Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 240: Chapter 240 - The best solution

Chapter 240 The best solution

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“Sure. You must trust me. You can’t give up.” Li Yunhong promised. Leaning against Li Yunhong’s shoulder, Chen Qian showed a wicked smile. The atmosphere in the car was tense. It seemed that a “great battle” was about to begin.

Chen Qian was very complacent. She successfully pulled Li Yunhong in her team finally. Although she had suffered from too much insult at lunch, she still had some gains. At least Li Yunhong became more resentful towards Gu Yan.

“Driver, please send Chen Qian home first.”

Li Yunhong said to the driver, who was driving carefully.

“Yes, madam.”

“Chen Qian, go home and have a good rest. You suffered a lot today. I’m very sorry. You just go home and have a good rest. Never mind the other things!”

“Remember that I’m always on your side. Although Gu Yan is very complacent now, she would never marry into my family without my permission!”

Li Yunhong said softly to pacify Chen Qian who had just stopped crying, for fear that she would give up. How could Li Yunhong allow her son to marry a “bad” woman?

“Thank you, auntie. Auntie, you should also take care of yourself. I’ll visit you often!” Chen Qian said to Li Yunhong sympathetically.

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“Good kid! You are so nice!” Holding Chen Qian’s hands, Li Yunhong said in relief.

When they arrived at Chen Qian’s house, Chen Qian intended to say more. But urged by Li Yunhong, she grabbed her bag, opened the car’s door and got off. She stood on the steps beside and gazed after the car, with a sweet smile on her face.

Although Chen Qian retained her comrade, she was still a little disappointed. The thing that happened was beyond her expectation. She had intended to embarrass Gu Yan, while she was humiliated. How could she accept that?

Chen Qian just somehow didn’t want to be defeated by Gu Yan in her mind. Gu Yan wasn’t so beautiful, rich or powerful. Chen Qian felt humiliated if she was defeated by such a woman.

Sometimes Chen Qian didn’t know whether it was because she loved Mo Yichen so much, or because of the belief that she wasn’t resigned to be defeated by a woman who was worse than herself. No matter how many the hardships were, she must keep her chin up.

While Chen Qian had no idea of how to regain control of the situation.

Chen Qian returned home with a heavy heart and a tired body.

She opened the door and put on her slippers. She kept yawning and felt so physically and mentally exhausted that she just wanted to have a good sleep. She had been very busy these days. As soon as she got the call from Li Yunhong, she ran to the hospital like a lunatic. But her efforts didn’t pay off. Mo Xiangyan was not grateful at all and even put her on the spot.

Hearing the sound from the living room, Mrs. Chen hurried out of the bedroom. She was very confused when she saw Chen Qian’s exhaustion and laziness on the face. “Wasn’t she going to have a meal with Mo Yichen and Gu Yan? When she went out, she was happy to say that she would teach Gu Yan a lesson. How did it end so soon? It seemed that she was in low spirits as well.”

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“Hey, why are you back now? How’s it going?” Mrs. Chen pulled Chen Qian to sit on the sofa. She was eager to get an answer from Chen Qian, with dazzling light in her eyes, which impaled Chen Qian’s heart.

“Mom, I’m tired. I really want to go to bed now. I’ll tell you all about it when I wake up, all right?” Chen Qian’s eyelashes seemed to be thick and heavy, and she narrowed her eyes. Perhaps she was tired since she leaned against Mrs. Chen’s shoulder and soon nodded off.

“Oh, come on. Don’t sleep. You should still fall asleep when there is such a big deal. You are too cool-headed!”

Mrs. Chen was worried when seeing Chen Qian’s indifference. She lifted Chen Qian from her shoulder and shook her soft body violently.

“Mom, what are you doing? I still want to sleep for a while.” Chen Qian wrapped around Mrs. Chen’s shoulder with her arms. She had a splitting headache and accidentally dozed off again.

“Dear me. Believe it or not, I’ll throw cold water on you if you still sleep. Don’t you know your priorities? Mo’s family has a large fortune. You’ll have no worries about the rest of your life if you marry Mo Yichen. If so, your dad and I will enjoy our old age in peace and we also have family relations. Chen Qian, you must marry into Mo’s family even for your own sake.”

Bored with Mrs. Chen’s chatter, Chen Qian was suddenly awake. She kept her head off Mrs. Chen’s shoulder and goggled. She shook her head violently to keep awake.

“My dear daughter, what happened on earth? I’ll find solutions for you.” Mrs. Chen asked again in a soft voice. Her eager eyes made Chen Qian feel sorry.

Sometimes Chen Qian was disgusted with her mom because her mom never cared about her health. She always wanted her to marry into Mo’s family. However, what her mom did was for the sake of her.

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Chen Qian thought Gu Yan was the chief culprit for her suffering. She also believed she would have already married Mo Yichen and became the hostess of Mo’s family without Gu Yan.

But the reality was totally different. Even Mo Xiangyan dared to embarrass her. At the thought of those, Chen Qian was more resentful.

Chen Qian looked at her mom, and an idea flashed through her mind. Perhaps, her mom could give her some ideas!

“Mom, here’s the thing. I had intended to embarrass Gu Yan at lunch, but Mo Xiangyan defended her all the time. You know, Mo Xiangyan is the treasure of Mo’s family, and even Li Yunhong takes sides in him. So, Mo’s family was helpless when Mo Xiangyan purposely made difficulties for me.”

“You have no idea of how awkward I was today. If there was a crack in the ground, I would definitely creep into it. It was so embarrassing. This is the worst day of my life. It makes me sick to think of it.” Chen Qian told her mom in detail and looked so pitiful.

“What? Did Xiangyan embarrass you? How could a child do such things to you?”

Mrs. Chen asked incredulously, with her eyes wide open.

“I don’t know. It’s no wonder that he defended Gu Yan. But such a young kid should make indiscreet remarks on me time and time again. He must be instigated by Gu Yan to deal with me.”

“I really underestimated her before. I didn’t know she was so scheming. I really don’t know what to do now!”

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Chen Qian complained with a deep sigh. She nestled in her mom’s arms. A light flashed in her eyes. It seemed that she was thinking something.

Mrs. Chen sat on the sofa and was lost in thought. How to deal with this scheming woman? They racked their brains, thinking of the best solution.

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