‘When you don’t have money, why don’t you come to me?’ Yifan asked me when we are in the taxi.

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‘You are so stingy, even the manager you are reluctant to buy business class ticket…..’ I muttered.

Yifan gave me a death stare.

‘No, I was afraid to delay your appointment.’ I hastened to explain.

‘Who said I’m dating le!’ Yifan don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

‘Eh? No ma? Aren’t you every day with that Japanese lady? Everyone says you and her…….’

Yifan interrupted me: ‘Listen to others nonsense. Aren’t you responsible for my blind date de ma, did I tell you I want to date her?’

‘Since you like to attract bees and butterflies, is it something I can control de ma?’ I turned my head to look at the lights outside the car window.

After a while, I found from the reflection of the glass that Yifan was staring at me, when I turn around he pretended to look elsewhere. Repeated few times, and I couldn’t help but asked: ‘Yifan, do you have something to say ma?’

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He thought about it and slowly said: ‘In fact, Mei Zhi Xiang and I was dating back then.’


‘Oh’ What do you mean? Why don’t you ask me, what’s going on with us?” Yifan asked.

‘Isn’t that the uncle of the Japanese Consortium wanted to invest money and matchmaking the daughter ma. What a good thing, shouldn’t you welcome with both hands ah.’

‘I have never seen anyone like you.’ Yifan stare at me, ‘That’s what happened, but I don’t like her.’

‘Why? A pretty good girl and she match well with you ah.’

‘She…….. doesn’t seem to like laughing.’ Yifan seriously said.

‘She loves to laugh. I seen her standing behind you keep laughing, like a wise and virtuous lady. When I was young, my dad has been training me to laugh like that, unfortunately, I can’t learn.’ I felt regretful.

‘I don’t like it.’ Yifan said.

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‘Why don’t you like it?’ I anxiously asked, ‘Indeed she has a gentle and soft expression, truly pity ah.’

‘It’s too warm le.’

‘Then she never see you doing such an embarrassing thing. If see, even The King of Hearts that paralyzed face can show 32 teeth.’

‘Guan Xiao Bei, I found out that you can be raised ah, getting more and more poor.’ Yifan laughed.

I ignored him, pushed open the door and get off. The bright lights of the shopping centre, let the haze of my heart swept away.

Yifan patted me and said: ‘Go ba!’

I think he is like letting go a hunting dog’s collar, pointing to the rabbit on the hill and shouted ‘go ba’.

But…… who care about him, life is so wonderful.

At the end, we walked half of the day, I went to the supermarket to buy some necessary goods. Going to pay the bill le, I realised that something important I didn’t buy, but Yifan is here…….

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I hesitated for a while le, before I decided to say to Yifan: ‘Can you wait outside, I want to buy something else.’

‘What else do you need? Let’s buy together.’

‘That one…….’ I looked at the shelf at the side, ‘You better wait for me, I will be right back.’

Yifan bowed his head and smiled. He took two steps and picked up a pack of tampons: ‘Is this what you need?’

I immediately froze, blush and do not know what to say.

Yifan smiled and comparing two different kinds of brand: ‘I heard this brand is easier to use.’

I’m so embarrassed, is this what you should know de ma!

I randomly took two packs and throw into the cart, turned and walked away.

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However Yifan look over for a while: ‘Oh, you like this brand, remember le.’

‘Remember for what ah, remember! Why do you need to remember this?’

Yifan said: ‘But, Xiao Bei, how come all are daily use de? How about change some night use de? This combination seems better.’

‘Don’t change! Just pay!’ I yelled.

He still stoof there, endlessly ramblings: ‘Why are you blushing? This is a normal physiological process. You don’t have to be like a little girl attending your first physiology hygiene class, okay!’

I was devastated le: ‘Fxck! I have been a woman for more than 20 years. Today, do I need to ask you as a man to educate me about my physiological cycle problems!’

Yifan looked at me for a while and said: ‘I’m teasing you. I was thinking you’re blushing….. very interesting.’

I was more embarrassed, and decided to ignore him by looking around, just at this moment I saw a man.

Sometimes it’s a destiny, indeed coincidence de, make people to be flabbergasted ah.

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