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November 18 Sunday Weather: Cool Autumn

Go and return. It is completely two different feelings. Especially people like me who would feel embarrassed to return. At this point of time, the best solution will be remaining low-key, silent and subdued. So the following day after receiving the penalty notice, I’m the first person to arrive in the office, when the sky was still dark. I quickly went up into the Legal Department and quietly sit in my own cubicle. The first thing I need to face when I’m back into Legal Department was to ignore those stares from my colleagues. I’m a probationer. Being banished into the wilderness. Alone and accept time punishment. Everyday only Lou Lou accompany me, even Peter has start to ignore me.

What I could not accept the most was related to Yifan. Now, I am only able to see him once or twice a week during our regular meeting. The distance between us feels very strange. He would not look at me, nor even smile. In his eyes, I am now classified as a low ranking staff. These type of people would be invisible in the eyes of the President.


Recalling those mischievous moments I had with Yifan, the warp feeling, I do not know whether is he still continue receiving calls from those blind date girls who admired him. All those moments were the color of my life. When I recalled those memories, it made me feel happy with a smile. Right, our distance are so far apart, I clearly told myself. I regarded Yifan as my friend. But Yifan, what about you?

About my case, there are many type of version of rumors. The most popular version was the typical story about a materialistic girl hook up with a rich boss.

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Lou Lou looked at my lament look and think I’m in a grief mood. She said it with passion: ‘Xiao Bei, why don’t you explain!’

I answer: ‘Stopping people’s mouth is more difficult than damming a river. Can’t even dam a river. Don’t mention about preventing people from doing what they want’.

Lou Lou said: ‘Xiao Bei, you achieve enlightenment!

Time is the best way to heal the wounds, and not to mention this ‘time’ is with interest.

In just half a month we see a huge result from the benefits of merges and acquisitions. AC stocks had soared in the market. All the shareholders grin from ear to ear. The decimal incident has gradually faded away from their memory. In early November, all those employees who participated in the merger are greatly rewarded. Especially those who are in Legal Department. Staff will receive a hefty bonus. This is how a company show their appreciation toward their staff with carrot and stick approach. A typical policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishment to encourage staff.


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Haven’t gotten the money yet, we have started to calculate how to spend the money. During the warm discussion, one of the senior sister suddenly asked: ‘Xiao Bei, how are you going to spend this money?’

Suddenly the discussion pause for few seconds as the senior sister feel a bit embarrass.

‘Ha, ha! I’m more than happy to watch you spend. Pretend that you are spending on my behalf. Spend as much as possible.’ I quickly reply. I’m not being hypocrite. I’m being sincere. Because of my mistake, I have put everyone hard work become bad, I hope they get compensate. Although the compensation is not from me but it can alleviate my guilt.

The atmosphere become eased, we continue to talk and I did not forget to pull some jokes.

Now I’m very satisfied because they can re-accept me.

During afternoon, Jin Kang distribute a stack of envelopes according to names.

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I stand aside feeling happy. Lastly, Jin Kang came up to me and hand me an envelope and said: ‘work hard.’

Jin Kang did not talk much. It made me feel at ease and the envelope was only a thin one. I was very grateful. AC treat employees very personalized. Even though it is not much of money, at least they also prepared an envelope for me. So that I don’t feel embarrass in front of my colleagues.

I suddenly remembered a phrase from Yifan: Join AC and we achieve our goal together.

Yes, AC has made me achieve and I hope to have an opportunity to achieve for AC.

I was clutching the envelope while daydreaming, when Peter suddenly came up and snatched the envelope from my hand. He squeezed the thickness and smacked: ‘What is this? They also send cheque?’

How can it be? I smiled and opened the envelope. Inside there is a letter. I show and read in front of Peter: ‘Your company’s debt has been reduce from 1.784 to 1.782 Million Yuan. Congratulations. Your free service to our company from 31 years 9 months and eight days has been reduce to 31 years 7 months and 24 days.’


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“So cruel!’ Peter pat my shoulder to show sympathy and said: ‘Xiao Bei, don’t worry, when I retire, I will still come back to visit you.’

I carefully put away this joke letter because below this jargon it got Yifan’s signature.

Thunder brother ah, do you occasionally think of me, isn’t it?

Of course, in my heart I’m a little disappointed not begin able to share the bonus.

‘Credit and debt are two different things! Profitable is none of your business, debt continues to be borne by you. Just be the little slave and don’t covet.’

At this point, I really don’t think he is as kind as Peter.

I feel significantly warmer like last week.

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