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Broly silently looked at the Z-Fighters for a while.

"Since you have won, I will return in 7 years for your judgment." Broly's voice sounded out clearly. Taro looked surprised.

"But Broly they-" Taro quickly stopped speaking after seeing the glare Broly gave him.

"I mean, King Broly, it was obvious that these two weren't from earth and had definitely something to do with their sudden increase in strength, otherwise-"

"Otherwise you would have won? Lucky for you, I was there to save your ass. The two didn't step into the ring so even if they used magic to help the Z-Fighters, it wasn't something I forbid." Taro seemed to want to continue arguing but seeing Broly's glance, he just swallowed his words. He knew that look, Broly would definitely beat him up if he continues.

Broly turned to the Z-Fighters and let his eyes wander through the group. Their expression gave them away. It looked like they thought the fight would continue as well, but after Broly said it was their victory, they breathed out in relief.

Broly's eyes stopped at Cell, who involuntarily froze like a deer that was about to be hit by a car. Broly grinned slightly.

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"Cell, how about it? Want to join my ranks?" Broly offered a hand, which stunned Cell and the other Z-Fighters for a moment. The others looked at Cell waiting for his answer. Cell pondered about it. He was somewhat aware when he was controlled by Towa. He had witnessed Broly's strength, especially after he took off that necklace. If he stayed here, he would need to seriously train to overcome the gap between them and even then, it wasn't a sure victory. He had already trained for a year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and still saw no way of him beating Broly. Maybe he could absorb every earth's warrior, but even then, would he be able to win? No, he didn't think so.

Cell already took it for granted that this planet was doomed if Broly came back in 7 years, but maybe. Maybe he could follow Broly into the vast universe and absorb as many strong warriors as he could until he became stronger than Broly!

With time and enough warriors to gobble up, he would surely become stronger than Broly someday, but for this he had to become Broly's subordinate and that wasn't something he could endure! He thought about declining the offer, but after feeling Broly's presence and the way he talked, he wasn't sure if he survived if he did decline. As Cell had trouble answering, Broly's voice sounded out once again.

"Just see it as a temporal alliance. I just want to see how far you can go with my support." Broly had a grin on his face, nobody knew what he was thinking. Cell was skeptical as well, but he felt like he didn't have any choice but to accept the offer.

"Hmm. If that is the case, I see no problem in teaming up." Cell answered with a seemingly confident smile.

Cell walked steadily to Broly and stood on his side next to Taro. The Z-Fighters didn't say anything as they were aware of Cell's personality after the time, he spent with them. He also had directly destroyed a city after he woke up, they weren't surprised seeing him join Broly after being invited.

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"How about you, 17 and 18?" 17 was directly angry after being asked to join Broly's forces.

"You! Do you think we would team up with you after what you did to 16?"

"Sigh, emotional I see, but you do know 16 is a machine right. He may be offline now, but I am sure after you repair him, he will be as good as new and surprisingly I have the tools to do so." Broly said with a grin. The two androids hesitated to decline now.

"Don't, Bulma will be able to repair him as well!" Unexpectedly, Krillin shouted out, making the two androids renew their stance.

Broly didn't want to wait any longer.

"Indeed, she can do it as well."

Broly suddenly took a small black rectangle out of his pockets. It looked like an USB. Broly threw it at Piccolo, who caught it easily. Piccolo looked at what he had caught, and it was indeed an USB.

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"On there you find a technique similar to Kaio-ken, but it isn't as straining on the body. Of course, the increase of strength isn't as high as well. You can use it without repercussion. Maybe then you non-Saiyans will be able to contribute to the fight. Alright, Cell hold onto Taro. We are leaving."

Although Cell was puzzled, he silently put a hand on Taro's shoulder and they quickly disappeared from the Z-Fighters' sight.

Piccolo almost crushed the USB in his hand after hearing what Broly just said. It was obvious that Broly thought of them as useless and indeed, they didn't contribute much in the fight. Even his so- student, Gohan, was already stronger than he was.

Although Piccolo hated accepting something from the enemy, he would make sure Broly would regret giving them this. Piccolo had of course tried to learn Kaio-ken as well in the past, but a Namekian body was just too different. Their cells worked differently which allowed them to regenerate even limbs, but also denied them to learn Kaio-ken. As for the Humans, they could learn it, but their bodies were too fragile. The burden the technique with a basic 2 times multiplier put them under, was too much for them to handle, even for just a minute. It would only be a waste of time to learn it, so the others didn't.

If the technique was really compatible with them, their strength would rise exponentially. Still the simple fact that it was Broly who gave them the technique made them hesitant.

After a while they had returned to the lookout and summoned Shenlong. They wished for the people to be resurrected that died because of Cell. Just as the androids were about to leave, they overheard Krillin make the wish for them to become human again. Because they were already human, Shenlong couldn't grant it but Krillin changed his wish to remove the bombs inside of them.


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On Exousia, in Broly's personal training chamber, four people suddenly appeared. Obviously these four were Broly, Aize, Taro and Cell. Broly lead them outside and flew into the air with Cell following closely. Cell looked around and could feel many strong aura's which made him excited.

"Cell if you dare kill as much as a single innocent person here, I will use your dead body to do some experiments on." Broly's cold voice immediately interrupted Cell's thoughts, making him shiver deeply. He only nodded. Broly's voice made it clear that there was no room for negotiation regarding this. Cell didn't even dare to make a joke.

"There are a lot more of these fruits I gave you, which will be given to you if you fulfilled your missions. Besides that, you can absorb as many of our enemies as you like, I don't care about them. Do as you please. Aize will tell you more about the missions and the training opportunities. Have fun, partner." Broly said with a smile before disappearing quickly.

Broly didn't entertain Cell any longer and was on his way to meet up with his wives. They were still the strongest in his army and he needed someone to protect him when he was healing his soul. With his wound he couldn't go all out without injuring himself. He wanted to be at 100 percent as quick as possible.

He felt the ki of Zangya and Cana, they seemed to be together. He directly teleported to them. As soon as he arrived, he was greeted with hugs and kisses, but he quickly stopped them.

"Where is Alea? Is she on a mission?" Broly directly asked as he couldn't sense her ki. The training rooms were isolated fairly well, but because Broly was incredible sensitive and was familiar with her ki, he could usually still sense it, even if it was incredibly weak. Broly had a bad feeling.

"Hm? No, she went training just a few hours ago. Said that she was about to have a breakthrough." Cana answered puzzled. Broly didn't say anything and directly teleported himself into Alea's training room. The room was completely destroyed with huge dents covering the strong walls. Broly quickly looked around and his eyes widened in shock as he saw Alea lying in a pool of blood.

He quickly rushed up to her and held her cold body up, he quickly felt her pulse, but he already knew through his vision of truth. There was no pulse, no breath. Her skin was pale white, and a huge cut was going through her chest. Her lifeforce had already disappeared. She was dead.

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