Tuesday, December the 25th Weather: Hailstone

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AC President Yifan, there is no party on Christmas Eve….. indeed quite tragedy ah, but I don’t mind letting his life be more tragic.

I picked and chose a lady for him. It is said that this lady is quite beautiful and exquisite. Nevertheless, she was a judo master and has repeatedly won championship within domestic and international competition. Unfortunately, beautiful lady normally has to endure rough journey of life and encounter unlucky situation. In her past relationship, she either met unfathomable mystery or halfway in relationship someone will snatch away her boyfriend. Therefore she have deep hatred toward man who had two-timing relationship.

‘Very beautiful lady ma’ Yifan carefully look at the photo and on the other hand he tried to look at my face for any hints of conspiracy.

‘Heart of the villain, is not?’ I said, ‘You have excuse me from work during Christmas, I will considered this as pay back ba. I sincerely wish that at the end of the year you will be able to end the blind date journey.’

He unconvincingly took the photo and walk away.

Yifan ah, Yifan, you are too vile character le….. but me certainly loh.

After work I quickly went to Red Makeup Fall Café. I hide well at the corner behind the Christmas tree. After a while, Yifan appeared at the scheduled location. As usual he ordered a cup of coffee. After a while, a girl sat opposite to him.

I accurately grasp the right moment where both of them work hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder toward the blind date, I speedily came out from the corner, rush forward to grasp firmly at Yifan’s collar and roar: ‘You! You this faithless man. You dare to go behind my back and meet up with another women! Even more, date during Christmas! You! You! You don’t tell me you forget le, this is Christmas day, we agreed to spend our lifetime loving and guarding one another ma? How can you forget your words so quickly? How can you go behind my back with another women! Can you be worthy to me and my belly baby ma!’

I speaking in a tearful voice and keep shearing tear. In my heart was like: Judo girl, go give him a back fall. Let this heartless man fall to death ba.

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That girl look at me stupefied for a long time, carefully said: ‘Miss, miss, buy a rose for this gentleman ba………’

I only allow myself to petrify for few seconds, then quickly used the package to cover my face, took out few change: ‘I will take these flowers.’

Flower girl feel embarrassed said: ‘If you want the entire, I can offer you a discount of 5 Yuan per stalk…..’

‘How?!’ I fiercely ask.

‘You only gave me 2.8 Yuan’ she timidly said.

‘Help me wrap all up ba.’ Yifan took some money from his wallet and endured from laughing, ‘please keep the change ba.’

Flower girl thanks us, before leaving she turned around and give me a ridicule smile.

Yifan stuffed the whole bunch of roses in my arms: ‘Let’s go ba!’

‘Go where?’ I dare not look up and buried my face into the flower.

‘Still not humiliate enough ah? Let’s go, brother will bring you to a place to lie low until the fuss dies down. After tonight deed is completely forgotten then only we come back.’ Yifan push me out of Red Makeup Fall Café.

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‘Yifan?’ I looked at Yifan who hold back his laugh and I can’t help yelling.


‘If you want to laugh just parked the car at the roadside and have a good laugh ba. You keep turning around to look at me, I’m afraid we might meet an accident.’ I said in a low voice.

‘I was thinking, Guan Xiao Bei ah, you know how to blush ma?’

‘Where got, flowers reflect.’ I reluctant to admit mistake, again I buried my face into the flowers.

‘Sign, *try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice use to lure it (idiom). This lifetime I will not be able to raise my head in front of Yifan.

*偷鸡不成蚀把米/tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ lit. ~ to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom) – fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off to go for wool and come back shorn.

Yi Fan took me to a bar called C’est la Vie. It is different from Judy. This is among the name from the guests filled with the city elite arrogant and somewhat narcissistic temperament pub.

c’est la vie in French meaning ‘That’s Life’

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Yifan gave me a glass of Tequila*, holding the glass he asked: ‘The unborn child? Who?’

*龙舌兰酒/lóng shé lán jiǔ: Tequila

I drain the glass in one gulp. Lower my head, blush and said: ‘Yifan, your toast words is too lame le.’

Yifan burst into loud laughte. And he called someone to fill up my glass: ‘No matter what, as long as I can make you drink it will be fine. Guan Xiao Bei, I was wrong, I always think your hilarious talent is the clause of the opening and downward of the parabola. After reaching a certain point than it will inevitably decline. Now I discovered that you turned out to be an unlimited extension of diagonal line, never-ending ah.’

I drank again, tragically fell on top of the bar counter: ‘I might as well jump the whole night of hot dog dance.’

There is a lot of wine patrol, I feel the present scenery was somehow floating, but my head feel exceptional awake.

‘I hate Christmas! I hate Christmas!’ I keep hammering the table, ‘Yifan ah, I hate Christmas!’

‘I dislike Christmas too.’ Yifan faintly said.

‘Ah? How come? You also experience Christmas tragedy?’ I shake Yifan’s shoulder and asked: ‘The end of the world it degenerate people. The end of the world it degenerate people ah.’

‘I experienced Christmas when I was abroad…. however when I return things remained the same but the people have changed. I always thought I don’t believe in religious. The person who believe….. also no longer at my side, why should I celebrate ne.’ Tonight first time Yifan drain the glass of wine in one gulp.

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My eyes capture Yifan’s silhouette and transmitted into my brain. After a series and careful analyse, the outcome of his expression after the final analyse will be as follow: lonely and frustrated. I patted his shoulder.

‘But you, Guan Xiao Bei, why do you hate Christmas?’ He turned and ask me.

‘He, he, it’s a long story.’ I turn toward bartender and asked, ‘Come, give big sister another glass of wine.’

I drink 3 glasses in a row, but I never said why.


‘Don’t drink le! What exactly did you do?!’ Yifan grab my glass.

‘Return back to me! Return back to me!’ I pounce over to snatch the glass, ‘if I don’t get drunk, how do I face ah.’

‘Oh, so tragic?’

How can this be endured! How can this be endured ah! I bend over and once again gulp down another glass of wine. ‘Forget it. I also don’t speak clearly le. I remember over Su’s place there is a CD, just let you watch and you will know le.’

This thing completely inspired Yifan, he speed all the way to my house.

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