A plate of steak….. a few hours journey, you also want to eat so formally. Just eat it ba le, you this disable person still want what steak! I silently cursed.

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The air stewardess obviously was aware of the problem: ‘You….. Why don’t I change you another plate? We also have a lot of delicious dishes to recommend.’

‘No need, thank you very much.’

Yifan’s smile make that air stewardess have a moment of absence, but she quickly and professionally hid her emotions. She said, ‘Please enjoy yourself’ and then she left.

I lean on one side, concentrate at how Yifan is going to eat the piece of steak.

He didn’t say anything. With one hand, he picks up the knife and carefully cut on the steak. Due to the lack of strength, he had no choice but to use the injured hand to hold on the side of the plate. Maybe due to having no strength, he hurts his hand when cutting the steak. He can’t help but creased his brows.

I was unable to take my eyes off and stared at him.

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He turned and smiled. He said nothing, turned back and struggled to deal with the steak in front of him.

I immediately collapsed le. I silently took the knife and fork from his hand, and carefully cut the steak into small pieces.

‘Yifan, you are too ruthless le!’ I used the blanket to cover my face and sighed.

‘I know you are amenable to coaxing but not coercion.’ Yifan proudly eats the steak, drinks the red wine and leisurely said.

‘Yes ah, if you ordered me to help you to cut, I will let you turn the steak into a hand grilled meat! But you…….’

But that expression! But that expression are too melancholy, too resentment…….. too gentle and soft le ah.

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The moment the plane landed, it was so rushed and muddled. When it’s time to breath and walk freely, I looked up and see it’s already nine o’clock in the evening. And then I only realised that I was so hungry, I decided to go downstairs of the hotel to hunt for food.

At the restaurant I run into Luo Luo, her expression unexpectedly surprised state.

‘Xiao Bei, have you seen President?’ She asked.

‘No ah, I have been familiarising myself with the data…… originally I was not involved in this project.’

‘Please pay attention to my tone. This is an exclamatory sentence, not an interrogative one. I’m talking about —– ‘have, you, seen, President, le ma!’

I sweat a bit: ‘What’s the difference?’

‘You this mokugyo head!’ Luo Luo *hate the iron for not becoming steel.

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*你个木鱼脑袋/ you this mokugyo head: It mean very stupid and empty brain

*恨铁不成钢/hèn tiě bù chéng gāng: Luo Luo feel resentful towards Xiao Bei for failing to meet her expectations and impatient to see the improvement.

‘The difference is here —-’ She turned my head to the direction of the restaurant that facing the street French window.

Yifan was sitting there drinking tea. Opposite of him was the beautiful lady who sit together with him in the plane, smiling, gracefully and dignified.

I suddenly felt that I was no longer that hungry le.


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The author has something to say: Explain that Yifan’s home has no cat.

The first time scratch Xiao Bei was when the baby is too idle. The second time scratch have an ulterior motive. The third time scratch…… is a habit le. The fourth time scratch is…… hehe, hehe.

Furthermore, I quite like it.



This kind of dialog.

Careless de, but it seem to be a feeling where whispering ah.

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