Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 416: Chapter 416 - Chen Huiqiang was f

After eating breakfast, Mo Yichen looked in the mirror once again to tidy up his clothes. This was his habit. He met celebrities every day, so he cared about his clothes very much.

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In the mirror, Mo Yichen looked energetic, and the dark blue suit showed his figure incisively and vividly.

There was a knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Mo Yichen knew who was there. A woman appeared when he opened the door.

This woman looked capable, wearing a black professional outfit. Her perfect short hair made her even more professional. There was light makeup on her face. It could be seen that she was a beauty. Wearing high heels, she looked very tall and straight.

“President Mo, this is President Gao.”

Mo Yichen nodded when he heard the secretary’s words. He stretched out his hand, showed a polite smile, and said, “Hello, President Gao.”

“Hello, President Mo.”

This woman standing in front of Mo Yichen never met him before. She did not expect that the president of Mo Group was so young and handsome.

They walked into the room and sat down.

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“Let’s make a long story short. President Gao, you must know why I make an appointment with you.” Mo Yichen looked at her and said.

She nodded, “Sure, and I also heard that the three companies that previously had cooperation with Chen’s company have changed their intentions of cooperation. Each of them has signed a five-year contract with Mo Group.”

“You are really well-informed. Last night we have signed contracts. This morning, you get the information about it. As you have known it, I will speak straight to the point.”

“I want you to give up the deal with Chen’s company and cooperate with me. I will offer the same condition, namely, a one-time five-year contract.” Mo Yichen finished talking and then looked at the woman in front of him. He always felt that there was something different about this woman.

“Why are you so sure that you can change my mind? It is not easy to do it.” President Gao said and then smiled.

It was the first time that Mo Yichen had met someone who talked business like that. He said, “I think most people will be attracted by the condition I offer because not all people can offer the same condition, right?”

“Okay. I will make it clear. I know that the condition you offer is much better than that of Chen’s company. I don’t know why you do it, but I am willing to change my mind and cooperate with you. I hope we have a happy cooperation.” Then President Gao stretched out her right hand.

Mo Yichen never thought that he would get the last deal so quickly. He wondered if he had misheard. Finally, he realized that it was true when President Gao took the initiative to reach out her hand.

“Thank you, President Gao! I hope for a pleasant cooperation between us.” At this time, the secretary took the contract prepared in advance. After confirming that it was correct, President Gao signed it.

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When he got the last deal, Mo Yichen finally achieved his goal.

It was a big event. People in the company knew it soon. It caused a commotion in the company and employees all talked about it.

Chen’s company also found something unusual. Originally, these companies promised to sign contracts the next day, but now they signed up with another company. Of course, people of Chen’s company were not happy.

Chen Huiqiang did not want to suffer such a big loss. In order to know who was behind this matter, he personally came to those leaders of these companies. After repeated inquiries, those leaders knew that truth would come to light sooner or later, so they told Chen Huiqiang that they had signed up with Mo Yichen.

After knowing this news, Chen Huiqiang became furious.

“What the hell do people of Mo Group want to do? Are they insane?” Chen Huiqiang fell into a violent passion in his office, and threw everything on the desk to the ground in a mess.

People standing aside kept silent and didn’t dare to speak anything.

“Damn it!” Chen Huiqiang, who found that Mo Group stole away his projects, broke out into curses regardless of his personal image.

However, although he broke out into curses, nothing could be changed since it had happened. Chen’s company could only accept this result.

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Of course, Mo Yichen’s uncle also knew this. He became furious immediately, smacked his hand down on to the table, and cursed, “Mo Yichen always makes trouble for me. Does he attempt to do whatever he likes when his mother is abroad? Do the people of the entire company allow him to mess things up as he wishes?”

Then he called Mo Yichen. Mo Yichen sat in his office at the moment, enjoying a peaceful afternoon. Hearing the phone ringing, he couldn’t help frowning. Mo Yichen looked at the name displayed on the phone. It turned out that it was his uncle.

“He knows it so soon. Anyway, I have to face it.” Then Mo Yichen answered the phone.

As soon as he got on the phone, Mo Yichen heard his uncle’s angry voice.

“Mo Yichen, do you know what a disaster you have caused? How can you do this? You steal away the cooperation projects of Chen’s company. Have you ever considered whether our company can afford it? You are also an adult. Why do you always make trouble for me?”

Mo Yichen said, “I will bear the consequences of my own acts. Besides, I act with propriety. There is no need to say. I have done it, and I will definitely make sure everything is in order.”

When Mo Yichen’s uncle heard that, he was angrier and said, “Stealing away these cooperation projects is not a good choice. It is okay if you steal away other companies’ projects, but it’s Chen’s company. Does it show that you do not attach importance to Chen’s company at all?”

There were no emotional waves in Mo Yichen’s mind.

When Mo Yichen’s uncle heard what he said, he was still very angry. He continued to say, “Forget it. You don’t want to listen to me. Even if I permit this, your mother won’t agree to it. She will teach you a lesson after she comes back.”

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When they talked, the phone rang. Mo Yichen’s uncle glanced at his phone and said, “I will talk to you later. Chen Huiqiang is calling.” He then hung up.

“Hey, President Chen. It is an accident. I really don’t know that you have almost settled these projects. I am so sorry.” At this time, Mo Yichen’s uncle could only keep apologizing, hoping to ease the relationship with Chen’s family. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the two families to make useful contacts with each other in the future.

“Do you think it is useful to apologize? Do you think I’m so stupid or you’re so smart? All companies in the city know that Chen’s company is focusing on these projects. How could you say that you didn’t know?” Chen Huiqiang gave a snort of contempt and was mad at Mo’s family.

Mo Yichen’s uncle on the other side of the phone was unhappy too.

Of course, no one would be happy if this happened to them. It was understandable that Chen Huiqiang was so angry.

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