Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 449: Chapter 449 - Chen Qian was disch

When Gu Yan was busy in the kitchen, Mo Yichen stood up and walked close to her. He hugged her from back while she didn’t notice.

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Gu Yan was surprised and said, “Please. I’m cleaning fruits.” Mo Yichen said, “Let me hug you. I had lost this feeling for a long time. I really miss you.”

Gu Yan agreed. She had left Mo Yichen for several years. Mo Yichen had found her for so long. She didn’t know how Mo Yichen got along these years, but she could confirm that his life was not good.

They sat on the sofa, ate fruits and watched movies. Mo Yichen could not imagine that he would have such a comfortable life. It seemed that they lived as before. As long as he could sit quietly with Gu Yan when he came back home from work, he would not be tired. Even if they sat quietly and did nothing, they felt comfortable.

Sitting on the sofa and chatting with Gu Yan was exactly Mo Yichen’s dream life. He even hoped that time could freeze at this moment, which was beautiful enough.

When it was time to sleep, Gu Yan took out the quilt and pillow from the room and threw them on the sofa. “You should sleep on sofa tonight. Don’t be restless.” Gu Yan said with hands on hips, like a perverse woman.

Looking at the quilt, Mo Yichen immediately pretended to be pitiful, “No. Honey. Can you really bear that I sleep on this narrow and uncomfortable sofa?” Mo Yichen thought that Gu Yan must agree to his request after hearing his words. It was not because he wanted to have sex with Gu Yan. He just hadn’t slept on the same bed with her for a long time. He would sleep well if Gu Yan lay beside him.

However, Gu Yan replied him uncompromisingly, “It’s impossible.”

Hearing these words, Mo Yichen could only sigh and follow the arrangement of Gu Yan obediently.

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The night was long and lonely. Mo Yichen couldn’t fall asleep because his girl slept next door.

He slept on the sofa first, but he was too excited to fall asleep. He kept tossing and turning. After a while, he sneaked into Gu Yan’s room, climbed into her bed, and hugged her.

Gu Yan was surprised when she felt that someone touched her. Then she realized that it was Mo Yichen. She sat up and slapped him, saying, “I had asked you to sleep on the sofa. Why do you sneak into my room?”

Mo Yichen said sadly, “I just want to hug you.”

Gu Yan was angry but had no way to persuade Mo Yichen, so she didn’t refuse him anymore.

It was a night that they slept best in these several years. The night was not as longer as before and they fell asleep easily because they accompanied each other.

Early in the morning, the doctor was rounding the ward at the Hospital of Lin’an City. When it was Chen Qian’s turn, her parents looked at the doctor nervously, waiting for the result.

Recently, Chen Qian had recovered a lot and was sober. She remembered many things now. Chen Huiqiang and Lv Xiaoru anxiously hoped that she could get better soon.

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After observing, the doctor said to Chen Qian’s parents, “Your daughter recovers well. She can be discharged now.”

Hearing these words, Chen Huiqiang and Lv Xiaoru breathed a sigh of relief. Their daughter finally got better after being treated in so many days. They felt relieved.

Chen Qian went home with her parents. When she got home, she was anxious to find Mo Yichen.

Lv Xiaoru grabbed her and said, “Qian, why can’t you forget Mo Yichen? He hurt you so much. He doesn’t love you.”

“Mom, let me go, OK? I will apologize to Yichen. He will definitely forgive me. I still have a chance to be with him. Please, mom. Just let me go.” Chen Qian refused to give up, because she still loved Mo Yichen.

Lv Xiaoru shook her head and sighed. She didn’t understand why Chen Qian kept chasing Mo Yichen, even if Mo Yichen had never loved her.

Although Lv Xiaoru was unwilling to tell Chen Qian the truth, she must stop her loving Mo Yichen. Otherwise, Chen Qian would suffer a lot.

“Come with me. I will show you something.”

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Chen Qian didn’t know what her mother wanted to show, but she just followed.

Lv Xiaoru pulled Chen Qian into her room and took out the pictures of Qi Changfeng and Gu Yan. These pictures were exactly what Mo Yichen received a few days ago.

Chen Qian looked at these pictures and said, “Isn’t he Qi Changfeng? How they got so close?”

She was very angry and cursed, “This bad woman seduces all men. She is really shameless.”

Chen Qian rubbed the pictures angrily. When she thought that not only Mo Yichen but also Qi Changfeng was fascinated by Gu Yan, she felt very angry.

She returned to her room and sat on the bed. “Why is this woman so attractive? All the men around us fall in love with her.” She thought.

Then she decided to go to Annan City to inquire about the situation, so she said to Lv Xiaoru, “Mom, I want to go out for a while. I’ll be back soon.”

Lv Xiaoru could probably guess what Chen Qian wanted to do, but she couldn’t stop her. She always spoiled Chen Qian, especially when Chen Qian had just been discharged from the hospital. She was unwilling to affect Chen Qian’s state of mind.

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Chen Qian packed up her things in the room and hurried to Annan City.

After arriving at Annan City, she found the dessert shop where Gu Yan worked. She hid secretly outside to see what Gu Yan was doing.

However, she saw that Mo Yichen and Gu Yan stayed together intimately. She realized that they must have made up. She suddenly felt angrier.

She wanted to rush in and questioned Gu Yan, but Mo Yichen was also in the dessert shop, so she could only control her temper.

She really hated Gu Yan who was always against her. She had managed to make Gu Yan leave Mo Yichen before. In order to catch Mo Yichen’s intention, Chen Qian used many devious means. However, in the end she still lost to Gu Yan. Gu Yan was with Mo Yichen again.

Chen Qian was very angry. She thought that she had stayed in the hospital so many days, which gave Gu Yan a chance to be with Mo Yichen again.

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