Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 432: Chapter 432 - Gu Yan’s thoughts

Chapter 432 Gu Yan’s thoughts

Seeing Qi Changfeng’s expression, Gu Yan felt very strange. She didn’t know what made him so happy.

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She patted Qi Changfeng slightly and asked, “What are you thinking about? Why are you so happy?” Qi Changfeng, who was interrupted, coughed drily, and answered, “Never mind. It’s nothing.”

After the meal, Qi Changfeng said to Gu Yan, “Let me do the dishes. You must be tired with cooking.” Gu Yan refused him, and said, “You are my guest. How can I ask you to wash the dishes?”

Thus, she picked up the bowls and chopsticks and went into the kitchen.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Gu Yan walked out. She found that it was time to go to work, so she said to Qi Changfeng, “I must prepare to go to work now.” Qi Changfeng said, “Let me drive you to work. It’s not out of my way.” Gu Yan thought it would be embarrassing to turn down his invitation, so she agreed.

After tidying up, they went downstairs together, and then Qi Changfeng drove Gu Yan to the dessert shop. At the door of the dessert shop, Gu Yan said to Qi Changfeng, “Thank you, I should go to work now.”

Qi Changfeng said, “You needn’t be so polite to me. I also want to thank you for your hospitality this morning.” Then, Gu Yan walked into the dessert shop. Seeing Gu Yan entering, Qi Changfeng drove away.

On the road, Qi Changfeng felt happier as he thought about Gu Yan’s words. As long as she didn’t accept Mo Yichen, he would be happy, because he would have more opportunities.

After entering the store and putting things in order, Gu Yan thought about what happened in the morning again. She knew that Qi Changfeng loved her, but love was a two-way issue.

She was very grateful for what Qi Changfeng had done for her. However, she just didn’t love him. She only loved Mo Yichen.

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Even though she couldn’t be with Mo Yichen for various reasons now, she couldn’t accept anyone other than him.

Gu Yan didn’t know how to tell Qi Changfeng her thoughts or how to refuse his concern. He was so kind to her that she couldn’t bear to hurt him.

She also thought of Mo Yichen, but she could only say sorry to him in her heart. She couldn’t accept Mo Yichen again, which was not only good for herself, but also good for Mo Yichen.

It was because she loved Mo Yichen that she made such a choice. She would rather continue to live with pain than watch Mo Yichen suffer in a dilemma because of her.

Mo Yichen’s mother didn’t like her. If he took her back home, his mother would be very angry. Gu Yan didn’t want to see that Mo Yichen quarreled with Li Yunhong again because of her.

Although she wanted to stay with Mo Yichen, as well as the little cute boy Mo Xiangyan, she had no other option now.

When Mo Yichen came to find her, she almost accepted him again. In fact, the moment she saw him, she weakened. However, she managed to control herself.

Gu Yan thought she should never weaken again, otherwise they would both get hurt even more.

Making up her mind, Gu Yan began to work hard. After all, her life would go on even without Mo Yichen.

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When Gu Yan was thinking, Mo Yichen walked in. Gu Yan thought why he came to find her again. She really didn’t want to see him, nor did she want to have any relationship with him.

Mo Yichen sat in the same seat as usual. Gu Yan asked him what he wanted to drink. Mo Yichen still pestered Gu Yan, “Yan, let me explain.”

Gu Yan repeated, “Sir, what would you like to drink?” She completely ignored Mo Yichen’s words, wanting to accomplish her job as soon as possible.

Mo Yichen said, “Give me all the drinks you have here.” He wanted to talk to Gu Yan more but only made Gu Yan even more uneasy.

Gu Yan said to Mo Yichen, “Sir, if you order all the drinks, you must finish them all. You can’t waste them.” Gu Yan hated such behavior very much, because she disliked wasting.

Gu Yan used to live in the countryside. She knew how poor people lived. They might not have enough food or water, so she disliked wasting.

Mo Yichen nodded and said to Gu Yan, “Since I ordered, I will definitely finish drinking.” Then he took out a wad of money from his wallet. Seeing Mo Yichen’s behavior, Gu Yan felt quite baffling. She couldn’t understand Mo Yichen’s thoughts.

Gu Yan took the money, and took a long time to prepare all the drinks. She brought them to Mo Yichen’s table cup by cup. When Gu Yan brought up the drinks, Mo Yichen still wanted to explain to her, but she didn’t listen to him at all, as if she could not hear him.

After a while, Gu Yan brought all drinks to the table. She put the change on the table and said, “Sir, here are the drinks you ordered. Please enjoy.” Then she turned and walked away.

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Mo Yichen felt sad for Gu Yan’s behavior. He didn’t know how to talk with her and why she refused to talk with him.

Because Gu Yan was his first love, Mo Yichen was bad at dealing with things like that. He thought for a long time but couldn’t figure out why, so he felt troubled.

Looking at the drinks, Mo Yichen remembered what Gu Yan just said. He picked up a cup of drink and started drinking. He didn’t want to make Gu Yan feel that he was a person who liked to waste food, so he drank one cup after another. He wanted to use his action to show that he cared about her.

Business was not good recently, and only a few customers would come to the shop. It was not early now, but Mo Yichen was still the only customer in the shop.

Seeing Mo Yichen drank one cup after another, Gu Yan felt worried. Drinking so many cold and hot drinks together must cause stomachache.

Gu Yan thought, “Mo Yichen is really a fool. Why does he come to see me again? My existence only makes him embarrassed and causes quarrel between him and his mother. Why is he so persistent?”

Now she understood that Mo Yichen still loved her, otherwise it was impossible for him to put aside so many things to see her specifically. But what she had to do now was to make Mo Yichen give up. She must not give him any hope.

Gu Yan could only pretend to be indifferent, and pretend that she didn’t love or care about him at all. She really didn’t want to have so many troubles.

She believed that if their staying together brought only hurt and endless troubles, it was better for them to separate as soon as possible so that they would not be so painful anymore.

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More customers entered the dessert shop as the night had come. Gu Yan became busy as a result. Mo Yichen sat aside and had nothing to do. He wanted to talk to Gu Yan, but she was so busy that he had no chance at all.

There would naturally be some fault-finders naturally as more guests entered the shop.

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