Bound in Marriage

Chapter 2

Xiang Yi hadn't walked far when the bone-chilling cold wind carried these words to her ears. Qiao Xing widened her eyes and exclaimed, "How dare they say such things? I'm going to confront them right now..."

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She turned around, ready to storm off, but was stopped by Xiang Yi's voice.


In a calm and even tone, Xiang Yi responded, a hint of indifference and amusement in her voice, "Can we really determine the truth from falsehood at this moment?"


Qiao Xing was rendered speechless in an instant.


After all, her family's old master, Xiang Zhiyuan, had indeed been convicted of corruption and exiled. No matter how many people had clamored for his innocence and retrial, nothing came of it. How could she argue against that? Moreover, it was true that Xiang Yi had come into the family through their previous engagement; that was the reason for the current marriage arrangement.


But back then, when her family was on the brink, her sister brother lay bedridden, and her younger brother faced relentless bullying with no prospect of passing the imperial examinations, Xiang Yi was truly at her wit's end. 


Everyone had ridiculed her, saying that she had thrown away her dignity just to find support.


Qiao Xing still remembered the Lady's words back then, standing outside the Tan residence in her thin clothes, telling her, "I don't care about their opinions of me, nor do I care about how the Tan family treats me. I am the eldest sister. Our parents are gone, and I can't just watch my younger siblings suffer. I am also the eldest daughter of the Xiang family. I can't let my deceased father carry this burden of guilt forever. I have to find a way to redeem the Xiang family."


That was why she married into the Tan family.


Despite the ridicule of others and the coldness of her husband, Xiang Yi had never once uttered a word of complaint.




"Madam is just too magnanimous. By speaking ill of her like this, they're disrespecting the ancestral family. According to the clan's rules, they should be heavily punished," Qiao Xing grumbled.


"You seem to know the Tan family's rules quite well."


Xiang Yi smiled and glanced at her. "If we say they're disrespecting the main family, that's not entirely accurate. They still show respect to the Old Madam and the others. They're just not showing respect to me."


Qiao Xing widened her eyes. "Isn't Madam part of the main family? Isn't she the wife of the Master?"


Xiang Yi paused for a moment upon hearing that, her smile turning slightly wistful.


A sudden gust of wind blew in from the corner, merging with the currents in the air, dispersing Xiang Yi's smile like a wisp of smoke.


At this moment, Xie Fēng, the young servant of the Second Master, arrived. "Madam, a letter from the Master has arrived. The Second Master is currently reading the letter in the Old Madam's courtyard. You should go quickly."




Tan Ting's letter had brought both Tan Jian and Tan Rong out of their rooms. Within the Autumn Radiance Courtyard, the braziers glowed, casting a rosy hue on their faces. Tan Jian carefully read the letter to his mother and sister, and the room was filled with excitement.


"Big brother is truly coming back. The exact date of his return is set, and it's just before my wedding!"


Zhao Shi's heart settled upon hearing this. "With such a major event as your wedding, and your big brother not being around, I've been worried. Now, everything's finally falling into place."


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The attendants by the side congratulated, "With Master's return, the Old Madam can finally take a break and catch her breath."


"That's right..." Zhao Shi replied, then asked Tan Jian, "What else did your big brother write?"


"Big brother sends his regards to Mother's health. He also mentioned that Aunt sent over a lot of gifts, including bird's nest. They've all been brought back for Mother."


Tan Ting's paternal aunt, Lady Tan, had married into the Lin family. Her husband, Lin Yanfan, was the eldest son of the current prime minister Lin Bo. They were currently residing in the capital.


Zhao Shi was delighted to hear this news.


The great families of the current dynasty had persisted for more than a hundred years. The Tan family, originally part of the "Five Great Families" alongside the Lin, Chen, Cheng, and Li families, was renowned for its lineage. However, since the passing of Tan Ting's grandfather, the family had faced disasters and epidemics, causing a decline in their fortunes. They were no longer as prosperous as before and couldn't compare with the other four great families.


Nevertheless, the Tan family was still highly respected among the aristocracy.


Tan Ting had become the family heir at the age of fifteen. Had it not been for his determination, he might not have been able to secure his position as the heir, despite having passed the imperial examination at the young age of nineteen. Remaining in the capital and cultivating connections with the Lin family indicated Lin Yanfan's recognition of him, ensuring a promising future.


Although Tan Ting was not Zhao Shi's biological child, she had raised him. She smiled and said that this year's supply of bird's nest would be more than enough, adding, "Tell your older brother not to forget to thank the Lín family."


Tan Jian quickly made a mental note.


After rubbing her hands together for a while, Tan Rong's body warmed up, and she came over as well. "Did big brother mention me?"


"Of course," Tan Jian pointed to the letter. "Big brother said that jade and emerald headpieces have become fashionable in the capital lately for brides. He's prepared a set for you to keep for special occasions."


Tan Rong's eyes lit up upon hearing this, and she suppressed her smile, nestling next to Zhao Shi.




When Xiang Yi arrived, she heard laughter from inside. After a young maid announced her presence and led her in, the laughter in the room gradually subsided. Zhao Shi asked her about the morning's affairs. Xiang Yi replied that the matter had been settled, and the family members had no objections. Once Zhao Shi heard this, she didn't inquire further.


Xiang Yi looked at the lingering smile on Tan Rong's face and asked, "What are Mother and Sister laughing about?"


Tan Rong explained, "First brother sent a letter!"


Upon hearing this, Xiang Yi's expression also softened into a smile. The letter had asked about everyone in the family, and it was only natural that it would be her turn now.


Tan Rong called for Tan Jian, "Continue reading, Sister-in-law is here too."


With her words, Tan Jian's expression stiffened. Tan Ting's letter had conveyed greetings to every member of the family and brought many gifts for them. It even briefly mentioned the studies of several scholars within the clan. However, among all those words, there was not a single mention of his sister-in-law.


Of course, this wasn't the first time...


Tan Jian stuttered, and Xiang Yi had already inferred the answer.


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Her expression remained unchanged with her usual gentle demeanor as if she had become accustomed to this kind of situation.


Tan Jian was extremely embarrassed.


"Well, you see, Sister-in-law, actually, Big Brother is coming back. The return date has been set."


This caught Xiang Yi slightly off guard. "Master is coming back?"


Tan Jian quickly confirmed, "Yes, because Big Brother is returning, the letter is brief this time. He just asked if there's anything the family needs to purchase in the capital so that he can take care of it and bring it back."


Xiang Yi nodded in understanding.


Tan Jian hastened to change the subject and asked, "Mother and Sister-in-law, do you have anything you want to buy?"


Tan Rong was Zhao Shi's biological daughter, close to the age of adulthood. Zhao Shi indeed had a few things to prepare for her daughter, so she had Tan Jian bring over writing materials and personally penned down a few items.


Tan Rong tapped her chin with the pen and after some thought, she wrote down a list of little trinkets.


Tan Jian didn't have much in mind to buy. After some contemplation, he jotted down some good-quality inksticks to bring for his fellow students.


The writing materials were passed to Xiang Yi, who also wrote down a few items.


However, when Tan Jian took a glance at the list, he blinked.


Every item on Sister-in-law's list was something that the family was lacking or needed as a backup, such as medicinal herbs, spices, and timber.


Yet not a single item on the list seemed to be for her personal use.


Tan Jian stared at Xiang Yi's words for a moment. She finished writing and placed the paper back in front of Zhao Shi. "Mother, take a look and see if there's anything else to add."


Zhao Shi trusted Xiang Yi's capabilities. She watched as Xiang Yi meticulously considered all the items the family needed, even adding a few more pieces of wood for Tan Rong's dowry chest. Zhao Shi nodded in satisfaction. "This should be sufficient."


Xiang Yi handed the paper to Tan Jian, allowing him to summarize and complete the letter.


As Tan Jian took the paper, he stole a glance at Xiang Yi, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.



During the winter days, each day was colder than the last. The branches were bare, and bird nests were empty, with only a few feathers left behind. When Xiang Yi woke up early, she instructed Qiao Xing to tidy up the main room's belongings and sort through the items. "Put the less frequently used items in the boxes, and leave a few essentials. As for my seal-making tools, you can keep them in your room for now."


Qiao Xing diligently organized everything. Finally, she reached the desk by the window, where various pieces of jade and stones were placed.


After the passing of her father, Xiang Yi's life in the Xiang family became extremely difficult. As she wasn't skilled in feminine arts, she took up seal carving. Even after marrying into the Tan family, the monthly allowance she received from the Tan family was meager. Thus, she continued with her jade carving work, which helped supplement the finances.


"But Madam, your seal carving doesn't disturb anyone else. Why should you put everything away? Is this room only allowed to have the Master's belongings?" Qiao Xing muttered, a bit perplexed.

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Xiang Yi couldn't help but smile. "While this room isn't exclusively his, these seal carving tools are my personal belongings. I sell the seals I carve to earn some money for my natal family. How could I openly display them in front of him? It would seem like I'm indirectly asking him for money."


She knew that the reputation of the Xiang family was already tarnished in his eyes. If she were to ask for money constantly, it would only worsen the family's reputation. She could disregard the opinions of others, but when her father was alive, he cared deeply about the family's reputation, and she couldn't ignore that.


She was thankful that Tan Ting hadn't taken advantage of her situation at that time. He had carried out his responsibilities well.


As for more considerations, whether it was about money or other matters, she hadn't given much thought to them when she married him.


Qiao Xing felt that Madam's explanation made sense, but there was still something that didn't quite add up.


Xiang Yi remembered something and reminded her, "Make sure to keep track of these accounts meticulously."


"Why do you need to keep track of these accounts? They're your personal accounts, not the Tan family's. Why bother being so meticulous?" Qiao Xing was puzzled.



Xiang Yi gathered her books and placed them on the lower shelf of the bookshelf, freeing up space on the upper shelf. She used a feather duster to clean the now-empty space, preparing it for the person who would return soon.


She explained, "While these accounts are mine, now I'm in charge of the Tan family's household.There might be a day when something goes wrong. If someone decides to inspect the accounts, separating personal and public expenses will make the accounting process smoother."


The logic made sense, but Qiao Xing was even more surprised. "But Madam is the matriarch. Who would come to inspect Madam's accounts?"


If that were the case, then what dignity would be left for Madam as the matriarch?


Xiang Yi shook her head and didn't respond further. "It's always a good practice to keep the accounts clear and detailed."


Qiao Xing could only nod and started packing the seal-making tools and other items, temporarily placing them in her room. The room was soon empty as Xiang Yi neatly packed away her belongings.


Xiang Yi dutifully went to Autumn Radiance Courtyard to pay respects to Zhao Shi. Today was the day Tan Ting was supposed to return home according to the plan he outlined in his letter. After paying her respects to Zhao Shi, Xiang Yi, accompanied by Tan Jian, went outside the city to wait for his return.


The current winter was unusually cold. It had just begun, yet the northern winds were sweeping through like a scourge. Rivers and lakes had already frozen over, and even children as young as three or five could run on the ice.


Xiang Yi and Tan Jian had someone set up a tent by the side of the main road, surrounding it with tightly woven mats. They lit heated charcoal to prepare hot tea, which provided some relief against the cold.


There were not many passersby on the road, but whenever someone did pass by, Xiang Yi would have her servants offer them a cup of hot tea or invite them into the tent to warm up briefly. All the travelers expressed their gratitude.


However, hours passed, and Tan Ting's carriage had yet to arrive. By the afternoon, the sky had become overcast. Thick clouds descended, and the wind grew stronger. The tent became increasingly colder, and it was no longer comfortable to sit inside.


At this point, Zhao Shi sent someone to call Tán Jiàn back. "The wedding is approaching, and catching a cold now would be terrible. The Old Madam asks that you return home immediately."


He hesitated, realizing that leaving only Xiang Yi alone in the cold tent might not be appropriate.


Seeing that Tan Jian was hesitant to leave, Xiang Yi spoke, "Second Young Master, please return home quickly. After you're back, you can send some windbreakers for the tent." 

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"Alright," Tan Jian reluctantly agreed. Pressured by Zhao Shi's messenger’s constant urging, he added, "Sister-in-law, please endure a little longer. I'll have someone bring windbreakers as soon as I'm back."


Xiang Yi smiled and nodded.


Tan Jian left, leaving the tent desolate and only Xiang Yi inside.


The wind grew stronger, and the heavy clouds lowered even further. After about an hour, the sky had turned nearly pitch black. The northern wind swept through the tightly wrapped bamboo mats, playing with the flickering charcoal fire.


Then, large snowflakes began to fall from the densely clouded sky.


Xiang Yi stood up and walked to the roadside. There wasn't a single passerby on the road, and there was no light in the pitch-black night.


Suddenly, a servant who had been stationed outside to watch the road collapsed.


They carried him into the tent and warmed him by the fire for about ten minutes before he regained consciousness.


Qiao Xing draped a cloak around Xiang Yi's shoulders. "Madam, you should head back. It's snowing, and it seems unlikely that the Master will make it today. If you're worried, you can leave two people here."


The wind was so fierce it was hard to stay standing.


Xiang Yi glanced at the collapsed servant and then at the deserted road with no sign of Tan Jian;s carriage. She decided to withdraw her gaze. "No need to wait anymore. Let's all go back."


Soon, the tent became empty, except for the bamboo mats that were left behind, providing shelter for passersby. However, just as Xiang Yi's group had left the area, a convoy of carriages and horses approached through the snow-covered road.


The keen-eyed young servant noticed the tent surrounded by bamboo mats from a distance. "Master, the tent ahead is enclosed. Could it be that our household's people are waiting for you here?"


He turned his gaze towards the man on the powerful black steed in front.


The man was dressed in a dark blue robe with discreet gray patterns on the collar. His black cloak rustled in the wind.


His expression eased as he heard the servant's words. "Let's go and take a look."


Whenever he returned home from a trip, as long as the return date was mentioned in the family's correspondence, there would undoubtedly be someone waiting for him here. While his mother Zhao Shi used to manage the household, even though the leadership had now changed, there should be no mistake.


The group quickened their pace and reached the tent. However, when the servant lifted the curtain and looked inside, his eyes widened in surprise.


The tent enclosed by the bamboo mats was completely empty. Not a single person was waiting there.


The man on the black steed was taken aback. An assistant from the carriage rode over and cast a quick glance at Tan Ting. He murmured in a low voice, "Madam of the Xiang clan isn't here waiting for you, and there's no one left either? Doesn't she know that you're returning home after three years?"


Inside the tent, apart from the wind brushing against the edges of the bamboo mats, there was nothing else. The wind and snow blew, sending a shiver down everyone's spine.


The man on the black steed didn't say much. His previously relaxed expression turned solemn as he withdrew his gaze. "Alright, let's go back home."

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