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"So, what now? Are we going back again?" Taro asked Broly as they flew away.

"No, I still need to gather some things and besides we still have to give our present to someone, who will appear today as well."

"Yeah right, I first thought you wanted to give it to Goku or Vegeta. So, it's not someone from their group?" Taro questioned.

"Yes, don't think about it, you will meet him soon. If I am not wrong, we can feel his ki in just a few hours until then I wanted to get a present for our scientists."

The trio quickly flew into a city, not bothering at all with all the attention they got by flying midday over the busy traffic. They quickly headed towards a building, Broly had visited a few years ago. They just walked into the building with the words 'Capsule Corporation' on it.

This big house seemed pretty empty. With the exception of an old man and a seemingly young woman, the house was only filled with animals. Broly quickly went into their storage room, until he found a box with capsules inside. They just ignored the questions they got from Dr. Brief, since he didn't make any attempt to stop them. His wife, Panchy, who seemed flustered by the sudden guests, wanted to quickly prepare some cake and tea for them.

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Before she was done, they had already disappeared and headed to God's temple. Its location was slightly hidden by magic but for Broly, it was too easy to find it. They quickly arrived at Korin's tower and flew upwards along it. After a short moment they landed on the lookout. Broly for the first time looked at the familiar sight of the lookout.

It didn't take long before two people came outside the temple to greet them. Of course, these two were Kami and Popo.

Kami was gripping his staff tightly as he looked at the unexpected visit. He of course knew of Broly who had easily beaten up Goku. The other Z-Fighters had noticed the fluctuation from their fight as well, but as they had some androids to take care off, they didn't bother with it.

"What do you want Broly?" Kami raised his voice hostilely. "Calm down buddy. Just want to enjoy the show. I heard you had a problem with Androids, and I thought I check it out." Broly said in a friendly tone but this only made Kami more apprehensive. Not long ago he had heard from King Kai of Broly's actions in the Andromeda Galaxy and he knew that it was still not time to confront Broly. What made him relieved was the fact that Broly seemingly wants to uphold his 'promise' about only coming to take action in 7 years from now. If there was enough time, Kami was confident that the Z-Fighters, especially Goku, would be able to defeat Broly.

What he couldn't understand was the fact that Broly wanted to witness their fights. In Broly's eyes it should only be a quarrel of kids, right? After all his strength was more than enough to crush them beneath his feet. He doubted that Broly would want information about their strength. He knew that Saiyans were extremely arrogant, he wouldn't consider studying their capabilities, right?

The trio ignored the two and walked past them inside the temple. They quickly arrived at their food storage as if they were able to smell it the whole time. They weren't polite as they just stole the raw food and prepared their dinner.

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While Broly and his friends were enjoying their food, the Z-Fighters slowly woke up. Because there wasn't Krillin present to feed them a Senzu bean, it actually took them a while before one of them could move again and feed the others with a Senzu bean. Vegeta had quickly flown off after waking up, while Piccolo came to a decision and quickly headed towards Kami's lookout. It wasn't long until he had reached the lookout. He didn't need to wait as Kami was already prepared.

He knew why Piccolo had come here. Piccolo wanted to fuse with him and bring back the past Super Namekian.

He would have hesitated and found some reasons not to fuse, but after seeing how casually Broly came in, beaten up not only Goku but the androids as well, he knew that only by fusing, their chances of success would rise.

Piccolo was surprised that Kami didn't argue but almost urged him. Piccolo made it clear that they had to use his body as the base and Kami without hesitation gave his acknowledgement. Piccolo put his palm on Kami's chest who then started screaming as his ki and lifeforce flared up. With a bright light, Kami disappeared as he fused with Piccolo. The Light that came out of Piccolos body had disappeared as fast as it appeared.

Piccolo slowly stood up and felt his body before turning his head to the temple's entrance. Broly stood there with a roasted meat drumstick. Broly observed Piccolo with a smile. He casually bit a piece of meat off before turning around, walking inside the temple again.

Piccolo gulped. He could feel how his strength had risen exponentially but he couldn't help but seriously doubt that he would be a match against Broly. In fact, after he became stronger, he was more aware of the gap that existed between the two.

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He didn't bother with it anymore and walked to the edge. He turned around and waved goodbye at the crying Popo, before jumping off the edge. With a flash his ki enveloped him and he headed of, but his goal was not the androids but something else. While Broly was there, Kami had looked down at the earth, looking at the actions of the androids, but in the end something else had taken his notice. Something had killed many humans in a slightly bigger city. Since Kami had now fused with Piccolo, he knew of this creature that had put Kami at unease for the last 4 years. Kami had speculated that this being should be more powerful than even the androids.

While Piccolo headed towards this being, Broly and his crew finally walked out of the temple.

"Thanks for the meal!" Broly said to Popo, stunning him for a second, before the trio disappeared as they teleported away.

Kilometers away they appeared in a giant city, which echoed with agonizing screams. Broly looked around indifferently before he focused at one direction, seemingly seeing through walls. Broly smiled before he dashed into that direction. He didn't bother to jump or go around the houses, but just ran through them as if the buildings didn't exist at all.

The source of the screams came closer and finally stopped.

Cell had now finished his last meal in this city and wanted to head off to another city, but he felt a presence quickly approach him. He suppressed his ki before hiding in the shadows of the debris of a skyscraper.

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He noticed that the wall, he was leaning against was shaking and quickly realized what was happening. He tried to move away from the wall, but it was already too late. The wall burst into thousands of pieces as a large guy charged through it, while shouting "Here's Broly!".

With a ferocious smile Broly grabbed the shocked Cell by the head. Without giving Cell time to react, Broly forced his head into the ground with the momentum he had gathered. A deep trench was formed with Cell's face. Just after they stopped sliding across the ground, Broly gave him another kick, sending him through multiple buildings.

After a short while of recovering, Cell jumped out of the debris as he knew that Broly seemed to know his position, even if he suppressed his ki. Cell looked at Broly's figure who looked at him leisurely.

Cell considered his options to either stand his ground and attack him or flee until he had absorbed the androids. He knew that right now, he wouldn't necessarily be a match for the person in front of him. He didn't want to die after finally coming to the past, waiting for 4 years only to be killed just as he was about to get stronger and become a perfect being.

But his option of fleeing was quickly denied as another two appeared around him. He only now noticed that they had tails and immediately recognized them as Saiyans. He was confused as there shouldn't be any other Saiyans except for Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Trunks. He hesitated for a moment before landing. From what he knew about Saiyans, he may be able to trick them using their huge egos.

Before he could say anything, one of the Saiyans threw something at him. He caught it easily but was still looking warily at the Saiyans around him. They didn't seem to make a move any time soon but instead waited for him.

He couldn't help but look at what he had caught. His eyes widened as he sensed the immense energy inside the strange fruit he had just caught.

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