Monday, December 18 Weather: Cloudy Change to Clear Weather. (continue)

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This mix together, flat and eerie message is Su’s style.

‘I dislike this kind of you, when I’m in a cheerful mood you will hit on me.’ I condemn Su

‘This is based on my past experience. Just to remind you.’ Su flatly said.

‘The past few months, I think I have the bad luck until the lowest. Based on my past experience, now is the rebound point le!’

Su went silent.

Then, under the post I found numerous, “Don’t celebrate too soon” because of malicious replied from Su, the administrator has seal her ID.

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Monday morning, I was elated to come to the company. In the hallway, I met with Elle.

Elle pulled me to one side and asked about Yifan blind date.

That’s right, Yifan at regular meeting on Monday. Whether it was a smile or a sneer, it depend on his mood early in the morning of the week. And large part of his mood was depend on his weekend blind date process.

‘Rest assured,’ I make a solemn vow, ‘I guarantee this time we will definitely able to succeed. Very soon we will be able to celebrate President’s wedding le.’

‘Oh?’ Elle faintly smile and decline to comment.

At the regular meeting, I tried to look for success clues of Yifan blind date. However without any accomplishment, this man still look business-like. His appearance was calm as usual. I feel a bit frustrated. Xiao Duo this kind of lovely and gentle lady, man can’t resist. Yifan’s heart….. could it be Yifan, don’t tell me, Yifan this stern face beauty….. is the legendary xiǎo shòu (the “receiver” – slang in a homosexual relationship)?!

Suddenly I have this courage to manage people affairs of life, feeling of impermanence.

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After the meeting, I was summoned to the President office by Elle.

After several months, this is the first time I entered President’s office. However the mood is entirely different from the past. I feel happy sitting over there, look at this already nirvana or about to be a nirvana man.

Yifan sit upright and still, ruthlessly staring at me. And I gently gaze at him like Virgin Mary manner.

‘Guan Xiao Bei, who told you I’m gay?’ For a long time, Yifan asked with a displeased voice.

‘President. You see, your personal qualification was so superior. But still single. In addition, so picky in finding the right partner for blind date. To the extent until now not a single one that has been successful. These are all the fact that you are trying to cover up that you actually dislike the opposite sex.’ I lapped up Su analysis and describe to him once again.

‘That cousin of your…. study psychology?’

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‘PH.D in Psychology in a well-known overseas university. Student of great ability, very proficient in all kinds of personality, psychoanalysis.’

‘You believe what she said?’

‘In this industry she is very renowned.’

‘Guan Xiao Bei! I’m not gay!’ Yifan suddenly a pound at the table and angrily roar.

“Yes,” I nodded, “Su said, denying is also one kind of natural reaction of unable to determine oneself sexual orientation.’

“What do you mean, the more I denied the more it implied …… I’m a gay? “Yifan asked.

‘En….. basically is like this!’

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He suddenly get up, fast and nimble, crossed over the table and came over my side. He grasp me from the sofa and haul me up.

‘I will prove it to you today, at the end whether or not am a gay!’ Yifan roar.

He was very close, we almost face to face, I could feel his hot breath and see clearly his fine nose hair. He embrace my waist, hold my head, seem like he is going to kiss me, fiercely and very domineer.

I seriously look at his eyes: ‘Yes, Su said, in this situation, normally certain people will attempt to use opposite sex to have intimate contact. Even sexual relations to proof oneself sexual orientation. However only one result – make matters worse!’

Yifan very dejected, loosen his hand and pushed me down to the sofa.

‘Guan Xiao Bei! Get out, I don’t want to see you anymore! You go! Go ah!’

After several days, I once again see Yifan roar.

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