Colleague?’ I asked confusedly.

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‘Mrs Lin is my patient. Her symptoms are very simple, just like those common existence in rich and powerful woman, who inner heart feel emptiness, lonely plus lack of sense of security and anxious mentality. It is difficult to cure this disease, but to alleviate is quite simple — you only need to listen attentively to their complaints will do.’ Su explained.

‘Ah, I will not!’

‘Listen attentively, Listen attentively!’ Guan Xiao Bei, don’t tell me you don’t understand human language.’

‘I’m expert in chatting with people, but pretend to be a psychiatrist? Mrs Lin is afraid of secret exposure, must have a psychiatrist professional ethics only feel relieved ma?’

‘No, she’s tired of chatting alone with me le, need more people to listen attentively and I have promised to introduce her to another doctor.’ Su shook her head and gently said, ‘As if really look for another doctor, the money that earn need to be divided ah.’

I was silent for a moment: ‘Su, do you feel your hobby toward money has already risen up to final stage of paranoia level.’

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‘Maintain a hobby is an advantageous for the overall mental health. Therefore I love this kind of paranoia.’ Su looked at the door plate, ‘We had arrived, now you are the lousy assistant to the famous psychologist Su Yi Xin. Remember, the main thing is to listen attentively, occasionally give some ambiguous and apparently right but actually wrong comment will do. I will be downstairs, once ended just look for me.’

Mrs Lin is those typical case of keeping and maintaining good healthy, appropriate fifty years old but resemble thirty years old woman.

I shook hands with her, but somehow in my heart feel a bit nervous — pretend to be someone at the end always feel uneasy and worry it will be exposed.

But Mrs Lin only treats me as a living universal that exist, as an individual characteristic I hardly care and she directly began her one person’s dialogue.

Her sentence pattern is like this de: ‘The first time I saw him, I was only 17 years old….. half a month later….. on my 18 birthday…… about two weeks….. I remember very well on our wedding day…… at that time was 9 o’clock, 9 minutes and 9 second……..’

When I thought she wanted to tell her story of life, a knock on the door has interrupted her words.

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From outside of the door came in a young lady, wearing a white fishtail dress, with a nice body figure, temperament is not bad but with a glance you will know it was lack of natural beauty, all these are packaging from money.

She said. ‘Mom, dinner is starting. Do you want to go down?’

‘No, tell you dad I have headache. Say hello to the guests for me.’ said Mrs Lin.

‘Where do I stop?’ After that lady left, Mrs. Lin asked me.

‘You mentioned when you were 27 years old, your daughter was born le.’ I reminded her and prepared to listen to her trifling childhood stories.

Mrs. Lin was looking at the direction of the door: ‘Just now was my daughter, what a nice daughter……’

‘Rhetoric, metaphor. Meaning Lin Qi is debutante furthermore together with Yifan is an appropriate match.’ Su nip at the end of pen, looked down and talk to oneself, ‘Aiya, if retire later, better be an entertainer.’

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As the proverb says if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles but I understand even Yama King of Hell also defeated under little demon’s hands.

After gathering all the background information of Lin Qi, I decided to run back to the club and have a chat with her, persuade her to meet up with Yifan, but the result was stopped by the security guard at the entrance le.

‘Miss, what can I do for you?’ The handsome security guard politely asked.

‘I would like to speak to Ms Lin Qi about something.’

‘Do you have her invitation?’

‘No. I’m not her guest. But I’m with Ms Su Yi Xin, she is Mrs Lin’s doctor.’

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The security guard dialled the internal line, then put down the phone and said to me: ‘I’m sorry, Mrs Lin said she hasn’t seen you before.’

‘Ah, it must be a mistake le?’ A moment ago I just talked to Mrs Lin for five to six hours.’

‘This is what she said, in this case unlikely there is a mistake. Please leave ba.’

I went back to Su’s car and asked: ‘What’s going on with them?”

‘This is call debutante, the surface is bright and neat, inner is rotten, once she turned her face become hostile. Everyone complains about their misfortune in front of a psychiatrist, once they turns their face, they will never admits they had seen a doctor.’ Su objectively evaluate, ‘Saying that… this kind of family that educate such daughter…. do you really want to introduce to Yifan?

I carefully think about it: If Mrs Lin’s daughter inherits her mom’s abnormality character…….. aiya, really look forward to watching Yifan being tortured ah.

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