Monday, August 20. First Day Weather: Sunny

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Today is my first day of work, the weather was good, and I’m feeling great.

Prior to this, Su said, I have jumped out of shit, but in actual it is not, because a “big pie” will fall on me.

With my luck, I managed to get into this famous AC Company and would be the Legal Department’s rookie. The company provided employees’ uniform, a white shirt, an A-line skirt and a jacket, however is not mandatory to wear them. I loved the design of the uniform. It highlight the waistline and cover up those unappealing part, while not too revealing or dull. And it preserved the elegant image of the company. It said that the uniform was personally selected by AC President. Even without meeting the boss I have a good impression toward him.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking high spirits and full of confidence.

Su saw from the side and she walk back. She came back with a glass of water and small pill.

I asked her: ‘What is this?’

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‘Eat. It is a stabilizing agent’

‘What am I going to do with it? I’m heading to work. Elder sister… if I eat this, I will fall asleep’

Su replied with few words: ‘Last Christmas’

Last Christmas…. It had began with classic comedy that was followed by tragic which later ended with very tragic story. So, I do understand the meaning. When I am in a high mood, there will always be an unpredictable behavior of mine, which will lead toward a series of tragedies.

‘But… but…’ I hesitated. I do not want to fall asleep while boss was talking.

‘Rest assured, this dose will not make you sleepy but will help you to stay calm’.

In the end, I took the pill and went off happily to work.

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The journey to work was a smooth. Even before it was 8 am, I was already out of the subway station. Although it was still early, I have decided to use the small pathway to AC building.

The route leading to the company has many turns and twists. There were less pedestrians and it has a narrow entrance. Peter often use this route and he has said that this is the best place for arson and love. Thinking about Peter’s words, I could not help but look down and chuckled. I looked up and sure enough, I saw a couple on the street.

The man was in his early thirties, dressed in silver suit with no tie and the shirt slightly open. Her hair was high up, dressed in a yellow dress. She was leaning against the side of the black car. The man was embracing the lady.

Almost immediate after I saw them, I quickly walk away. The weather was great. If one don’t do any passionate action, it would be a good opportunity wasted.

After extending good blessing to the couple under my breath, I heard a terrible roar.

‘Why, why do you want to leave me! Because of you, I have strive so hard to get where I am now, but … What so good about him?’

I was surprised. I looked around but could not see any crowds or onlookers. I was stunned to see the handsome suit guy. I am 100% sure that he look like a super star.

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Mr Handsome that meet my expectation.

‘Why, why! I used to be a prodigal son, roaming around doing nothing. Because of you who changes my heart. I have changed everything just for you. I give you what you want. But you still want to leave me. Please don’t go, please don’t leave me!’ He howled and grabbed the lady’s shoulder. With the classic action of rocking her back and forth.

I was worried that the lady’s small neck will break.

The elegant and ladylike me, then hit a utility pole. I hold my head and accidentally bumped into a parked car. It triggered the alarm system and the alarm went off. A shrill voice unexpectedly came out from the small alley. The handsome man come to his senses. He turn around and gave me a stern look.

Big brother, can you not glare at me? Although my head is sore I’m still in good mood. Ha, ha, ha! I felt more embarrassed compare to you.

At that moment, fate took its place. Unexpectedly and spontaneously. I have extended my hand and greeted him: ‘Hi, Mr Super Star. Please stay healthy.’

Thus, Su’s pill does not work at all!

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Mr Super Star no longer said anything, He took off his glasses and the lady handed him a piece of tissue. They quietly entered the next phase of *Chiung Yao’s drama.

* Chiung Yao is the pen name of a popular Chinese romance novelist based in Taiwan. Many of her works have been made and remade into movies and TV series.

I bump into Luo Luo in an elevator. I held and told her about my full dramatic encounter on my first day as a young rookie. Before our regular orientation meeting, I have repeated 5x of the same story. Luo Luo unable to take it anymore. She stared at me and said: ‘Have you hit your head till you become silly. Your forehead has a scrape and you still feel so happy’.

‘Of course, you think is so easy to experience such a dramatic incident. How many times in this life times, you are able to encounter such experience’. I pulled some strand of hairs to cover the bruises.

Peter, sitting in front row reminded us to keep silent as Boss will start his speech soon.

A handsome and elegant man stood on the podium. And everyone in the room applause.

From that moment, my tragedy begin ………

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