Saturday, December 8 Weather: Light Rain

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In half a month, Yifan seen less than 10 woman and naturally it ended as a failure.

I lament: ‘Thunder brother, I beg you at least one success ba! I work so hard every day in the company. During weekends without rest and every days need to go blind date with you. If continues like this I’m going to die! I want to apply for death benefits for worker!’

Yifan scorn at me: ‘Guan Xia Bei, you have the nerve to said ‘ka ro shi’ these three words? I have been ka ro shi by you from an excess anger. Why my blind date unable to success? It is because of you, who don’t do your job well! If you can find me a stunning and enchanting beautiful lady, everything will be resolved le?’

Karoshi (過労死) – death caused by overwork or job-related exhaustion. (Word loan from Japanese).

I’m so angry! Stunning and enchanting beautiful lady? Even if I’m the mama san, I can’t even serve you well, this picky client.

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Yifan sneer: ‘Guan Xiao Bei, my life is governed by a strict plan. This year, my plan is to get married and have children by end of this year. You see, it has wasted half a month le. You have delay my life plan. This lost indeed unable to compensate.’

I thought: To get marry and have children? This is a bit difficult. Well this way ba, near my house first alley left turn there is a small hotel. I can introduce you to Zhang er sao (Zhang’s second sister in-law). She is good and competent. Widow and have a son. Can endure hardship, and hope to have a second marriage. Since both of you wish to tie the knot, get married and have children, like this it, will not delay your life plan.

Yifan threaten: With your nonsense skill, can already help me to choose three ladies le. Don’t forget, in order to keep your position you still need my final approval.

I: ………

I closed my mouth, be obedient and went to work.

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Humph! Find ‘cake’ unable, this lady me will find you one! I don’t believe I can’t find you one and make you this picky kid to praise me highly in finding you the ‘cake’! Oh, of course if really can’t….. I will beat you this picky kid until you come to an agreement.

Naturally, the first step, we need to understand Yifan’s taste.

I only have a glimpse on that lady who might be Yifan’s ex-girlfriend. This glimpse only provide me an impression whether the ‘cake’ is soft or oily skin, got sesame or no sesame. Others, yet to be excavated. And I’m new in company, never experienced ‘when got girlfriend, a mental normal Yifan’ during that period, so I can only ask senior for “consultation’.

‘Dear sister Elle, long time no see, recently are you busy?’ During lunch break, I without hesitation have abandoned Luo Luo and go to Elle. She is good person and nice to talk too, but the main reason is because she has been assisting Yifan for long.

‘Where got as busy as you ah’ Elle laugh, ‘I heard during weekend you need to accompany President for blind date?’

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‘Ah, how do you know?’ Yifan blind date is not a secret, I accompany Yifan for blind date is a secret.

‘I just found out. Xiaobin ah, you easily get cheated. Just pretend and right away you speak out the truth.’

‘In this case, sister Elle, than I will speak straight to the point. President was not satisfied with the ladies I have chosen. So I believed I need to study President’s mental. For example, what kind of lady he has date before, what type of girlfriend he has, so that I have a better understanding.’

‘This ah,’ Elle biting the spoon and think, ‘Last time President seems to have a girlfriend.’

‘Have you seen her before? How old is she? Where is she from? Family background, education and what about look?’ I eagerly asked.

Elle laughable look at me: ‘It seems that you never experience torment ah! I met her once, when the company held a buffet dinner almost at the end. She came over to meet with President Liu, at that time I was sending something over. We spoke a few words.’

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‘People ah…..’ Elle trying to recall her memories. ‘I can only said in general. She studied overseas. But I think definitely not a good school, because the way she spoke in English was not so good. Especially individual words the accent was not clear. She don’t look young, it said same age with President. But I believe she was older than President. Character…. not good, but you can always said that her appearance look accommodating. I remember President said he wanted to go out for dinner, she said she was not feeling well and she didn’t want to go, immediately President said let go back and cook.’

‘Yifan…. President can cook?!’ I always suspecting whether this man able to distinguish between cauliflower and vegetable!

‘At that time I also think the same. But overall President do look like an experience cook husband image ah.’

After saying goodbye to Elle, in my do ‘cake’ recipe, I fill up my first word.

Tip 1: General appearance, same age, study aboard, have a slight tendency of queen character, can made Yifan…. cook!

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