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We fly into the city and we make it just in time to see the portal being opened.

"Open the back I'm heading out"

Hawkeye opens the door and I fly out. I fly towards the portal and shoot ki blasts at every alien that comes through. However there are to many of them for me to pay attention to. Then I see the Quinn jet that get shot by Loki's spear. I fly to it and grab it under the bottom trying to keep it from crashing. But it was kind of slippery in my hands so it ended up falling anyway. CA BW and Hawkeye run out and CA says

"We have to get back up there."

That's when a loud inception noise is heard and we all look up. A large flying whale like creature swoops down and try's to deploy troops all over the ground. However I sweep down the sides of the creature and murder every troop it was about to release with a swift punch or kick.

"I'll leave big Bertha to the hulk"

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I fly down to a bridge to help BW and Hawkeye. Then CA comes in and drop kicks an alien. Finally Thor electrocutes a group of aliens then swoops in.

'Ohhhh... my favorite part is coming'

"What's the story upstairs" CA says

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable" Thor says

"Thor is right we have to deal with these guys"

"How do we do this" BW asks

"As a team" CA says

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"I have unfinished business with Loki" Thor says

"Yeah, get in line" Hawkeye says

"Save it, Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild... we got stark up top...."

A rumbling of a motorbike is heard in the background and I try my hardest not to break out laughing. we all walk towards banner

"So, this all seems... horrible"

"I've seen worse"BW says

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"No... We could use a little worse"

"Stark we got him..."

"Just like you said"

"Have y'all been communicating with Stark this whole time?" I whisper to Hawkeye

he passes me a comm. I look at him confused.

"You didn't think I would need this"

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He shrugs and I put it in my ear then see a giant whale creature fly around the corner.

"I don't see how that's a party"

"Dr. Banner this is a really good time for you to get angry."

"That's my secret cap..."

'Omg omg omg'

"I'm always angry"

Bruce transforms into the hulk and punches the shit out of the whale creature.

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