Elf siblings

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Translated by Omkar
Edited by Omkar


The next thing that came into my visual was a one-horse cart and a person in it wearing a pure white hooded robe outlined with golden embroidery. The person’s face was obscured by the deep hood, and the figure was smaller than the elf in front of me. The wagon was neatly organized with many supplies piled inside.

A good-looking elf interrupted my gaze from looking behind her.

“She is my sister. Do you mind ?”

I was so engrossed in checking out the surroundings that I forgot about the elf in front of me. I completely lost my guard because of the elegance that the elf wore.

“No, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Shogo, I live here. I was surprised to know you are a peddler.”

I offered him a handshake, which he reciprocated. His hand was somehow normal and youthful. They looked like the hands of someone doing paperwork. At least, not the kind of work that requires a lot of hand work. Then he wouldn’t need this fire shovel.

I put it by the front door. So that no one would know.

“I am the one who was surprised. This mountain is a route I often use, and I didn’t expect to find such a magnificent house deep in the mountains. Moreover, I had no idea that the people who lived here were human beings.”

“Huh ?”

“Oops, sorry if I offended you. I am not in any way trying to offend you, human Shogo-san, so please don’t be offended.”

Lynlandia’s tone was very light and had a crystal clear voice.

“I am also a newcomer to this area, so it is understandable that you are surprised. So, when you said you had a business meeting, how can I help you ?”

“Yes, the business meeting was to find out if there is anything that Shogo-sama, who lives deep in the mountains like this, might be able to get into. So I thought I would drop by to see if you would be interested in buying my products.”

I see, you thought that a person living so deep in the mountains could not go shopping so casually. Besides, I don’t know if this is flattering, but if this log house of mine looks so nice, it means that I must have accumulated some money. The thing is, well, I’m broke !

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“Great, could you please show me your products ?”

“Thank you. What kind of product would you like ?”


What do I need ? Frankly, I’m running out of various stockpiles that were given to me by the goddess. But if I buy them from a peddler, it will cost me a lot of money.

“I don’t have any requests, so can you please show me as many items as you can ?”

“I understand.”

After Shogo and Lynlandia finished talking, Shogo left the front door open and went inside the house, while Lynlandia returned to the carriage.

“Ariel, I think we have a deal. I’ll take the goods, you go inside and talk to the customer first.”

“Understood. Dear brother.”

At that time, Shogo was moving the desk in the living room to make room for the goods that Lynlandia was going to bring in. At that moment, Ariel came in. Shogo noticed her wearing a white hood and asked Ariel to take off her shoes at the entrance while he worked. Although he could not see her expression clearly, Ariel’s face turned red as she apologized and hurriedly took off her shoes at the entrance.

“So humans take off their shoes in the house. I didn’t know.”

Ariel’s soliloquy leaked out into the doorway.

“Sorry for the inconvenience, please take a seat on the sofa. I’ll offer you something to drink. Please use the hanger there for your robe.”

Shogo said and went to the kitchen to start making tea. Ariel took off her robe and while puzzled by the hangers she had never seen before, she saw Shogo’s clothes hung by her side and hung up her robe, imitating him.

I returned from the kitchen with a set of tea on a tray. When I came to the side of the sofa, I stopped and looked at the elf girl sitting in front of me. The elf girl had long silver hair tied back, long white silver lashes, and golden eyes. Her limbs were slender and her breasts were modest and truly flowing. Her clothes were sleeveless, white and green, like a traditional costume, with short pants underneath. The sunlight streaming in from behind made her silvery white skin shimmer and asserted her beauty.

Ariel noticed that Shogo had been standing there for a long time, and called out to him. Finally, he came to his senses, and with his face reddening, he brewed a cup of tea and handed it to Ariel.

“It is a delicious black tea. Thank you.”

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“No, that’s natural.”

Shogo and Ariel introduced themselves and had a light chat. Then Lynlandia came in with the goods. Unlike Ariel, he took off his shoes and walked into the house, probably because he has been peddling for a long time.

“If you knew, you should have told me. Dear Brother, you idiot.”

Her mutterings drowned out with the tea she was drinking. Later, Shogo and Lynlandia had a business meeting with various products in front of them. This continued until the sun went down, and finally came to an end.

I decided to buy 10 bundles of herbs, 1 bow, 30 arrows, a magic stone, and 4 gold coins from the peddler. But I had no money. I had forgotten to ask God to prepare it for me. So I decided to make a reverse deal with the peddler.

“You want to trade for alcohol in exchange for gold coins ?”

“Yes, I am a brewer here in the area. I would like you to buy my sake from me and exchange it for your goods.”

“That’s interesting. I didn’t know you were a brewer… However, elves are better than humans at making things. Alcoholic beverages are no exception.”

The sales smile that had been on his face earlier disappeared before he knew it, and there was a coldness in it, as if he was looking down on humans as a superior race. To tell the truth, he has no racist ideology. It was just that Lynlandia, a worshiper of money, did not want to deal in anything other than gold.

“You can judge that after you drink my alcohol.”

“Eh ?”

Lynlandia lightly exchanged the elf’s intimidation and shrugged it off. His sister laughed at the sight of him. Shogo disappeared into the kitchen and returned dressed in a tuxedo as quickly as possible. They were surprised at the way he had replaced his attire.

He became the Shogo from the non-alcoholic cocktail BAR days. He has completely switched to customer service mode.

“First, let me introduce you to vodka. Lynlandia-sama, have you ever heard of vodka ?”

He indicated a gesture of surrender after some thought.

“I have never heard of it before.”

“Let me explain. This vodka is made from barley. It is characterized by its clear taste and high alcohol content. The alcohol content, in particular, is so high that it can light up like this.”

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While explaining vodka, Shogo poured vodka into a shot glass and lit it on fire with life magic. A small fire was flickering on the top of the glass filled with vodka.

“What ? The alcohol is really on fire. Is this oil or something ?”

“It is not oil. The proof is in the fire thus extinguished and gulp, puha ! It is also easy to drink. Please taste it. Would you like some too, Miss Ariel ?”

(T/N: Using italics for sounds)

“By all means ! Can I have a drink as well. It looks very interesting.”

Ariel’s curiosity seemed to be aroused. Two shot glasses were lined up on the table, and Shogo poured vodka into them with a steady hand. The two of them held the shot glasses, looked at each other, and gulped down the vodka with a nervous look on their faces.

First, Lynlandia took the lead.

“Puha ! What a strong alcohol, I have lived for 150 years, but I have never had this kind of alcohol before. It’s so hot, it almost burned the inside of my mouth. But this will sell. This would be a perfect drink to sell to those ruffian dwarves !”

Lynlandia was excited, looking flushed and elated thanks to the vodka. Ariel, on the other hand, was sweltering from the strong alcohol.

“Cough- cough- this is a little too strong for me.”

“In that case, I can recommend some drinks for Miss Ariel.”

“There’s still more alcohol ? !”

Lynlandia seems to have been shocked by Vodka alone. Then I’ll give him a good push. I hope you will be able to enjoy my drink.

“Of course. Vodka is just a byproduct of the alcohol I have painstakingly created. This is the real whiskey.”

I took out the bottle of whiskey I had prepared. Oh how lovely. Today, this one has been in the barrel for about four years. That meant the whiskey had come of age. This whiskey, which has reached a certain point of completion, should be tasty enough. Actually, I haven’t tasted it yet, so I’m the one who wants to drink it the most. After all, this is the first whiskey I made myself. I was happy to have it.

I prepared three glasses, pulled the cork from the bottle, and heard a “swishing” sound that would make any drinker’s heart skip a beat. Then, the whiskey was poured into the glasses with a “gluk, gluk, gluk”. The amber-colored whiskey swirls in the glass and pours out.

“Wow, what a beautiful color! I didn’t know it was possible to produce this kind of color in alcohol. It’s a different and noble color from wine, isn’t it, Dear Brother !”

“Ah, that’s indeed true.”

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Is there really anything more gratifying than to be praised for the color of one’s alcohol ?

“First, please drink it straight up.”

Is it because they are elves or because they grew up in a nice place ? They enjoyed the amber color of the alcohol poured into their glasses with their eyes without my saying anything, and enjoyed the aroma of the alcohol filling their nostrils as they shook their glasses. Then they each took a sip of the whiskey.

“Wow !”

“Ooh !”

“ “It’s delicious/tasty !” ”

“The aroma resembled nectar, and when I actually sipped it, the tangy, spicy flavor exceeded my expectations.”

“That’s right, and what’s more surprising is the fruity sweetness that peeks out of the spicy flavor. And finally, what a smoky finish. A smoky flavor envelops the whole thing and then fades away.”

That’s what you’d expect from an elf. They are very good at making reports. The whiskey I’m aiming for has a gorgeous estery, honey, and floral aroma, and a smooth, sweet taste, as if it were honey in liquor. Ariel and Lynlandia happily drank the first prototype of the ideal alcohol I was aiming for.

“Let’s talk business tomorrow and enjoy drinking to our heart’s content today !”

They both happily agreed.


Heather, a species of shrub in the Ericaceae family, is also called heather. peat formed by the accumulation of heather, mosses, and ferns, and grass charcoal. It is said to be produced only in cold regions with thin, acidic soil.

In Scotland, peat layers are widely distributed, and the peat is cut in the spring, dried in the sun for a summer, and brought to the distillery in the fall for use. In Scotland, where trees were originally scarce, peat has long been used as fuel.

In whisky making, peat is used to stop the germination of malt, the raw material, and to dry it. The burning of peat adds a distinctive peat aroma (peaty, smoky flavor) to the malt.

The United Kingdom and Japan are the two most common whisky-producing countries in the world that use peat.


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