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"Hm? Who is that? Another one from the headquarters?"

"Never seen that one before. Someone with such gaudy clothes is probably pretty high ranked."

These two soldiers looked at each other and came to a silent agreement.

That man was walking towards their formation as if he was owning the place and was surely a high ranked person, but rules were rules. Although he looked like someone they couldn't offend, they couldn't just let anyone walk in.

One of them approached the man with the vibrant red sash and the golden ornaments and spoke in an amiable tone.

"Sir, can I see your ID-" Before he could finish his question, his body fell forwards as he collapsed to the ground.

"What the f- urgh…" His colleague couldn't react before he too died without knowing what had hit him.

Everyone below a certain threshold of strength started collapsing as this man walked past. It was as if the Grim Reaper was harvesting their souls, dying without any external wounds.

The 3 strongest and highest ranked beings were currently threatening the Namekians to reveal their Dragon Balls or they would all die without exception.

The elders were shielding the kids behind them as they were trying to buy time for one of their soldiers to get support from the soldiers in the other villages, however, they didn't know that the other villages were also being attacked and couldn't send support.

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The Namekians watched the soldiers in horror until a tall muscular alien came along from behind. They saw how the soldiers were just collapsing to the ground as he walked past them. It was like he was the bringer of death.

The three only sneered as they looked at the pale and shocked expression of these Namekians. They thought their threats finally showed effects, but after some time, they noticed that their eyes were fixed to something behind them.

Why were they staring at the lower ranked soldiers? They couldn't help but turn around. The sneer that was still lingering on their face changed drastically after seeing what had happened behind their back.

Without exception all their subordinates had died without them noticing. Only a single man they haven't seen before remained.

"You! What did you do?? Who do you think you are?!" The short-tempered one from this trio started shouting at the newcomer.

The other two, however, started to take some step backwards as they thought the same thing, 'If you want to seek death than do it by yourself!'.

How could that newcomer be someone they could contend against? He had killed every soldier without giving himself away.

It was clear that this man's power had far exceeded the strength of the whole squad they had brought to this planet.

They both started retreating slightly, wanting to wait until the short-tempered one in their ranks started to engage that being before escaping themselves.

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Although they were colleagues for a few years already and could be regarded as friends, in the face of death it was each to their own.

They wouldn't hesitate to give a push if that meant to save their own skin. While the two thought of their retreat, the one with the short fuse was almost exploding with rage. He started to take a step forwards, but instead of walking, he stumbled forwards before his face collided with the ground as he limply collapsed.

The other two's eyes widened in shock they couldn't believe what just happened. The colleague on the ground wasn't far in terms of strength, in fact he was stronger than the other two, which was also the reason why he was still alive despite being an idiot.

They didn't want to wait anymore and stomped the ground as their body shot into the sky before they fell again like a dead bird. Without stopping they crashed into the ground.

The Namekians didn't know if they should be happy or fearful. Although he had saved them just now, they didn't know if he was to reveal himself as an even more powerful enemy.

They couldn't think of a way to beat him as they thought that even the strongest soldiers on this planet wouldn't put as much as a scratch on that man. Wouldn't they just collapse like these soldiers?

As they were wavering between being happy and fearing for their lives, a deep voice, which carried an unbelievable pressure with it, started coming out of that man's mouth.

They were almost overwhelmed by his voice that they didn't register what he had said. After snapping out of their daze, they finally understood what he had said.

"After I got rid of these pests for you, I will make a wish with your Dragon Balls." There was no room for negotiations, and they couldn't do anything besides nodding to his exclamation. They knew that it wasn't a request. He was just stating a fact and who on this planet could stop him?

The Namekians had a special ability to discern the nature of a person through their ki but this man didn't exude any energy. At least, they couldn't sense it.

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After saying his words his body vanished. They didn't know where he went but they were sure that he was currently purging this planet from these invaders.

They started breathing more lightly as they thought that they had evaded their extinction. Some sat down and wanted to rest but before they could do so the man once again appeared. 6 Dragon Balls that were still stone were hovering behind him as if they were being carried by invisible hands.

'Did he already kill them?' They couldn't help but doubt this train of thought. How could any being in this universe be that strong?

But here he was carrying the Dragon Balls from the other villages with him.

"Bring your Dragon Ball and place it here." He said as he arranged the dragon balls on the ground.

"What is your dragon called?" He asked after seeing the last Dragon Ball being added to the bunch.

"He… he is called Orochi, but you can't summon it. I will translate-" One of the elders that seemed to be their leader answered the man's question and before he could finish what he wanted to say, the man spoke out.

"Come forth, Orochi! And grant us our wishes!" The man spoke out in the tongue of the Namekians which surprised everyone present.

In the distance several injured Namekian soldiers could be seen heading their way. This relieved them but they knew that was just a false sense of security.

The man spoke out his wish.

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"I want to know where the Super Dragon Balls are!" Super Dragon Balls? what are those and why would he wish for their location if he already spoke to the divine dragon? The kids couldn't understand this as they weren't exactly aware of the abilities of the Dragon Balls but for those that did, it was a revelation that didn't surprise them at all.

This being had to wish for something that was out of the reach of Orochi and needed a more powerful Dragon to fulfill his wishes. Considering that man's power, they were sure that his wish wasn't easily being fulfilled.

"Thy wish is impossible for me to fulfill, it-"

"Then tell me the location of the god of destruction's planet!" The man interrupted the dragon and directly changed his wish.

The Dragon hesitated for a while as if he was contemplating if he should give out the location or not. After a short while the dragon shot a beam at the man's head and stated that his wish had been fulfilled. Afterwards the man disappeared without saying anything else to them.

Seeing Orochi still waiting, they stated their wish before he disappeared in the sky. Their dead kin started to get up from the ground fully healed and well. They didn't know who had saved them, but they were deeply grateful.

Although he didn't even ask for the Dragon Balls, with his strength he could have just take them anyway and leave them with nothing or even worse, kill them because they were bothering him.

After he got rid of the invaders, he disappeared without claiming the other two wishes. The Namekians present were ashamed that they haven't even thanked him once.


Broly teleported near the planet of the god of destruction before he landed on a planet in a near solar system. Champa's planet was in another dimension and it would take a while before he could enter without causing a commotion. He observed the space around him for a while.

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