“I should be free this weekend. Does your mother have any arrangements for Xiangyan? If not, can we pick him up for the weekend? It’s been a long time since I saw him last time.” Gu Yan asked. She knew that bringing Xiangyan over for the weekend not only related to two of them, but also to Li Yunhong. If his mother deliberately made trouble for her, she would not see Mo Xiangyan.

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In the past five years, she never had the opportunity to see Mo Xiangyan. she didn’t dare to think about the longing and regret. The same thing happened now. Her son’s father was already by her side, but her son was still away from her.

In short, Gu Yan felt a little bit depressed when she thought of Mo Xiangyan. Suddenly, she had no interest in talking. Mo Yichen was not stupid. Of course, he also discovered it. Although Gu Yan didn’t say anything, the disappointment and sadness in her eyes were apparent.

Mo Yichen also knew that no matter how much he said about this matter, he still couldn’t help Gu Yan at all. However, he also knew that she was not the kind of person who could be narrow-minded, but he cared about her when he saw that she was unhappy.

That was right!

An idea flashed into Mo Yichen’s mind.

“Eh, what are you doing? Where are you going?” They were almost home, but Mo Yichen drove the car out of the community. Gu Yan was shocked and hurriedly stopped him.

Mo Yichen knew what he was doing. Of course, he knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to give Gu Yan a little surprise, so he only said one sentence, “Take you to a good place.”

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Although Gu Yan still had a lot of work to do, her mood was a little low just now. Mo Yichen deliberately took her to relax, and she would not say something to upset him. As for work, as long as she spent longer time, it could be done.

Thinking about this, Gu Yan couldn’t help but look forward to the place where Mo Yichen would take her.

When Mo Yichen was in school before, he heard Qi Changfeng say that there was a mountain in his family, which was originally developed, but for some other reasons, it did not continue to be developed. However, that mountain was on the fringe of Annan City. The scenery was wonderful. And because it was contracted by Qi Changfeng’s family, nobody usually went there.

What was its name? Mo Yichen thought for a moment. Luming Mountain? Right. He had seen road signs there before. Mo Yichen’s sense of direction was always strong. He could accurately find the place that he had just passed by once.

Following the road signs, Mo Yichen drove onto the expressway out of the city. Although it was right on the fringe of the city, it still took a little effort to go out.

Gu Yan originally thought that Mo Yichen was just going to take her to relax, but now she was even more confused. What was Mo Yichen doing? Why was he driving onto the expressway?

Gu Yan didn’t say anything to disturb Mo Yichen’s mind. Since he was going to take her, she would follow him. No matter where they were going, she would never let go of his hand anyway.

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Fortunately, it was not far away. After driving for about half an hour, they reached the foot of the mountain. At this moment, the sun didn’t set yet. It was just going down.

If they hurried to reach there, they could watch the sunset. Mo Yichen thought this in his heart, meanwhile, he increased the vehicle’s speed and drove on the winding road.

Since there was a development plan before, this road was well repaired and paved with asphalt. It had just rained a few days ago, so the road was very clean. There were no people on the way. Only one or two frightened birds occasionally fluttered about.

This quiet environment and atmosphere made Gu Yan’s restless heart gradually settle down. She opened the window of the car and let the wind outside the window pour into the car, with the fragrance of trees and a little bit of chill.

Gu Yan smiled unconsciously.

Mo Yichen quietly glanced at Gu Yan, and he was relieved to see her smile, knowing that his decision to bring Gu Yan out was right.

Mo Yichen’s car was driving with full of horsepower, so they soon reached the top of the mountain. At the end of the road was a flat piece of land. Mo Yichen stopped the car and took Gu Yan to the edge of the flat ground.

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This was not a very high and steep mountain, but rather flat. Because of its high terrain, the entire Annan City could be seen on the top of the mountain. Gu Yan took a deep breath. Since there was special fragrance of plants in the air, it smelled more comfortable than in the city.

“Look at it.” Mo Yichen pointed at the sun and motioned to Gu Yan to look. Gu Yan followed his hand to look over and found that the round sun had not set yet. Although Annan City was already in the shadows, the setting sun still could be seen here.

Gu Yan looked far away, and the depression in her heart became insignificant in this vast landscape. Usually, Gu Yan felt that Annan City was very big, and she couldn’t find the direction when she walked. Now, Annan City was just a small city in her view.

What did she worry about every day? In such a small room in a small city, Gu Yan couldn’t help feeling that she was too narrow-minded.

She turned her head to look at Mo Yichen, and Mo Yichen was also looking at her.

“Gu Yan! I like you! I want to be with you forever!” Mo Yichen folded his hands into the shape of a trumpet, and suddenly shouted out. Gu Yan was surprised, listening to Mo Yichen’s voice carry afar and echo in the open mountain forest.

Gu Yan listened to the echoing sound, as if Mo Yichen confessed over and over again. Although there was a little blush on her face, it did not prevent her from increasing the joy in her heart.

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“Shout out?” Mo Yichen asked Gu Yan. The reason why he brought Gu Yan here today was that he wanted her to give vent to her emotions. If she went home dejectedly, wouldn’t his efforts be in vain? Although he knew that Gu Yan was a restrained person, she might not yell in disregard of her image like him.

Gu Yan knew Mo Yichen’s kindness. But if he wanted her to make a confession like him, she would never be able to do it. But if she didn’t call a confession, she could call something else. Seeing Mo Yichen yelling, she couldn’t help feeling excited.

Gu Yan was eager to try. Following the way of Mo Yichen, she took her hands to the front of her mouth, and then thought about what she was going to say. Since she couldn’t say explicit honeyed words, she would just yell freely.

“Ah—” Gu Yan called out loudly, and the birds in the forest flew out with noises. For a while, the echo of Gu Yan’s shout and the noises of birdsong mingled.

Gu Yan only felt that the depression in her heart had been vented, and suddenly she felt refreshed, so she burst into laughter. Mo Yichen looked at the delighted woman in front of him, and his heart was also warm. As long as she was happy, he was willing to make her happy every day regardless of everything.

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