Chapter 40 – Boss’s Blind Date Notes (Boss相亲笔记)

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Yifan has always been less concerned about all kinds of festivals.

In a foreign country, when there is a western festival, Lan Si Yang will think up every possible way to avoid Yifan and go have fun by herself. It’s more difficult to expect her to remember traditional festivals than to ‘train a pig to climb a tree’. Therefore, Yifan has accustomed to the loneliness. And when he returned home, he had also treated the holidays like a normal day.

‘train a pig to climb a tree’ – brings the meaning of ‘almost impossible to accomplished’

This year Spring Festival is when he flew abroad. He plans to meet up with a friend and talk about business problems. Because of good personal relationship, no appointment is require in advance. But at the doorway, he was told that the person has brought the whole family to China to celebrate Spring Festival le!

Looking at the very Chinese red lanterns on the porch, Yifan’s head only flashed these characters: ‘The god of destiny makes fools of the people’.

The air ticket was booked two days later. The rare Yifan that seldom finds leisure started to wander around this simple little town. Unintentionally, he walked into the flea market that has been organised spontaneously by the community. He really enjoyed the moment, don’t need to think about the chaos and complex of the shopping mall. He need not to look at those forever unable to finish reports. He see children playing around, the adults are pleased with the fact that they have found a beautiful and cheap items, lively streets, and full of human warm atmosphere.

In such a sunny afternoon, lonely but unexpectedly Yifan suddenly felt that being alone in the noisy crowd was an unforgivable mistake.

A child fell at Yifan’s feet and Yifan promptly raised him up. The child’s mother thanked Yifan and began scolding the child. The boy was holding a doll about his height. Just now it was probably because of it that he stumbled. It’s a very Hawaii style doll, cool and realistic style. To say it is a toy model is too lewd. To say it is a toy figurine the body is too small. Probably is an old item hidden by the child’s father during his youth time ba. Being a mother probably, doesn’t want her young son to see this toy. The child twisted and turned his body to goes against his mother, naughtily pinch the doll’s waist, unexpectedly the boy shout out a pleasant ‘gē gē’ sound.

The child’s cute smile and laughter make Yifan have a though to take out his money to buy it. And the mother has a desire to dump over to Yifan without a single penny require. Looking at the back view of his happiness departure, Yifan has thought to carry out a correct education for his future young son to prevent trouble before it happens.

Yifan saw that strange smiling doll he somehow had a feeling wanted to return home. He seem to get used to the simple life, where that bright and beautiful girl accompany beside him and laughing together.

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Loneliness is like this, when it comes along, you will gradually get used to it, but once you leave, you will never want it to come back.

On the first day of the year, after off duty, he finally caught an opportunity to send a gift to Guan Xiao Bei.

Guan Xiao Bei opened the box with a bomb-like face. Yifan actually anticipate and looking forward to be praise, a man appeared out of nowhere had grabbed his show.

Yifan just realized that today is Valentine’s Day, and he had to admit that roses and mischievous man is more suitable for this ambiguous night, and that funny doll…… it’s a bit silly.

After the two left, he stood on the steps with a gloomy mood. Fluttering long wind began to lift up his lower hem of his jacket, recalling the man’s proud smile just now. His heart inexplicably born a burst of imperial harem suffer a setback and defeat.

Then a little sister came over and asked. ‘Sir, do you want to buy a flower?’

Yifan gave her a very disrespectful look: ‘No girlfriend, buy flowers for who ah!’

The little sister glared at him, and wickedly cursed: ‘This kind of man like you, for sure can’t find a wife for a lifetime!’

Hēng hēng, truly laughable. He is AC President, outstanding, elegant and handsome, it is impossible he can’t find a wife! He who is proud of himself and full of high spirit, if he wants to chase of after who, nobody can stop him!’

Hence, an evil idea was born. Yifan took out his phone: ‘I will find a woman for you to see!’

The little sister scolded Yifan ‘neurotic’ and then she left.

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Ten minutes later, Yifan watched Guan Xiao Bei rush into AC building. He threw a box of information from the Legal Department to the floor, rubbed his waist and smiled proudly.

Work overtime until very late at night, Yifan and Guan Xiao Bei started a serious discussion about an unreal and meaningless proposition of the earth destruction and he jokingly asked: ‘If there are only two people left on earth, are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend?’

At the bottom of my heart there is a flash to look forward to…..but not until midnight, is still on Valentine’s Day, will this be the perfect start?

Guan Xiao Bei saw the laughter of the clown’s performance, and instantly extinguished the tiny little flame that was in her heart. Laugh enough le, she told him earnestly about the theory of ‘marriage between families of equal social status.’

Indeed wanted to go buy pork, unexpectedly being ignore by the pig.

Yifan is a good introspective person. In a depressed mood, he recalls the plot of two persons living together and trying to find out why Xiao Bei unwilling to accept the reason.

He remembered the time when Xiao Bei helps to arrange a date with her cousin.

The woman who dressed in Bohemia long skirt, with a gentle smile, but her expression of her eyes show …… it is not the case at all. He remembered at that time when she looked at him, in a condescending manner, a pair of deceptive glance released a kind of ‘evil intentions light’ that will torture and burn his soul and body.

Yifan felt that her expression looked like a doctor who had entered the morgue, carefully knocking on his skull, classify as quickly and accurately bind together his nerves. Labelling as ‘not qualified’, ‘mental disorder’ and ‘required reconstructing’, finally extracted those could not be classified fanaticism and put them under the microscope.

Yifan has ill-feeling toward strong and powerful woman. And this kind of woman who is soft from outside and hard from inside makes him confused.

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That woman smiled softly and said: ‘We have meet, Mr Yi. I’m Su Yixin, Guan Xiao Bei’s cousin sister.’

‘Xiao Bei is a very serious and paranoid person. In order to find the right person for you, she even went to investigate your love story.’ Sitting across him, Su Yixin faintly said.

Yifan tried to make a stunned expression: ‘What did she manage to investigate?’

‘Everyone has different opinions, which makes her very confused. At present, Xiao Bei believes that you have had several girlfriends, most of them are about the same age as you and have a strong personality. She thinks you are a henpecked male.’ Su Yixin faintly smiled, ‘if you feel uncomfortable, don’t bear it.’

Yifan turn his head and cough until the whole world turned upside down. A moment ago he heard two words ‘love history’ and he was choked by a mouthful of water. It took a long time for him to calm down and said ‘she is really not gifted in gossiping.’

‘Yes ah, psychology this kind of refined science, is not something she can understand de.’ Su Yixin agreed, ‘How is she to know that you only have one woman from the beginning to end and that woman place an important part of your life. This often happens when a child is separated from their parents from an early age. They will put all their feelings toward those who replace their parents. These children, when they reach their adulthood, they will encounter problems especially when they are dealing with emotion. To you, the problem is simple and typical. For a long time, you mistook the feelings of that woman for love but in short you are Oedipus complex.’

‘In the eyes of psychologists, all man are Oedipus?’

This conclusion is not fresh. The psychologist in his university has given him this label when he first gave him psychological counselling. If it’s a real Oedipus, I can’t escape this nightmare for a lifetime.

‘Indeed. Psychologists believe that wherever there is a thinking, there is nephropathy.’ She smiled heartily, ‘Or else, how can we swindle money ne?’

‘Then Miss Su, you are here to swindle money?’ Yifan asked banteringly. This kind of shrewd woman, very often surround him. He always involuntarily puts on another face and deal with it without a trace.

With a glance, Su Yixin can see through his disguise: ‘Mr Yi, do not need to be nervous. I come is for the sake of Xiao Bei. I can see that you are trying your best to get rid of the past and wanted to start a new life. However, I hope during the process of finding your new life, please do not get Xiao Bei involve.’

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‘Why do you say this?’

‘Don’t you think your relationship has gone beyond boss and subordinate level? Even beyond an average friend? Mr Yi, you are clearly aware your value in the eyes of the women, isn’t it? An average girl in Xiao Bei’s position, without fail is in a favourable position de.’

Yifan smiles sleekly: ‘What they think is something I can’t control. You should go and warn those women who has wild imagination.’

‘No, I’m here to warn you. Don’t go and provoke woman you shouldn’t be provoked because of loneliness. Xiao Bei feeling toward relationship is always pure and simple. But once she falls in love with someone, she will definitely fall deeply in love. You can’t control other people thoughts but you can control your own behaviour. Don’t give other people imaginary hint.’

At that time, Yifan was not serious about Su Yixin warning. He only takes it as elder sister care about younger sister. And those women opinion toward him has nothing to do with him. As for Guan Xiao Bei, oneself most secret side also has been seen by her, get along with her feel ease and contented that no one else knows. She’s smart, spontaneous and tempered surprisingly good. Even if they were fighting each other it also add a hint of joke. Since I met her, scheming and rigid life have become interesting and vivid. Naturally he will not care what other people said and give up this rare happiness in life.

The second day of Valentine’s Day, at the airport Yifan saw Guan Xiao Bai send off the man surnamed Bai. Based on some kind of gloomy mentality, he hid in a corner and coldly stared at the two people.

He remembered at that time Su YiXin said: ‘Feelings begin with habit and dependence. If you can’t let her continue to rely on, then don’t let her get used to your existence.’

Then, he saw Xiao Bei entangled with other man, his heart was like a vine grass twisting until he felt suffocated. Is it because of habit? Accustomed to her companionship, suddenly very afraid of losing?

On the way back, Yifan asked Guan Xiao Bei: ‘You and that Mr. Bai…..’

‘Yes ah. Although is my parents idea, but I also want to get along with him too, he look like a nice person.’ Guan Xiao Bei hesitantly said, ‘His family is about the same as my family……’

‘Help me find another girl. Like you said, similar as my status.’ Yifan interrupted her.  From the beginning to the end, he hated her for saying ‘equal social status’ such a pedantic word.

If things don’t work out, before getting used to it end the attachment first

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