Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 445: Chapter 445 - Angry question

Chapter 445 Angry question

Qi Changfeng, who had not yet gotten up, was woken up by the phone call from Mo Yichen in the early morning.

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Mo Yichen said, “I will arrive at Annan City in two hours. Come to the airport to pick me up.”

Qi Changfeng wanted to refuse Mo Yichen. However, before he said something, Mo Yichen hung up the phone.

Qi Changfeng was unhappy because he was disturbed early in the morning and had no chance to refuse Mo Yichen. He was a little annoyed.

However, he had no choice. After all, Mo Yichen was his friend. He should offer his assistance to Mo Yichen. Therefore, he put on clothes quickly, finished washing, and went out to pick up Mo Yichen.

After the phone call, Mo Yichen walked into the airport lobby. Many girls followed him closely as if he was a celebrity. They kept taking pictures of him with their mobile phones. It seemed that he was more popular than some hot stars. Mo Yichen was really eye-catching.

His handsome face and noble temperament attracted many girls. They all followed him closely.

There was even a girl who came to talk to Mo Yichen. She said, “Hi, can you give me your contact information?” Mo Yichen didn’t look at her, and replied angrily, “You’d better stay away from me.”

When the girl heard Mo Yichen’s words, her happy expression suddenly disappeared. She didn’t expect that the handsome man would talk with her in this way. She felt sad. Moreover, she was ashamed of herself for looking foolish in front of so many people, so she ran off quickly.

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Mo Yichen’s serious face made others keep a good distance from him. Although there were so many girls around him, no one dared to talk to him.

However, Mo Yichen felt restless, and almost became angry since many girls used their phones to take pictures of him.

He thought if Qi Changfeng hadn’t come to pick him up, he must punish him badly. He frowned and stared at the girls who took pictures of him. Those girls were scared and kept further away from him.

After receiving Mo Yichen’s call, Qi Changfeng drove out without delay. After all, he was far from the airport. When he arrived, Mo Yichen happened to get off the plane. However, he couldn’t see Mo Yichen at all because that man had been surrounded by many girls.

Qi Changfeng finally found Mo Yichen when Mo Yichen had been very impatient. He struggled to approach Mo Yichen through the crowd.

Mo Yichen stood up and walked towards Qi Changfeng after seeing him. Though Mo Yichen was indifferent and didn’t say anything, people around him kept giving way to him unconsciously.

When Mo Yichen got closer, Qi Changfeng asked, “Why do you suddenly come to Annan? Is there something wrong?”

But Mo Yichen didn’t reply at all, as if he hadn’t heard Qi Changfeng.

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Qi Changfeng was a little embarrassed. He hadn’t been treated by others in this way. He thought that maybe Mo Yichen didn’t hear him, so he said loudly, “Why do you come here in the early morning?”

Qi Changfeng thought that Mo Yichen would definitely hear him this time. However, Mo Yichen still said nothing, which made Qi Changfeng confused.

Qi Changfeng didn’t know why Mo Yichen came to see him in the early morning. Besides, Mo Yichen didn’t treat him in this way before. What happened to him?

Of course, Mo Yichen heard every word of Qi Changfeng clearly, but he just didn’t want to talk to him. He was very angry, and couldn’t wait to hear Qi Changfeng’s explanation.

Mo Yichen frowned and walked toward the door first. Then Qi Changfeng shrugged and followed him. Qi Changfeng really didn’t know the mind of this master.

After walking to the car, Qi Changfeng opened the door for Mo Yichen who then entered the car and closed the door. Qi Changfeng also got on the car.

He started the car and asked, “Where do you want to go?” However, he was ignored again, which made him embarrassed.

Qi Changfeng sighed, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards his company. Now that Mo Yichen didn’t tell him the destination, the company might be the best choice.

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In the car, Qi Changfeng felt that Mo Yichen was weird, but he didn’t know the reason. Through Mo Yichen’s expression and attitude, he could vaguely realize that the reason why Mo Yichen came to Annan City in the early morning might be related to him closely.

Qi Changfeng carefully thought about whether he had provoked Mo Yichen recently, but he couldn’t find out it.

After a while, they arrived at Qi Changfeng’s company. The security guard came out to open the car door for them. Qi Changfeng threw the key to the security guard and walked into the building with Mo Yichen.

As soon as they entered the building, many people greeted, “Good morning, President Qi.” Qi Changfeng nodded and took Mo Yichen to his office.

After entering the elevator, Qi Changfeng pressed the button of floor of his office, and then the door was closed. There were only Qi Changfeng and Mo Yichen in the elevator. Qi Changfeng felt a bit awkward. He coughed twice to defuse his embarrassment.

If there were someone who came in and saved him, he would definitely express his gratitude to this person.

However, the staffs were busy with their own affairs, and it was not the rush hour, so few people would take the elevator.

As a result, Qi Changfeng and Mo Yichen arrived at the office with embarrassment. Qi Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

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Mo Yichen went out first when the elevator door opened. He went straight to Qi Changfeng’s office. Following him and walking slowly, Qi Changfeng was anxious.

After they entered the office, Mo Yichen turned around, facing Qi Changfeng. He took a wad of things from his pocket and threw them on the desk.

“Explain to me!” Mo Yichen said loudly. Qi Changfeng didn’t know what happened to Mo Yichen today.

“What’s wrong with you today?” Qi Changfeng said with a smile, walking to the desk. He looked at the things on the desk.

When he saw them, he was surprised. They were pictures taken last night, all about Gu Yan and him.

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