp. Her gaze was like boiling black oil, clashing with Ji Yuanzhi's arrogant and domineering gaze. A shiver ran down his spine as Ji Yuanzhi felt his legs softening and his expression crumbling.

Ji Yunshu stepped toward him. Those icy thin lips of hers opened. "All these years I haven't used the Ji family's front door, neither have I called myself a Ji nor have I used the Ji family's money. Yet today you keep calling me bastard. I, Ji Yunshu, neither owe you, nor have I offended you. My mother also does not owe the Ji family anything. What right do you have to keep insulting me like this?" "You…" Ji Yuanzhi lifted his hand, his fingers spread out, getting ready to slap down.

"Go ahead, hit me!" shouted Ji Yunshu. Accompanying her fearless words, Ji Yunshu lifted her face. Those cold and clear eyes seemed to shoot out sharp shards of ice!

"You should be quite clear that the knife in my hand is used to cut into dead bodies. If you dare to leave a scar on my face, I won't mind returning the favour!"


Ji Yuanzhi was a bold person; his character was extremely spiteful. All manner of evil deeds, you name it, he has done them. Yet right now, facing Ji Yunshu's gaze, he was actually feeling a bit scared. The hand that had been lifted above his head stiffened, not landing on Ji Yunshu's face. This was the first time he had seen Ji Yunshu's fierce side. Fierce? How could the word fierce fully describe her? If he actually dared to slap her, today she would dissect him and see if under that skin, his heart was red or black!

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"Third Miss, Old Madame and the Master has summoned you to the front hall." At this exact moment, a voice could be heard from outside the courtyard. The maidservant ran inside. Upon seeing this scene, she was briefly startled before she continued speaking to Ji Yunshu. "Third Miss, hurry over. The Old Madame and Master are waiting."

Ji Yuanzhi was a bit embarrassed, but now he finally had the opportunity to put down his hand as sending out that slap would amount to nothing good, still he did not forget to spit on the ground in pity retaliation. "I'm finished with my revenge for Lingzhi, but be prepared for father's punishment." With a wave of his hand, he brought away those servants who were sweating profusely… The courtyard was filled with smashed pieces of ceramic, dirt, and mud mixed with dirty melted snow. This scene was quite a mess.

Basically, anything that could be smashed was smashed. Anything that could be broken was all broken. Even that small red sandalwood tree she had been taking care of for a few years had been uprooted and was currently lying in the middle of the courtyard, its branches and leaves scattered everywhere!

Ji Yunshu silently took in the scene in front of her. Her face was expressionless, but those hands that were holding onto the book were clenched so tightly that the tips of her fingers turned slightly white.

Luan'er was still sobbing as she rubbed her eyes and stepped forward. "Miss, it's all this servant's fault. I should have guarded the courtyard better and not let Third Young Master in. If you want to find someone to blame, blame this servant."

"This matter had nothing to do with you!"

The maidservant who had come over to report was afraid of delaying further, so she moved forward. "Third Miss, you should make haste to the front hall."

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She calmly nodded before handing over the book The Case of Lin Capital over to Luan'er. "Take this into the house."

"Yes, Miss." She gave a reply filled with sobs.

Once the book had been put away properly, Ji Yunshu forbade Luan'er from following her and while not even  bothering to change back into female clothing, she headed to the front hall alone.

As expected, in the hall, Old Madame Ji and Ji Shuhan were both present. Ji Lingzhi's small body was curled up in Old Madame Ji's embrace. Her head shrunk back, eyes filled with tears and those bandage-covered hands hanging in front of her chest. Sitting at the sides were Ji Muqing, whose expression made it clear she was here to watch a play, as well as, Ji Wanxin sporting a worried-filled face. Not counting her Big Brother and Second Brother who were off on an assignment in the capital, and Ji Yuanzhi who had left satisfied after getting revenge for Ji Lingzhi, the entire Ji family was here!

Seeing Ji Yunshu enter while still wearing male clothing, Old Madame Ji's wrinkled eyelids lifted, revealing the fury inside her eyes. As for Ji Shuhan, he was enraged to the point that his chest was heaving as he exhaled heavily. Clenching his fist, he slammed it down on the table beside him. The tea cup was left rattling, making clanking noises!

"How can you push Lingzhi like this today?" Ji Shuhan questioned. 'Push? Where did this come from!' Ji Lingzhi clearly fell down on her own. What did that have to do with her?

Ji Yunshu cast a cold gaze at Ji Lingzhi. At such a young age, she not only learned how to tattle, she also learned how to sow discord by exaggerating things!

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Being stared at by Ji Yunshu, Ji Lingzhi pouted as she snuggled against Old Madame Ji.

"Grandmother, look at Third Sister."

'The one in the wrong is complaining first!'

Old Madame Ji glared at Ji Yunshu as she spoke. "What, still not admitting your wrong? Lingzhi is only eight years old, yet you were vicious enough to make an attempt on her life. You're just like your mother, both vicious vixen!" Ji Yunshu didn't speak! No matter how much she explains herself, it wouldn't matter. Since only thing they could see was Ji Lingzhi's pair of blood-soaked hands!

Grenn’s Rants Corner

So, this chapter is introducing the not-so charming Third Brother. And… damn… Those people… How toxic they are.


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