It was not a long distance, so she arrived soon. At this time, Mo Yichen’s car was parking in the Gu Yan’s parking space, so Gu Yan had to find a temporary parking space. She hadn’t been back for just a month, but she felt that it was a long time. Standing downstairs, Gu Yan took a deep breath. She thought she didn’t need to be nervous about going back to her home, and then she went upstairs.

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It was false to say that she was not nervous. It was the first time since the establishment of the studio that Gu Yan had left the studio for so long. Mo Yichen also reported only the good news and not the bad every day, and she did not know the present situation of the studio.

Why did she think so much? She could just go up and take a look.

Gu Yan thought so as she walked into the studio.

But when Gu Yan heard the noise in the studio, she didn’t think so. Hearing the noise in the room, she couldn’t help speeding up her steps.

“Your attitude is so bad. Just get out here if you don’t want to work hard! You must know the reason why you can come to the studio. Every day, you do nothing! If everyone behaves like you, we don’t need to work!”

Gu Yan turned in and saw this scene. She had never seen Jiang Jingcheng becoming so angry, with his blue veins protruding and his face flushing.

“What’s the matter? It was improper to quarrel.” Gu Yan didn’t have time to think about it, and walked forward to pull away Jiang Jingcheng who wanted to continue talking.

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When Jiang Jingcheng looked at Gu Yan in front of him, he was surprised. He just ignored the employee whom he was scolding. Seeing Gu Yan frowning slightly and breaking out a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, he couldn’t help but feel a little distressed. Then he lowered his voice.

And this employee who was reprimanded wasn’t angry. She looked at Jiang Jingcheng’s expression change thoughtfully.

“Don’t worry about why I come back. First, tell me what’s going on.” Gu Yan’s expression was bad. She pulled Jiang Jingcheng into the office and asked her own questions straightforwardly.

Mo Yichen was not here today, because there was a project to talk about outside. And there were many design issues in the studio to deal with. Therefore, Mo Yichen and Jiang Jingcheng had divided the work and cooperated.

Speaking of this, Jiang Jingcheng got angry. This girl named Gu Manman, who had been in the studio by relationship, did nothing but showed up before him all day long, giggling and flirting. Jiang Jingcheng really didn’t know what words he should use to describe her. He really disliked what she did.

However, due to Qi Changfeng, Jiang Jingcheng bore her for a long time. He gave Gu Manman a hint to behave well, but she didn’t care about his warning at all and still insisted on going her own way.

Jiang Jingcheng could not tolerate her anymore. He didn’t have a good impression on her in the first place, especially she had been “breaking the regulation”. Especially yesterday, Jiang Jingcheng sent her to do the final information transfer work with the client. In Jiang Jingcheng’s view, this was the simplest thing.

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However, Gu Manman disturbed this matter. The project was already about to be completed. Now the other party had made it clear that even if the contract was to be breached, he would have to terminate the cooperation. And he had clearly told Jiang Jingcheng that the breach of the contract was due to Gu Manman.

If Gu Manman was in the company, he would never consider cooperation in the future.

Jiang Jingcheng was really furious. So many people’s efforts in the early stage completely vanished into nothing because of Gu Manman alone. Today he talked with her, attempting to find out about the situation. As a result, she didn’t explain it well but giggled and flirted. Then Gu Yan came in and saw the scene.

Jiang Jingcheng selectively told Gu Yan some facts. Just these small aspects made Gu Yan angry. She really hated the kind of people who made all other people’s efforts in vain because of her unseriousness. This was not about ability, but attitude.

Gu Yan couldn’t bear it.

“Fire her. I don’t want this kind of person stay at the studio, who will spoil the atmosphere of the whole studio.” Gu Yan didn’t think much about it and made a decision. She usually had no impression of Gu Manman. Was she so restless?

Although Gu Yan was usually easy-going, she still had her own principles on key issues. On these matters, she didn’t easily compromise, so she quickly made a decision.

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“You don’t know? Qi Changfeng helped Gu Manman to come in.” Jiang Jingcheng found that Gu Yan didn’t seem to know the truth, so he told her.

Gu Yan was taken aback. Qi Changfeng? How come?

First of all, with so many industries in his family, how could he let his cousin go to work in other people’s studios? Besides, based on her understanding of Qi Changfeng, he was not the kind of person who worked for personal gain! Why was he engaged in nepotism now?

Jiang Jingcheng just shrugged and said that he didn’t understand but had to execute. After all, the company was actually hiring people before, and Gu Manman’s resume was good-looking, so he turned a blind eye.

Gu Yan was puzzled, and immediately thought that she could just ask Qi Changfeng directly. She didn’t need to think about it here.

Then she took out her cell phone and dialed Qi Changfeng’s phone. It was connected as soon as the phone just rang.

“Hello? What’s the matter?” Qi Changfeng spoke firstly, and didn’t give Gu Yan a chance to speak, but Gu Yan didn’t plan to greet him either. She called him for the business.

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“What’s the matter with Gu Manman?” Gu Yan didn’t beat about the bush, and directly stated the reason for calling him.

“Oh! You want to know this. I thought something was wrong!” Qi Changfeng knew that Gu Yan was a person who was concerned about the business, and she called her for the business. How could she call him if nothing happened? If so, Mo Yichen would make trouble for him.

What did Manman do? She was exposed so quickly. How unreliable.

“Manman is my cousin. My mother asks her to follow me, and if a girl follows me every day, then I will be bored to death.” Qi Changfeng said half-truths casually.

“My mother wants her to learn things from me. She majors in design, so it is a good choice to just follow you. If she does something wrong, you can just criticize her directly. Do not worry about me! Help me teach her something. Otherwise, how can I explain to my mother?” The last sentence was totally true.

Since childhood, this younger sister had always followed him like a sticky candy. Of course, the older he was, the more annoyed he became. Besides, her mother hoped that he could find a good husband for Gu Manman in his company. Qi Changfeng disagreed, not to mention Gu Manman. Then, the two persons reached a consensus.

Hearing what Qi Changfeng said, Gu Yan understood what was going on. Qi Changfeng could indeed do this kind of thing. Gu Manman was pitiful. She was so casually treated by her cousin.

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