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"Other Saiyans whose strength surpasses yours? Tell me, where can I find them?" Beerus didn't care if their pride was hurt due to someone being stronger than they were.

"They live on a planet called earth in the milky way galaxy." Zangya answered Beerus. Beerus turned towards Whis and asked him to search for that planet.

It didn't take long until Whis was able to project the planet in his staff. He zoomed to the middle of the ocean before stopping after displaying three groups sparring against each other.

"Yes, those are the ones I was talking about." Zangya nodded after seeing the figures that displayed mighty strength, creating huge fountains that seemed to pierce through the sky.

"Alright. I will take a look at them. Hopefully they are as good as you say." Beerus shot a glance at the Saiyans before walking behind Whis and placing his hand on his shoulder. He then turned his head towards the three women.

"What are you waiting for? You are coming with us as well." The three quickly hurriedly behind Beerus. Beerus suddenly felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and glared behind him, only to see Alea smile at him.

"We are ready."

"…Alright. Let's go" Beerus stopped paying attention to the three mortals and closed his eyes.

As Whis is the fastest flyer in the universe, it didn't take long until they pierced into earth's atmosphere, however, they didn't land above the ocean but in a bustling city.

The groups, which were sparring a moment ago, had already returned and were now resting. They landed in a large garden which was separated from the streets by quite a distance.

There was a round building with the letters 'Capsule Corporation' written on the outer wall. After landing, they looked around to see several earthlings, sitting on some tables, looking at them. They have, of course, noticed them as well.

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A woman with blue hair stood up and wanted to shout at them before she quickly stopped. Bulma recognized the women that were standing behind a humanoid cat.

"Vegeta, they are here!" Bulma screamed out. A blurry figure suddenly shot out of the building right in front of her. Following that figure a few others shot out of the room as well.

They lined up, standing shoulder to shoulder. Right in front of Bulma was the former prince, Vegeta. Although he wouldn't admit it now or maybe wasn't aware of it yet, but Bulma had already occupied an irreplaceable spot in his heart.

Next to him was Goku, who was smiling slightly as he looked at the three women. He was already familiar with their strength and knew that he was almost stronger than each of them individually. He was confident to strike them back if they engaged again.

The women, Aize, Taro and new Super Saiyans each fight had constantly visited earth for quite some time and fought with the Z-Fighters. Usually the Exousians had always won but after some time, they were being pushed back.

It was Alea's idea to use the earthlings to train and test the strength of the new Super Saiyans. With the combined power of the other S-Fighters, they were confident that they could pull them out if things got heated.

The Z-Fighters were somewhat aware that they were being used as training material, which pissed Vegeta off majorly, however, he and the others noticed that this external threat pushed them to new heights as well, which was why these two opposing groups came to an unspoken agreement to sharpen each other.

The Z-Fighters resentment and fear of them had lessened greatly due to that, of course, what Gine had told them, made them believe that the only 'evil' one was King Broly, who forced the other Saiyans to act.

The Z-Fighter had never encountered Broly after he told them that he would visit them in a few years to destroy them. Knowing that Broly was probably away, they had tried to bring these Saiyans to their side without avail.

Next to Goku and Vegeta stood Gohan, Piccolo, Raditz, Gine and Bardock. After the whole incident with Mechikabura, the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, had sent Bardock back to his original timeline. Specifically, to his wife, Gine.

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After Gine saw Bardock in front of her doorstep, she sobbingly leaped into his arms. She hugged him tightly as if she was worried that he would disappear the moment she let go.

Only after dozens of minutes did she finally let go of him. Unknowingly, Raditz had joined their hug. His eyes were teary, but he had a big smile on his face. It was probably the happiest moment in his life. Finally, his family had found back together.

They had quickly invited Goku over. When he opened the door, he was stunned for second as a person that looked exactly like himself was standing right in front of him. They stared at each other before Bardock called out to him.

"It has been too long, Kakarot!" Bardock walked towards Goku and embraced him. Goku hadn't realized it but tears were already flowing down his face.

After being embraced he shakily returned the hug. His memories of his escape of planet Vegeta, returned to him. Although it was blurry as it was too long ago, he could still recognize the love he felt back then.

"I am back, dad!" Goku muttered as they held each other.

They had spent several weeks to catch up on everything that happened. They were surprised when they had heard that he fought alongside Broly.

The stories about these demons made Goku even more fired up. He was aware that Broly was getting stronger with every second and he needed to give it his all to keep up.


The Z-Fighters turned towards the cat who was stepping forward and cleared its throat. Vegeta suddenly froze as he looked at the being that was about to speak.

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"Hello, earthlings. I heard that there were powerful warriors amongst you, is that true?" Beerus raised an eyebrow as his gaze wandered across the lineup.

"Lord Beerus! The god of destruction!" Vegeta suddenly exclaimed. He took a step backwards. "Oho. You know, who I am?" Beerus glanced at Vegeta, he couldn't help but feel surprised. This was the second time he was recognized by a mortal.

Vegeta's respect towards this deity went deep and way back to his childhood. He unknowingly stepped backwards several times until he bumped against the unsuspecting Bulma.

He turned his head and saw that she was looking confusedly at him.

He gritted his teeth and looked straight at Beerus. He stepped forward and spoke out. "Indeed. Since you are followed by these three, you are probably searching for us."

His cowardly behavior vanished as if it had never been there to begin with.

Beerus found this interesting. All these mortals knew of him, yet, even though they were respectful and initially fearful, they quickly recovered from their fear and had a determined will to move forward.

Of course, this wasn't something new. He had lived for several millions of years. There were several individuals that showed the same will. It was only rare to see a bunch clustered together.

"I want to see how strong you are. If you satisfy me, you are allowed to join my team in the incoming tournament!" Beerus said casually.

"Tournament? Like a martial tournament?" Goku asked as he looked interested in this so-called god of destruction.

"Yes, a tournament between universes! Now prepare yourself or else you will die!" Beerus suddenly flew towards them at great speed.

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With a kick Beerus aimed at Piccolo, who quickly raised his arm to block the strike. His arm immediately broke and he was sent flying.

Beerus suddenly swayed around an incoming fist. As he approached Raditz, he picked up a pair of chopsticks lying on the table.

In a swift manner, he tapped Raditz body several times with the chopsticks. Raditz instantly fainted. Gine and Bardock quickly followed up and attacked Beerus from both sides.

They barely were able to throw a fist or two before they were blasted away. Vegeta, Goku and Gohan were the last remaining.

The three, like the others, had already turned into Super Saiyan 3, but their speed was several times of that of Raditz, Gine and Bardock.

Their speed rose in a burst as they unleashed a fury of attacks, however, every attack felt like they were punching into a swamp.

No attacks of theirs connected and disabled. Beerus quickly disposed of Gohan with a quick sweep of his tail. Suddenly a stretching arm approached him, trying to tie Beerus up. The god only backflipped over the arm and shot a ki blast at the source.

Vegeta and Goku followed up quickly. They perfectly fought together as they engaged this god.

Due to the threat of Exousia, they had fought with each other several times. They also sparred against each other, so they knew the fighting style of each other.

Their teamwork was top-notch, but they still couldn't land a single hit on Beerus. Beerus was constantly moving backwards and evading the attacks as he observed the movements of these two.

It seemed like he was especially satisfied with Goku and Vegeta.

Beerus nodded slightly before he past them in a flash. No one was able to see what happened, the only thing that occurred afterwards was the falling bodies of the two Saiyans.

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