Her reaction is the only reaction that I can use to tell what’s happening. So, when the surrounding elves move to calm Ms. 8 down signaling my attempt to make her panic a little more. Anyway, since my position is already compromised, I decided to retreat a bit.

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It seems like the noise I made was concerning for her but it seems like the other who can’t see me are remonstrating her.

(It seems like they need her detection ability for something since the elves are all armed. They’re probably looking for something invisible and formidable)

I tried to think for any monster that checks out the criteria, but nothing came to mind. In the first place there’s no such monster that could stand up against the elves nevertheless be considered tough as well. And if you put in the stealth ability then there’s… a monster… here…

(Yeah, I fit the bill perfectly here)

So, does that mean they are here to take me down? But why? Don’t tell me they knew I was peeping? Don’t tell me they are wary of a peeping monster, that’s why they stay away from the river and sent in a subjugation team?

How can that be?

Ms. 8 keeps pointing at me with a surprised look on her face but the armed elves all seems to be pissed at her.

Man, shy beauty is really great, aren’t they?

I knew that I am not they’re real target and all of my earlier hypothesis is nothing but fueled by leap of logics. Why do I know that I am not they’re target? That’s because most of the armed guards are always looking up. this meant that they’re target is someone that could attack them from up high like a tree top, just like the snake from the other day.

I first thought it might be a Shadow Viper but there’s no elf who would fall behind against such opponent, that’s why I was sure that it’s a different monster. For that reason, I was a little concerned about a monster that would require a subjugation team from the elves so I decided to watch them from a distance.

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However, I made a blunder. Probably because I was a little overzealous that I broke Ms. 8’s concentration. I tried to appeal to her with my action while convincing her with my pep talk on my head.

Sadly, I can’t stay here forever. So, I break my mimicry and cut off my telescopic vision and move further away. This way she won’t be able to hear my footstep and let her concentrate at her job.

While doing so I noticed something moving at the corner of my eyes but I could make out what it was.

(Stealth capability same as mine-this is quite alarming)

No wonder they’re cautious. In addition, it moves so quietly. At least from my spot, I can’t hear a sound. Even Ms. 8 who seem to have auditory ability higher than any of the elves, and so are her companions.

The mysterious creature slowly creeps toward the elven party. I tried to make out the outline of the monster but it was moving too much and its stealth is perfect. I thought this monster have the same level of mimicry that I have but it seems that I was wrong. It seems like it has higher mimicry ability than me.

(Looks like they won’t be able to stop the incoming surprise attack.)

Looking on how the elves behave; I think that there’s already casualty on the elves’ side.

I tried directing Ms. 8’s attention towards the monster but she failed to noticed it. I don’t know the mysterious creature’s range but I judge that this will definitely cause casualties. I was thinking of notifying them, but it would be more profitable for me to see how these elves would fare in the fight. So, I take a position where I could see them properly and watch what happens. If things go south, I’ll rescue Ms. 8 and let her escape, though I’m sure it would be useless since there’s a lot of armed elves here.

As expected, the first one to act was the mysterious creature. This made Ms. 8 aware of the monster’s location and naturally sent out a warning. But it was already too late – an armed elf was entangled by something and soared through the air.

(Heh. I guess it’s something close to that creature huh)

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I don’t have much information about its ecology but I’m sure it’s something resembling that, but I can now guess the mysterious creature’s characteristic and it’s similar to those aquatic creatures. Though I am still not 100% sure if I am correct.

The elves tried shooting magic and arrows to save their comrade but it they failed on hitting its invisible body. The captured elf then suddenly disappeared – that is, it was eaten by the mysterious creature.

The elves attack the spot where one of them disappeared but sadly, it didn’t do enough damage and one of them got captured. Then, one of the elves pulled out a sword and slashed it. The other one tried to save the captured elf but was killed after it strangled him causing him to vomit blood. After that the elves get eaten one by one without much of a fight.

(Huh?! What the heck are you doing?)

I can’t but become irritated and curse at them. I’ll praise for trying to protect Ms. 8 but their way of fighting is so bad.

Apparently, it’s highly resistant to magic and the elves only knew how to fight with bows, sword and magic. While I was thinking of that the elves’ number was cut in half. It seems that the monster is the worst enemy of the elves who uses magic mainly and it’s only a matter of time before Ms. 8 gets in to trouble.

[Seriously? An Imperial soldier coming to the rescue of an elf? How laughable]

I complained as I move to intercept the mysterious creature.

With Ms. 8 underwear in full view, I hit the invisible monster and dragged it down from the tree it was perching

(As expected, it really is a monster)

The creature showed itself, probably because its mimicry is useless on the opponent that is near it.

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It looks like a mollusk with 8 tentacles – an octopus like monster. The tentacles alone reached 10 meters long and it’s rampaging trying to attack me.

For some reason Ms. 8 isn’t threatened by it and tried to grabbed it but the slime on its body didn’t allow it. As for me I grabbed it with my claw and bit through it. When it tried to escaped, Ms. 8 who was in the vicinity was thrown away.

Maybe because she failed to understand the situation, she is in. she tried flailing around but she heading towards me.

Immediately after that, my consciousness flew to a faraway place.

It was a pure white space.

A world of nothingness and in the center of it was me in my human form. Then suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder from behind. When I turned around there stood my father sporting his usual frivolous smile as he looks at me with a serious look.

He nodded and with a thumbs up and a smile disappears as I tried to reach to him and all was left was the words.

[That’s great]


As a soldier of an empire, I can’t help but think that I have might lost my mind, that I am aiding my enemies, the elves. But sadly, the empire had already ceased to exist. Dad might have appeared in front of me to free me from this yoke.

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(B-because, you know this is 8… right?)

No, perhaps it’s more than that, it might even thread the territory of a 9

[I should just be honest of myself]

I turned away from the spot my dad disappears and took forward to save her. I am no longer lost. My consciousness returned and filled with conviction.

(I feel like a character at some Shonen manga saying <I’m the one who’s going the defeat you!> and then save her)

I approached the main body of the octopus with a wry smile and look at it objectively. There’s no way I can defeat it if I mainly focus on its tentacles. I then chewed on the flesh that was once part of its leg while being conscious of Ms. 8 who was clinging to my arms. The moment I spit out the slimy part and chew the flesh and swallow it, I was surprised.

(Wha- that taste good!)

There some suction cups attached to my body, but it’s no threat to me at all. In fact, it’s unfortunate for it because I have no intention to run away from it. And the more I think about it the more it looks like an ingredient to me.

(Change of plan, you’re going to be my meal)

I gently put down Ms. 8 and let her escape. With this I can now put my all in hunting this prey. I am now so excited about this new ingredient in front of me that I already forgotten the armed elves that gathered.

I don’t even think about what would happen if a greater threat emerged

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