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When I arrive at the orphanage, my roommate Kevin immediately wakes up.

"Get me a bucket of water cannon fodder"

*Flashback 8 years ago

'You know what... FUCK UNCLE BEN!'

"Come back you cannon fodder."

"What was that sissy"

"I said, get back here, you USELESS... BACKGROUND CHARACTERS"

"Go get him guys"

I look at the 4 boys coming to me with malice.

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"I can't believe you weaklings are actually trying to fight me."

I slap the first one off of his feet flinging him 5 feet back. Then I slap another goon in the stomach making him throw up.


I punch the second to last one in the chest making him lose his breath, falling to the ground.

Kevin looks towards Me with fear in his eyes. He falls to his knees and starts to cry. A black stain starts to appear on his brown khakis.

"What happened to 'go get him' Kevin. You want to know a secret... I can't even use 1% of my power without you guys being severely hospitalized."

i turn around and start to walk away.

"And you wonder why I call you cannon fodder"

*end flashback

"Yes sir"

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Kevin runs to get a bucket of water and Brings it to Me

"Alright, you can get lost."

"Yes sir"

I splashe the water on Banner and he wakes up. And looks around the room scared.

"Where am I"

"You're at an orphanage in queens"

"Why, how did I get there, what happened to the big guy."

"I brought you here, I knocked that green guy out and you appeared. And I figured whatever you are, it would be terrible to leave you in the hands of the military."

"Wait you knocked out the big guy"

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"Yeah I slammed his pardon my French big ass into the ground"

"That's very hard to believe but I am here and not the big guy so that proves something took him down"

"If you don't believe me just watch this video"

I pull out my phone and go to YouTube and I find a video of me slamming the hulk into the ground which has over 1 million views already.

"Wow I'm already popular"

"Oh my god you can fly"

"I have a large array of useful abilities"


"Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise"

"Ok fine, but I suggest that you move out of the country to avoid being chased by the government."

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"I'm a 13 year old kid... How"

"You're only 13... You're look like an Olympic athlete, I couldn't even tell."

"I get that a lot. Either way, I'm trying to join S.H.I.E.L.D so this publicity is good for me to make my debut."

"You do you but I'm going to try to get out of the country"

"See you dr. Banner"

"Call me Bruce "

"Hopefully I'll see you in the future Bruce"

"Nice to meet you, goodbye."

Dr. Banner leaves the orphanage and makes his way to whatever country he goes to. I don't quite remember where he went.

But.... does it even matter.

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