I almost reached for the old’s hag neck and snap it after learning that she casted unto me a very dangerous sounding spell called <Dominance> but I was able to stop myself. After all it has another effect of being able to understand elvish language now. It’s probably just a side effect but I do not know if killing her would make it disappear that’s why it’s too early to kill her just yet.

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The advantage of understanding them is great that this inconvenience it brings was outweighed.

(Don’t forget though, you’re just a fucking old hag.)

If only she was a beautiful woman who was a bit sloppy and a little bit disappointing lady that when she gave me an order, she would think that my pranks are misfires cause by that order and also if every day she would show me her naked body, then we could have a long-time relationship. Too bad though she is just an old hug. Why is reality so cruel?

Currently, I’m quietly listening to the bickering of the old hag and the elf who looks like a big shot. To summarize everything: she revived an old forbidden spell and use it to save the village and that her action is justified by her reasons while the big shot believe that her action disturb the order of the elven community and she is to be persecuted by the law of the village.

[Knowledge is power and power is only valuable to the person who wield it properly. I can bring forth the true value of this forbidden arts and it is foolish to let it be forgotten when it is time for it to be used. You can discuss it at the Sage’s council how many times you want but with your wisdom and intellect, your nothing short of an inferior doll]

[You’re nothing but a mad woman. I can buy in to your obsession towards magic, but have you ever wondered why our predecessor banned it and designate it as an abomination of an art? The reason is that there’s something so sinister that it was hidden, don’t pretend that you know it all]

Based on the context of the argument, it seems that this old hag has a reputation of a dangerous magic obsessed idiot. I realized that the situation is bad. I can picture a future where this old hag snap and screams at me or the council wanting to get rid of me.

A single touch – an idea that suddenly came into my head.

[why don’t you stop there?]

Suddenly, an unexpected person intervenes. She was no other than Ms. No. 6. I haven’t seen her for quite a long time but she still has the same magnificence as the day I first saw her. I only saw her playing with the children back then but her current seriously isn’t half bad as well.

The old hag looked quite abhorrent while the big shot is looking quite amused.

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[Shall we hear why the daughter of the honorable Forshuna clan is sticking her nose here?]

The old hag asked her reason to intervene.

[the children are getting frightened because they sensed that something is wrong. Also, even if it is a monster, how can you use such art like Dominance to take away its free will?]

[Ha! The Harmony Committee has quite and opinion. They also designate the monster that preys on the nightmare as their target as well?]

Oh! The term Harmony Committee came out from the old hag’s mouth. That committee properly called the Committee for the Harmony of Nature which is an organization that considers monster are part nature and they aim to co-exist with them. However, because of some of its member being crazy that the committee itself was abolished and is treated as a joke,

[Rather than using against monster. The fact that such art was revived is far more blasphemous]

The man said.

I want him to speak more because I’m starting to get curious to know the difference of 200 years old knowledge to the present common sense.

[Then how about wait for the sages to talk about this matter?]

The man agreed to Ms. 6’s proposal, however the old hag showed her disapproval.

[Haha, Forushna wants to work with Sezato? I’m sure you’ll be able get your father to the Sage’s council by using that body of yours!]

[I will do no such things!]

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Seeing Ms. 6s immediate reply, I started to imagine such things. If my partner is still here, then it would have been a dangerous situation.

(No, no, no, my thoughts are getting tinged with pink when the bombastic Ms. 6 is nearby. Is she letting out pheromones?)

Anyway, the conversation continues on, but it ended on leaving it to the Sage’s Council to discuss.

[There’s one thing I want to say to you Kirisha-joshi]

[Say it Sezato boy. I’m will to listen to your advice with gratitude]

[this monster is someone capable of beating the armies and mercenaries of the Canaan Kingdom without a single scratch on him. At the very least this monster is a designated enemy of the human race. Be careful on how you treat him.]

He then glances at me

[This monster was named Argos by the Canaan Kingdom. I just want to let you know]

At those word the old hag just huffs and told him to get out of her sight.

(Argos Huh… well that’s not a bad name, so I don’t mind)

Although I’m a party involved, I was able to grasped the present situation even by a little bit while staying on the sideline.

To sum everything up, this old hag Kirisha is a magic obsessed idiot that has no backing while the big shot comes from a prestigious family called Sezato. I guess there’s faction in elven society as well.

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(It looks like things would be troublesome – but the perks of understanding the language wins out as learning Elvish while I can while I maintain this status.)

In the meantime, I would have to wait for the hag’s order before I could move. It would be fun to make it look like the spell failed and follow Ms. 6. But I would hold off on that. Even though I am ignorant about magic, I can at least predict what might happen.

I wanted to see Ms. 6 a little more but the old hag started moving.

[Come Argos.]

The old hag says, so I have to follow her albeit reluctantly. As expected, my body move on its own that’s why I moved accordingly. I secretly resisted but my body is visibly moving worse. Apparently, I can’t completely resist the control, but in the change that the effect wore off the I won’t be able to achieve my goals that’s why I have to maintain the status quo for now. There’s a lot of things that I still have to verify so I have to listen to her for quite a while.

(And after I achieve all the goal I set. I will have your neck sapped you damn old lady.)

Ultimately, I plotted to have her die in the end but I need to plan it appropriately. My body starts to move on its own and I am amaze how I can just get lost in thought with no care in the world because of it.

For the time being, I’m observing that elves that are definitely being wary of me or more likely afraid of me.

(I always have lumped them together as elves capable of fighting but it’s only natural that there those who have no ability to fight. Does it mean that the information that was given to me on my cadet days and the information I am seeing right now is vastly different?)

However, I still need to be wary of the strength of the elven warriors.

I also noticed that elven women wore sleeveless clothes that show their wonderful side breast. However, those clothes shine more pronounced to lady such as Ms. 6 wears it. Sadly though, she was wearing something that has sleeves on it.

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While indulging to my fantasies, we arrived at a large wooden house slightly outside of the village

(With a house this big, even I can get in however…)

Unfortunately, even though the house is big the entrance is too small for me. I don’t think that I would be able to get in and depending on the layout I might end up destroying the internal of the house as well.

[Argos, you wait her]

And sure enough, I was to stay outdoors. With this I no longer hesitate to twist this motherfucking old hag’s neck into a knot. But I will tolerate and not raise my voice for now. I’m already used to staying outside anyway and it’s my goal to learn a language, sleeping outdoor will prove no hindrance to me at all. If anything, the problem is how can I get a book from her. This is one of the troubles I am having now. How to break through this problem would be an opportunity to show of my skills. This would be a troublesome mission. While listening to that old hag’s order, I have to perform an infiltration mission and the reward for it is to learn elvish language

This means that my goal hasn’t change. No matter how hard the mission is it won’t be able to bring me down.

As I was psyching myself up, the old hag came out of the house. I was thinking: [Yes, yes, I would accompany you – for now] but then she showed up some meat.

[Here, eat this]

She then threw it to the ground.

Do you want me to eat raw meat from the ground instead of putting it on a plate? My thought suddenly stops on such a high hurdle.

(Remember this, motherfucker! I won’t let you have a normal death!)

When I glance at the old hag returning to her house, I then glance toward the meat that is on the ground.

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