Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 511: Chapter 511 - Encountered at the

In the sunshine, Gu Yan’s eyelashes fluttered. Mo Yichen reclined head on his elbow and observed Gu Yan. When he found that Gu Yan frowned slightly in her sleep, he turned carefully on his side to block the sunlight.

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“Awake? Good morning.” Seeing Gu Yan was awake, Mo Yichen spontaneously smiled at her. Seeing the handsome face in front of her as she opened her eyes, Gu Yan was in a good mood and said, “Good morning!” Then she stretched and threw her tiny body into the quilt.

“It’s time to get up, or you will be late for work.” Gu Yan slept heavily this morning, but she was wide awake quickly as she heard these words. She looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Indeed, it was too late. She got up right away and glared at Mo Yichen. She complained, “You are to blame!”

“Ha-ha.” Mo Yichen laughed and said, “Well, it’s my fault.” Then he pushed Gu Yan into the bathroom and turned around to prepare breakfast for her.

Gu Yan cleaned up in haste and put on a decent and exquisite suit. Seeing that Mo Yichen had already made a light breakfast, she said nothing and was ready to leave after eating in haste.

Mo Yichen consoled her, “Take your time. I’ll give you a ride.”

Gu Yan originally didn’t want to trouble him, but when she glanced at her watch, she realized that she was indeed going to be late. If Mo Yichen gave her a lift, she could arrive in advance. So, she settled down to have breakfast slowly.

After breakfast, they went out together. When they went to the car, Mo Yichen naturally walked to the passenger side and opened the car door for Gu Yan. Whatever he did for Gu Yan would make him be happy.

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After seating themselves, Mo Yichen launched the car and merged into the traffic in the rush hour.

“I will go home these days. Xiangyan called to say that he missed me. He is not feeling well recently, so I decide to accompany him. You have to concede with painful.” Mo Yichen stared at the road ahead and said to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan nodded. Thinking that he could not see, she said, “Go and stay with him. As a mother, I couldn’t accompany him, so you should spend more time with him. I’m not a kid. I can manage it.” At the bare thought of Xiangyan, Gu Yan’s heart was like melted. If possible, she wanted to be with him every day.

She hadn’t seen Xiangyan for several days. She didn’t know whether his head had recovered, whether he was obedient to his grandmother and whether he was in good behavior in school.

As she said this, they arrived at the studio. Gu Yan got off the car and stood by the side of the car. She told Mo Yichen, “Take good care of Xiangyan, and see whether he is naughty. I can do it myself. Stay at home and accompany with him.”

Seeing Mo Yichen nod, Gu Yan smiled at him and then turned around to go up the stairs.

Mo Yichen saw her no-nonsense back retreating out of the car until she had disappeared around the corner. Then he started the car and left the studio.

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Gu Yan went into the office and continued to read the files. No matter how well she thought, it was divorced from reality and was mere paper talk. She had to field observation to make the detail design. She thought that Jiang Jingcheng also had his own ideas in the design, so she wanted him to go with her, and they could discuss together.

So, she made an internal call to Jiang Jingcheng and asked him if he would like to go. Jiang Jingcheng happened to have the same thought. And they left the studio after handling the matters.

“If we want to take the design of Zhongtu, we have to try our best. As long as we satisfy them, we will be known in Annan City.” Jiang Jingcheng said with a little complacency, as if they were sure of success.

This was indeed the self-confidence that Jiang Jingcheng should have, and Gu Yan didn’t argue. She would design this case carefully and make a good start for the studio.

Gu Yan exchanged preliminary design intentions with Jiang Jingcheng. Then they arrived at the destination. This was a building in the center of the city, with a sense of design in the external structure. Some people predicted that it would become a landmark building in Annan City after completion. It could be seen that the Zhongtu had took considerable time and effort.

No matter who designed such a building, he or she would have to be very careful. After all, a good design would let the designer be famous, or a bad design would damage this building. But Gu Yan also had her own professional confidence. If she designed a work that satisfied herself, it would satisfy Party A. She had higher professional requirements.

They walked into the construction site. Gu Yan looked around and couldn’t help marveling at this building. The designer of this building was really thoughtful. Then she was thinking that what kind of design could match with this building.

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“What are you doing here?” Gu Yan’s thoughts were suddenly disrupted by a surprise voice. She looked up and saw a group of people coming out. The leader was Qi Changfeng.

“This is our new project, and we are making an on-the-spot investigation. Why are you here?” Gu Yan asked and skeptically looked at Qi Changfeng.

When mentioning the reason why he was here, Qi Changfeng was angry. Because of this project, he had to give the land in the west of the city to Mr. Li of Zhongtu. He not only lost great interests but also was scolded by his father. Mr. Li made the appointment with him to sign the transfer agreement, but he didn’t expect that Mr. Li chose this rough building.

Qi Changfeng was dissatisfied, but Mr. Li explained that he wanted Qi Changfeng to see the building. Then Qi Changfeng could understand that it was worthwhile to exchange this project by the land. Qi Changfeng also knew that Mr. Li didn’t got the best of the deal, and he believed that Gu Yan would give a perfect design plan.

“This is my friend, Mr. Li of Zhongtu. He just said that he gave the opportunity of collaborating on this project to a new studio. I said that he was risky. But I’m at ease when I know it’s your studio.” Qi Changfeng said.

“You have not met each other. Let me introduce. This is Gu Yan, who is in charge of the studio. I can assure there will be no problem in her design. Rest assured.”

Then Qi Changfeng said to Gu Yan, “This is Mr. Li, the president of Zhongtu. Today I accompany him to see their company’s new building that I can use for reference. It seems that he has given you a good opportunity!”

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Qi Changfeng introduced them to know each other naturally. Gu Yan didn’t think about it anymore, and her doubts were dispelled by Qi Changfeng in a few words.

Gu Yan shook hands with Mr. Li. She said that she would never let Mr. Li down and would give a satisfactory design plan.

After greetings, they visited the house together. Mr. Li also proposed his ideal design model, which was coincided with the ideas in Gu Yan’s heart. Gu Yan felt more relaxed and boldly said her ideas. Mr. Li didn’t change his expression, but he nodded in his heart. The woman that attracted Qi Changfeng really had her own charm.

Mr. Li still gave some advice and his opinions about Gu Yan’s design. Gu Yan listened carefully and wrote them down in her notebook. She planned to revise them carefully after going back. Seeing that she was serious and insightful, Mr. Li couldn’t help thinking highly of her and didn’t look down on her anymore.

Then Mr. Li had to leave, and others all finished the investigation. So, they walked out together. Qi Changfeng, Gu Yan and Jiang Jingcheng sent Mr. Li away first. They watched his car until it was out of sight.

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