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Broly's soul was flickering in the darkness as he put all his efforts in creating his new body. He started with his skeleton as the foundation, to be precise with his skull.

Strangely, although he had to put all his efforts into redirecting the pure external and internal energy to form a skeleton, he couldn't shape it how he pleased.

The form of his body was already prespecified through his soul. When his skull had formed, he had finally a place to put his soul in.

He was very sensitive to his environment and by now he would be able to tell how much time has passed even if he had lived under a rock.

However, in this place and without a body, he couldn't tell how many days he had already spent here.

He just focused on internalizing the outside energy and use his soul to form his body, everything else shall be trivial matters.

His focus entered a state of absolute calm. He wasn't distracted by any thoughts and was wholeheartedly constructing his body.

Time passed until he had constructed his skeleton. Next were his veins and flesh.

At some point he had regained his sense of touch which was one of the worst sensations Broly felt in his life. He had already dealt with immense pain in the past, but this was something else.

It wasn't really pain he felt, it just felt like thousands of little worms were drilling their way through his body.

It was incomparable itchy and disgusting. These moments of the reconstruction of his body was the most difficult part to maintain his focus in.

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He just wanted to chop off the itchy parts to get rid of this feeling, but he steeled himself to preserve through it.

His whole body was being created through absolute pure lifeforce. His body would be incomparable to any other beings in this universe. Broly felt that his growth would be skyrocketing the moment he started cultivating.

All of his senses returned back to him after an unknown amount of time. He felt the tough skin was now crawling over his bloody body until it was fully enclosed by a layer of skin.

Broly's mind during the time of his rebirth was blown away by the direction the soul was going for as it guided the energies to construct his body.

It was the soul's instinct to create the body he was now occupying. It wasn't only that he felt satisfied with his body, but it didn't feel like he was occupying a body anymore.

It was like his body was just another projection of his soul. He could feel every minute change in his body. Nothing escaped his senses.

He felt his hair grow as he inspected his inner body. It looked almost the same with the exception that his body was now completely symmetrical from his skeleton to his organs. It was like there was a mirror in the middle of his body.

He had already felt his organs arrange themselves to a perfectly balanced being previously, but now seeing the end result was a fantastic sight to be seen.

A perfectly shaped body with absolute symmetrical muscles donned his body and involuntarily gave off an air of superiority.

As soon as his last hair had grown, his soul burst an energy wave into every corner of his body, completing the construction in the process.

He involuntarily shuddered in pleasure. He then opened his eyes and saw every energy particle in this room.

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The former dark room was now presenting all its secret to Broly's eyes. He even felt more pure energy gushing into the room, while it was expanding in size.

The room was in fact not a room but a pocket dimension with a flexible size. With this the owner wouldn't need to worry about not having enough place to store all this energy.

Broly clenched his fists, but he didn't exit the dimension just yet. He crossed his legs and absorbed more of the energy.

They were now gushing into his every cell. His cells were like the dry desert trying to store all the energy they could get without any ending in sight.

He felt his power significantly grow every second while meditating. After days, weeks or months he felt saturated, he grasped his sword and left this pocket dimension and reentered the throne hall.

The moment he appeared on his throne, the two guardians appeared in front of him and kneeled on the ground.

When Broly swept his gaze over their body, he could see all the intricacies their body and how they made them the way they were now.

When he looked around the room, he could see every atom of the object he looked at. Strangely, the huge influx of information didn't bother him at all, and his thoughts were racing through his mind.

The red guardian had already opened his mouth after he had kneeled but Broly had already walked pass him.

"I know." Broly's voice already lingered in the air before the guardian could say anything.

His assessment that he would be slightly weaker when his body was created was right, but after he had meditated for an unknown amount of time, his strength had already far surpassed his former self.

Every step he took was carrying him tens of kilometers. Although the body felt like a second soul, he was exceedingly stronger, which made it difficult for him to adjust.

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However, he himself didn't feel that he had grown but rather that the everything around him has gotten smaller.

He knew that the place hadn't physically changed, it was just his own perspective of things. It took him an instant before he had traversed from the center of the island to the very edge of it.

A group of people were gathered there. It seemed like they were preparing to leave again. Their clothes were just rags and they were all covered in scars.

They still looked like kids, but after going through the trial that is the island, they all had the air of a veteran around them.

Broly approached them and directly landed in front of Aize, who had some additional scars on his body.

As soon as Broly stood in front of him, Aize's eyes widened. Aize was shocked to the core. He felt like he was meeting a superior being and needed to kneel in front of him.

He instantly knew who this person was. He looked slightly different than before. He was now only 2.10 meters tall and his muscles seemed even stronger than before.

His skin was pure, and his hair stood up as if he had transformed into a Super Saiyan, but this all didn't attract Aize's attention, when Aize looked at him.

Broly's pupils were gleaming in a gray-silvery hue and his black hair had slight silver glow to it as well.

His overall being exuded that of an everlasting ethereal divine being that had gifted the existence with his appearance.

Aize couldn't say anything as he was dumbfounded by Broly's change in appearance.

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Broly always had the attitude of a king, which made it easier for Aize to accept that this person even was Broly.

Aize saw Broly smile but to him it looked like was eager for a bloody battle but saw no one worthy to do battle with. It was like Broly didn't put them into his eyes at all.

This was, of course, just a natural inferiority complex coming to light, when Aize compared himself to Broly. Aize was convinced that the title of King wasn't enough to describe Broly anymore.

Broly was more of an Omni-King than Lord Zeno himself.

"How bad is it?" Broly's ethereal voice rang out, which made Aize gulp down and close his mouth.

"I…" Broly waited for an answer but to no avail. He then realized that he was influencing them with the pure energy he was leaking.

In an instant this energy disappeared and Aize's was given a way out of his stupor. His solemn expression returned to Aize as he started reporting.

"Your Excellency, the plan of creating villains for Goku hasn't exactly backfired, but the destination for their appearance has changed slightly-"

Broly didn't wait for Aize to finish as he already got the gist of it by reading Aize mind. He enveloped the Saiyans with his energy and brought them off the island.

They directly entered the spatial rift, but they didn't enter the normal universe. Broly directly teleported the others back to Exousia.

The moment they were emerged on the planet's surface, a giant ki sphere headed for the largest tower in the city. Broly only glanced at it and the sphere was repelled at thrice the speed it came.

Broly had already scanned the whole planet and frowned slightly before a smile returned on his face. Aize looked at Broly's changing expression. Aize knew that Broly was officially pissed.

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