Chapter 28.4 – Boss’s Blind Date Notes (Boss相亲笔记)

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Posted on July 20, 2017 by Tinkerbellsan

Final part of Chapter 28. Indeed a long yet interesting chapter. 

Hmmm….. So Xiao Bei is being bullied now by the high and mighty princess….. Huff! I wonder how long would Xiao Bei tolerate being bullied and when will Yi Fan put a stop to this! Yi Fan….have you not realized how much you love Xiao Bei? Why are you letting her get bullied?


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Chapter 28.4

Sunday, March 16 Weather: Sandstorms (continue)

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During the weekend, Lin Qi suddenly have a thought to invite Yifan for a movie.

Once again, I saw that pampered young lady shakes the man’s sleeve and said: ‘Aiya, someone thousand jin of gold daughter has been raised in boudoir. Never even visited the market, wanted to visit the temple fair and experience oneself livelihood with you ma.’ The man smiled and answered, pointing to the side of a servant and said: ‘Darling, take along this slave ba. Let her run the errands, be your attendant, work like an ox and horse for you!’

Lin Qin this time didn’t even bring Ah Boa, only I will be torment.

She pointed to a box of chocolates on the table and said to me: ‘Guan Xiao Bei, throw this away. Hehe, you actually said it was chocolate, but it was not your fault, I guess you never tasted an authentic chocolate ba.’

You better go and buy me some popcorn. I want vanilla flavour. As for Yifan……. give Yifan vanilla too.

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I walked through the crowded crowd and bought back 2 large size of popcorn.

‘What does this popcorn made from? Too unhealthy, I don’t like it. You better go and buy me a cup of coffee ba.’

Once again I walked through the crowd, at the same time trying to control the coffee from spilling out.

‘Too slow, the coffee is cold le. The coffee must be at 60 degrees when you hold on it. And then it will naturally cool down to 45 degrees at the body’s temperature. This way it will taste good when you drink it. But this taste……. I will never drink de, you go and get me a new cup.’

Once again I went back to the coffee stand feeling dejected.

‘Your boss?’ The little brother from the coffee stand asked.

‘En.’ I casually nodded.

‘Some people believe they are better than others. And they just love to show-off. She seem can’t comprehend with you ah. You have been played by her, back and forth. If me, I will resign.’

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This little brother’s words has enlightened me. After I thought about it, being patient and accommodating indeed very foolish.

I handed the coffee to Lin Qi.

‘Why Yifan still haven’t arrive yet? You go and have a look.’

I sat opposite of Lin Qi, look straight into her eyes and say: ‘Miss Lin, I can help you to see whether Yifan has arrived. But I want to remind you one thing, the reason why I am here to let you manipulate is because I’m giving face to our President not because of you. Please be clear about this.’

Lin Qi looked at me with an arrogant smile: ‘Oh! Don’t tell me you can’t see it, I’m using your boss to order you. Aren’t all the people in the workplace is like this? Just because of their boss they are willing to sell out their parents. In the end, you are only a small office worker. If I pass these words through your boss and then convey to you, and you should know what is the effect ba. So to speak, rather than this kind of thing happen, might as well you just listen to me directly.’

‘Miss Lin indeed you are able to crack jokes. If a President can retaliate his employee just because of this kind of private affair, even if he is a billionaire, I’m just a pauper. Nor did I disdain any of his handouts, and I will not stay and work for him.’

‘Miss Guan is very lofty. But I have seen many of this kind of people like you. On the surface will not bow to reality, however when it involves benefit than immediately will be another countenance. We are all aware the purpose to please the boss. You might as well just please me directly. By the time when I become Mrs President, maybe I will offer you some opportunity.’

‘Miss Lin is so pampered, probably never been in the workplace. Therefore don’t know the famous gems of wisdom in workplace: Never offense the people beside the President. The smart Miss Lin, you should know where your stand. ‘Wait’ how many people can endure the ‘wait’ period between rich and powerful girlfriend to wife. And I, as the President’s subordinate, in fact I have better chance in this course of events to break up both of you, even succeed.’

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‘Humph! Lin Qi sneered, ‘You this kind of clever, eloquent and believe oneself infallible type of girl, I seen a lot le. When you first enter the workplace, you think with a pretty looks you can seduce your boss. But let me tell you, rich and powerful family’s event only with VIP card are allowed to enter the party. This type of invitation card ah, is what we are born to. Is not what you can hope to strive for de. As for you, can only envy the prince and princess glamorous life outside the door.  Is so sad, you this kind of girl always thinking of become a princess, but reality is 12 o’clock bell sound, let Cinderella revealed back to her original identity and flee away.’

‘That is the difference between you and me. You are always full of remorse to wait for the prince in self-pity. And me, even if the one that I loved is a beggar is also my prince. We can build a kingdom together. Yes, I believe in fairy tales. I believe fairy tales will look after every beautiful woman. But you, you don’t even believe in fairy tales, but still looking for a prince in vain. I feel so sorry for you.’

What else did Lin said? I disdain to listen, looked up and saw Yifan standing in the distance. I don’t know if he hears the conversation, but I don’t care.

‘President Yi,’ I got up and greeted respectfully, ‘Miss Lin has been waiting for you for a long time. The movie is about to start, you all better go in ba.’

Yifan nodded his head without speaking. He took the movie tickets and popcorn from my hand.

Lin Qi gets up, coil over Yifan’s hand. She gave me a haughty look and walked toward the movie hall.

I looked at their backs, in the bustling crowd of people, suddenly feel this life is really amusing. In the future, if I do have a boyfriend……. if he dare to disobey and disrespect, this girl will cut off his leg!

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