“Let her in.” Wang Sha didn’t look up but concentrated on piles of documents.

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Before long, Li Qian went in to consult the president, and soon came out. She stood by the door and waved to Gu Yan, who was sitting in the lounge. Gu Yan took the hint, checked herself, and walked over there.

After they entered the office, Li Qian filled up the cup with water for Wang Sha and made a cup of tea for Gu Yan. Then she went out and closed the door. It seemed that the world was separated into two parts.

“I know you. You entered the competition that I organized and came to my company for learning. And I will try my best to teach you, but how much you can learn is your business. I believe you will not let me down.”

Wang Sha said as soon as Li Qian left the office. And Gu Yan was frightened by Wang Sha’s words when she just sat down. But soon she come to her sense.

“I know. I will try my best to learn.” Gu Yan saw Wang Sha stop focusing on documents, look up slowly and give her a smile.

Wang Sha was really gratified and pleased with Gu Yan so much, but she still pretended to be strict with Gu Yan.

Gu Yan had a chance to take a look at Wang Sha, who looked younger than when she wore exquisite make-up in the competition. She was older than Gu Yan, but she kept a good figure. Because of the warm temperature, she wore only a thin sweater in the office.

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Unlike the gentleness and elegance that she showed in previous meetings, today, directness and neatness were the nature of Wang Sha, who was famous in the design industry.

“Since you’ve come to my company, I won’t give you a special position. You can be my assistant. Follow Li Qian, who is also a rare staff. I have given her your work arrangement, so now you can go to find her.”

Wang Sha directly assigned work for Gu Yan without exchanging pleasantries, which was exactly what Gu Yan wanted. It wasn’t enough for Gu Yan to study in one month, so she had to make rational use of time. After saying goodbye, she left.

Li Qian’s studio was in the outer room for the convenience of Wang Sha’s work. It was also a small room. When Gu Yan came out, she saw Li Qian moving things from the original desk to a very rough one.

Both of them were shrewd, so Gu Yan realized it and strode forward to stop Li Qian.

“I’m just a guest here to learn something. If you continue to do it, I will not dare to accept it!” Gu Yan said in fun and pretended to be relaxed. She put several documents back to the original desk, which had been moved by Li Qian.

“Since you are the guest, how can I let you use bad things? It’s not a good way of hospitality.” Li Qian also replied with a smile. Although there was no obvious intense atmosphere, it was a competition between them.

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In a nutshell, it was just a test for them, and they tested each other. Gu Yan didn’t want to say in a roundabout way, and just talked to Li Qian without any prevarication.

“I come here to study. President Wang is my teacher, so do you. I have to learn more in a month, otherwise I will learn nothing and make people laugh at me. So, don’t shy away. Let me hasten to start learning.”

Gu Yan didn’t make it plain, but she knew Li Qian, the wise girl, must understand what she the meant.

Li Qian indeed understood. It was convenient to work with smart people, so she didn’t evade anymore. After moving things back, she began to talk with Gu Yan about the work arrangement, and she taught earnestly this time.

Gu Yan listened carefully and found it was similar to her usual work, so the work progressed quickly. Although it was basic work, Gu Yan did it very seriously, which made captious Li Qian think better of her.

Mo Yichen drove the car to the studio after sending Gu Yan. Now that he had promised Gu Yan, it was time to go to the studio to know the situation.

The rush hour had passed. There were not as many cars as before, and the road was not blocked. In addition, Auslet was not far away from the studio, so Mo Yichen arrived soon.

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Mo Yichen walked into the mansion slowly while humming a ditty. After he pressed the button of elevator, he watched the elevator move down while thinking of Gu Yan, “Is she getting along well in new work? Does Wang Sha embarrass her?”

Although Gu Yan felt comfortable with Wang Sha, Mo Yichen was worried about her. After all, Wang Sha must be a marvelous person, who could get such a career at such a young age. However, Mo Yichen didn’t express his concern. He only paid attention to Wang Sha secretly, even if she was unlikely to oppose Gu Yan.

“Beep!” The elevator arrived at the ground floor. Mo Yichen stopped thinking and turned the mind to the studio.

Mo Yichen knew that he would not live in peace with Jiang Jingcheng after Gu Yan left. It was his instinct as a man. He believed Jiang Jingcheng would not treat him well if the man knew that he came to work for Gu Yan.

But Mo Yichen didn’t care about it. It would be okay if Jiang Jingcheng hadn’t made mistakes, however, he could let Jiang Jingcheng off for any mistakes.

Thinking about this, Mo Yichen went to the office.

He walked in and found that everything was as ordered as ever. He didn’t see Jiang Jingcheng there after he went around. Mo Yichen got a bad impression of Jiang Jingcheng who neglected the duty during working hours.

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Then he went into Gu Yan’s office and called her secretary.

“Please tell me about the recent situation of the studio. By the way, I will manage the studio instead of Gu Yan during this period. Let me know if you have to report something.”

Everyone was not so surprised because Gu Yan had informed them with mails that she was going to study, but they all thought that Jiang Jingcheng would manage the studio when Gu Yan left. Unexpectedly, Mo Yichen came here. Now it would be interesting.

Everyone in the studio all knew that Mo Yichen and Jiang Jingcheng didn’t get along well, though they didn’t clearly talk about it. As smart people, they all understood.

However, Mo Yichen came here to take over the power of Jiang Jingcheng and take all of Gu Yan’s affairs. No matter how important or easy things were, Gu Yan always discussed with Jiang Jingcheng before. Sure enough, Mo Yichen was stupendous. No wonder he could build a business empire, Mo Group, at such a young age.

The secretary gave a lot of thoughts and had already imagined many scenes in her mind, but Mo Yichen didn’t know she had thought so much. Seeing her standing blankly, he felt funny and thought, “Gu Yan likes to recruit person who is usually as abstracted as her. Such staff must be dismissed so many times in Mo Group!”

Mo Yichen put the cup on the desk heavily, which made a dull sound. The secretary came to her sense. When seeing that Mo Yichen didn’t smile, she was so scared that her legs became weak. She realized to answer Mo Yichen’s question after a long time, and then stammered out what Mo Yichen wanted to know.

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