Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 525: Chapter 525 - A new email

When Gu Yan enjoyed the steaming hot meal, sweat dripped from her head. She didn’t feel anxious about the competition as before. After dinner, Gu Yan cleared away all other distractions and enjoyed the moment.

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The 2 people sauntered towards their home for the short distance.

Hand in hand, they walked further and further until they were swallowed by the darkness.

Gu Yan and Mo Yichen loved so sweet, while Jiang Jingcheng was in bitter distress. His moves echoed in the empty house, which saddened him with sorrow.

Yesterday, the joy and excitement of Gu Yan for seeing Mo Yichen had stung Jiang Jingcheng. He hadn’t seen Gu Yan like that, because Gu Yan always behaved sensibly toward him, just as a friend.

He tried to persuade himself to be only her friend and help her like that.

But he couldn’t. He was afraid to see her sad and anxious, and he was most afraid of the immense joy in her eyes for others.

It was like that his heart was rubbed on the ground, and no one could understand.

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Jiang Jingcheng knew that Gu Yan was like a poison, but he could enjoy it as if it was malt sugar.

Seeing the glass full of wine, he gave a wry smile. Since he promised that he would not drink, he would carry it through, and would not make her a little unhappy.

He gazed steadily at the delicate crystal glass, as if he had drunk the wine, and all his sadness had melted away.

The wall clock showed that it was already past twelve. He thought Gu Yan must fall asleep, so he went to sleep, too.

Jiang Jingcheng sighed heavily and left the glass. He walked with heavy steps into the room.

The following day.

Gu Yan felt puzzled about Jiang Jingcheng’s dark circles. But he looked very sober, and he didn’t smell of alcohol. So, she still had no idea after looking around him.

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Jiang Jingcheng knew what she was thinking, but he ignored and talked about the work with her. Sure enough, when it came to work, she had nothing to focus on.

The design of Zhongtu had been finalized today. Even if both of them were very busy, they took time to have a check. Everything was going on in an orderly way.

After the check, a follow-up decoration work could be completely carried out by Zhongtu. Gu Yan thought she should send the design to Zhongtu herself, but Jiang Jingcheng made an excuse that he didn’t want to stay in the office. He went out with the papers, not leaving her a chance to refute.

Gu Yan considered carefully that in addition to herself, Jiang Jingcheng was the most powerful person in the whole studio, so it was not impolite for him to deliver the document. Besides, he would be the most proper one except her to deal with if something happened.

Whereupon, she stopped worrying and neatly reassigned the work to those who had previously been in charge of the program of Zhongtu. Everyone in the studio succeeded in the program. Naturally, Gu Yan praised them and promised to give them a good bonus. Now everyone was more energetic and then returned to work after taking the assignment.

The morning passed quickly. Gu Yan intended to invite everyone to have a meal, but she was too busy to afford it. So, she asked her secretary to order a big takeaway. Everyone was so delighted to eat delicious food, and the atmosphere of the studio became livelier.

However, Gu Yan was in no mood to enjoy the meal. She returned to work after eating hastily.

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Gu Yan found out the judges’ works to study cautiously, as if she was looking some rarities. She devoted herself to every work, and she viewed them carefully.

“I heard that you invited them to dinner while I was away. Do you have a problem with me? I did run errands for you!” Jiang Jingcheng’s work efficiency was very high, and Party A company didn’t stump him. So, he quickly completed the handover. He declined the invitation of Party A company to dinner, and then came back without a stop.

The smell of the food filled the whole room. Then he knew it was Gu Yan’s treat after asking. But when he came back, everyone had finished eating, leaving only a pile of leftovers.

“Are you accusing me? I’ve already left it for you. Don’t be so ungrateful.” Gu Yan got up and reheated the food in the microwave for him. Then she put it in front of him. “They should keep you for a good meal. Didn’t you eat it? Why not?” Although Gu Yan knew that he wanted to come back to help her, she still asked him.

Jiang Jingcheng devoured like a wolf because he was quite hungry, while Gu Yan blamed on him falsely. He wanted to retort, but his mouth was full of food. So, he just flashed a glance at Gu Yan, showing his silent protest.

Gu Yan felt funny and stopped teasing him. She went to the water fountain to get a glass of water and put it on the table for him. Then she let him eat slowly and continued her unfinished work.

“How is going? Do you have some ideas?” Jiang Jingcheng returned to work after eating and gargling. Seeing Gu Yan looking the works, Jiang Jingcheng asked.

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“Something familiar always strikes me, but I don’t know how to say it. Anyway, these are very excellent works and can use for reference even if I can’t find a pattern.”

Although Gu Yan was a little depressed, what she said was true. There must be a reason why the works were so excellent. The more she studied, the more she could improve herself.

Jiang Jingcheng nodded and knew she had no idea. He sat down and took up the materials Gu Yan had read. Then he read them seriously.

Hours passed in silence. Both of them read through their materials respectively. Gu Yan stretched and felt tired. But she sorted the scattered papers on the desk and put them into folders.

At the moment, “Ding-dong” sounded.

Gu Yan was familiar with her own bell of mail and knew it was a new email. She was a little nervous, but after calming down, she still opened the mail which was just sent to her mailbox.

“The reception will be held in Junyue Hotel on Saturday evening. The preliminary test will be held by then. The paper invitation has been sent out. Please check it.”

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