Bu Tian Gang

Chapter 145

In the depths of Otowa Yasuhiko’s character, there was a nearly obsessive admiration for strength. The reason he fell into madness was also because of his yearning and pursuit of great power. Long Shen’s immense power was the embodiment of his ideal spiritual weapon. In his eyes, Long Shen was like a perfect work of art. He longed to hold it in his arms, to admire and play with it every day. That was why he painstakingly created such a vast enchantment, intending to trap them inside. However, he didn’t expect Long Shen’s power to completely exceed his expectations. The opponent not only severed his surveillance, but also broke through all the barriers and reunited with their companions, forcing him to reveal himself in the end.

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Of course, this betrayal also involved Ming Xian.

Otowa Yasuhiko glanced sinisterly at Ming Xian and waved his hand. Ming Xian was thrown out like a puppet with its strings cut, forcefully crashing into the wall. The impact was so strong that even the wall showed a crack.

Tang Jing clenched his fist but didn’t make a move.

Just now, Ming Xian suddenly appeared and volunteered to lead the way, with everyone following behind him. However, when he passed by Long Shen, he suddenly paused for a moment—just a short second—without doing anything. Later, when Ming Xian was leading the way, he paused again at a certain point, which was exactly where Long Shen believed the key point of the barrier was.

Long Shen knew that Ming Xian was giving him a hint, but he didn’t know if this was another deliberate loophole shown by the opponent under Otowa’s control. When his speculation coincided with the other’s hint, Long Shen decided to take a gamble.

And he made the right bet.

At the moment Otowa Yasuhiko appeared, he suddenly understood.

The so-called exit didn’t exist anywhere within this barrier. The only connection the key point had was with Otowa Yasuhiko. Otowa was the key to all the barriers. In other words, only by killing him could everything be completely ended.

This aligned perfectly with Long Shen’s intentions.

They traveled a long way to come here, not only to save people but, more importantly, for Ding Lan, Dong Jilan, and the countless innocent souls who died in the war, for those heroic spirits who still couldn’t find peace. They aimed to reclaim the blood debt from decades ago.

Whether it was Otowa Yasuhiko or Asaka Yasuhiko, they must die!

If the laws of the world were no longer able to pass judgment, then let him take action!

The brilliance of the sword intensified, as if echoing its master’s mood. The sword in Long Shen’s hand buzzed loudly, the movement and noise growing stronger and uncontrollable. It seemed eager to be released and thirsted for the enemy’s blood.

Long Shen’s figure suddenly vanished in place, and the next second, he appeared less than three meters away from Otowa Yasuhiko, with his sword slashing down fiercely!

Otowa Yasuhiko suddenly retreated. His body was ethereal and elusive, appearing and disappearing in the sword light.

The sword strike from Long Shen was incredibly powerful, causing a huge wave of energy that even Wu Bingtian and others felt the killing intent rushing towards them. They had to defend themselves with their swords, but surprisingly, Otowa remained unaffected. His figure almost transformed into a black demonic qi, within which faint white mist was intertwined.

Li Ying focused his gaze and noticed that Otowa also held a weapon in his hand. The sword’s blade resembled a cattail leaf, with a white and golden hilt and a slightly raised tip, appearing strange and peculiar, resembling both a sword and a knife.

“Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.” He heard Wu Bingtian say beside him.

“Long Shen, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Today, I want to see if the Longyuan Sword is stronger than my Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi!”

Otowa laughed loudly, and his demonic qi suddenly rose several feet high, carrying a fierce sword qi, rushing towards Long Shen like an overwhelming force.

The lanterns seemed to be nearby, but in reality, they were outside the barrier. Even though there was flying sand and rolling rocks inside, and a fierce wind blowing, everyone was affected by the tremendous commotion caused by the duel between the two, continuously retreating until they had no choice but to press against the base of the wall. However, the lanterns continued to flicker and sway, completely unaffected.

But the faint dim candlelight was unable to allow everyone to see the battle clearly. Otowa’s demonic qi and Long Shen’s sword light intertwined, forming a massive vortex of airflow around them, roaring and howling, turning the heavens and earth upside down. If it weren’t for the restrictions of the barrier, Li Ying had no doubt that the Atsuta Shrine would already be reduced to ruins.

He didn’t care about the existence of the Atsuta Shrine; he cared about whether Long Shen could win this battle.

Enduring and enduring, Li Ying couldn’t help but say softly, “Boss Wu…”

Wu Bingtian seemed to sense his state of mind and said, “Long Shen possesses the body of a half-immortal. No need to worry.”

Li Ying was momentarily stunned.

In the era of rampant materialism, the chance to become an immortal was rare and unattainable. Even the body of an immortal wasn’t something an ordinary person could easily covet. Li Ying recalled the anecdotes he had heard from his senior mentors and looked at Long Shen with a gaze that carried a few traces of reverential fervor.

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Kitaichi Eiko slowly climbed up from the ground. She had lost her own consciousness and awareness, so naturally, she wouldn’t attempt to escape. Her mind was filled only with Otowa’s commands.

And Otowa commanded her to kill everyone present.

She staggered toward the heavily injured Tang Jing, who had fallen to the ground.

Tang Jing was severely wounded. Since the day his spirit took on human form, he had acquired a flesh and blood body. Although he had stronger vitality than ordinary humans due to his original form, that didn’t mean he couldn’t die easily.

But not dying easily didn’t mean he wouldn’t die.

Kitaichi Eiko was getting closer to him. Yu Buhui and the others were on the other side of the barrier, with the battlefield in between, and distant water couldn’t extinguish the nearby fire.

Given Tang Jing’s current condition, he didn’t even need Kitaichi Eiko to make a move. Just an ordinary person with a dagger could inflict a fatal injury on him.

Tang Jing didn’t move.

He was simply too tired.

In his thousand years as an adult, he had seen the most splendid scenery, heard the most beautiful melodies, made friends with the most generous and open-minded people. He had lived in a tent at the border of a desert and a forest, built a cottage on the summit of a snowy mountain to admire the moon. He had ventured into the most dangerous and mysterious underwater caves and soared with the Kunpeng* in the sky.

*Species of mythical magical beasts in Chinese mythology that’s a hybrid between a bird and fish. Peng is a giant bird that transformed from a Kun, a giant fish.

The one thing he had never experienced was falling in love with someone.

But that was before he met Ming Xian.

Once upon a time, he had met a shy and cheerful young man on an airplane. Pointing to the book he had casually bought to pass the time; he claimed it was his own work. Ming Xian, without any embarrassment, instead felt an instant connection and exchanged contact information.

Others might find it hard to imagine that even spirits had their worldly escapades, but Tang Jing was one of them. Perhaps his background destined him to embody the romantic and bold spirit of the Tang Dynasty, an era long lost in the river of history, but always alive in Tang Jing’s heart. He fell in love with Ming Xian like a raging fire sweeping over him.

This relationship enriched his life but also left a scar in his heart that had yet to heal.

He still maintained his carefree attitude, his love for laughter. No one felt that his brief affair with Ming Xian had any impact on him, but only Tang Jing himself knew that he could never go back to how things were before.

Because someone once said to him, “If there’s a next life, I hope we can meet again with a beautiful start, hoping that we can be pure and untainted, without a speck of dirt.”

Every time Tang Jing remembered that sentence, it pierced his heart with pain.

In countless midnight dreams, he would dream that he was still on that airplane, and Ming Xian would point to the novel placed beside him and ask, “I wrote that. Do you want me to sign it for you?” Then, countless times, Tang Jing would eagerly tell him the ins and outs of everything, revealing that he knew Ming Xian’s true identity, hoping that Ming Xian would stop in his tracks and start everything anew. But the dream always ended with Ming Xian suddenly changing his expression and attacking him, or Ming Xian disappearing, leaving Tang Jing abruptly waking up.

It wasn’t until then that he understood that beauty and youth could never stay, and moments and scenes he wanted to preserve could never be retained in this mortal realm.

Tang Jing’s fingers twitched slightly.

He could sense Kitaichi Eiko approaching from behind, but he no longer had the strength to turn around, stand up, and fight back.

However, it wasn’t an expected attack. Instead, the sound of Kitaichi Eiko’s scream reached his ears.

Tang Jing’s heart trembled.

Summoning all his strength, he managed to turn his head slightly and indeed saw a familiar figure just within reach, as close as stretching out his hand.

Tang Jing grabbed the person’s hand.

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Ming Xian made no resistance, allowing him to hold on, and his body fell down, with blood spilling onto Tang Jing’s hand.

Tang Jing trembled, never releasing his grip on the hand.

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll kill you?” Ming Xian smiled.

Tang Jing calmly replied, “You can go ahead and kill me.”

Ming Xian reached out, but instead of killing Tang Jing, he covered his mouth and spat out a glowing bead.

“This is Ding Lan’s residual soul.”

Tang Jing’s expression changed.

Ming Xian coughed a few times, his voice hoarse and weak, as if he had exerted all his effort to speak from his throat.

“When Otowa was refining Ding Lan’s soul, I couldn’t stop him. But I did my best not to absorb the power of his soul, leaving behind this trace, insufficient to resurrect him. However… it can be considered as a remembrance for you, so that you can help him transcend. I’m sorry.”

Upon hearing those last words, Tang Jing finally couldn’t hold back, and tears streamed down his face.

He carefully took Ding Lan’s residual soul and placed it in his embrace.

“Go ahead and kill me,” Ming Xian said.

Tang Jing responded without hesitation, “No!”

“Kill me,” Ming Xian smiled, his face partly calm, partly ferocious.

As he firmly held Tang Jing’s hand, warmth emanated from their grip. However, on the other side of his body, Ming Xian’s hand had turned dark and purplish. Threads of demonic qi flowed from his fingertips, and he had to desperately cling to the ground to prevent himself from losing control.

“At first, Otowa wanted a pure spirit, so he only placed a restriction inside me. But the second time he resurrected me, due to my severe injuries and depleted energy, he infused me with demonic qi. I will eventually become like Kitaichi Eiko. If you don’t kill me now, I fear I won’t be able to control myself.”

Suddenly, Tang Jing spoke, “If I kill you and destroy the demonic qi inside you, will you still survive?”

“I don’t know.” Profound exhaustion emerged from Ming Xian’s brow, and his voice gradually grew faint. Tang Jing tightened his grip on his hand, feeling the other person’s temperature growing colder, as if he was holding onto ice. “Can you take me home?”

“Okay.” Tang Jing’s throat choked, and he forced himself to remain calm.

A half-smile crept up from the corner of Ming Xian’s mouth, while the other half of his face grew increasingly fierce.

“Do it… quickly,” he said.

Tang Jing closed his eyes, no longer hesitating. Suddenly, he made his move, grabbing the other person’s neck.

The force grew stronger and stronger. Ming Xian instinctively struggled, but his remaining consciousness held him back. As Tang Jing’s grip tightened gradually, Ming Xian’s face turned purple, and his breath grew weaker. The other half of his body twitched as if trying to resist but was quickly subdued by Tang Jing. Eventually, Ming Xian’s breathing stopped completely, and the dark aura refused to stay in the body, swiftly dissipating towards Otowa Yasuhiko’s direction. Tang Jing reached out, grabbing and squeezing it, enveloping the dark aura with a white light, completely dissipating it.

As Ming Xian lay on the ground, his form gradually became transparent, eventually transforming into a three-foot-long ancient qin.

The strings were all broken, the body of the qin was damaged to the point of near fracturing, and the decorative patterns on its surface were completely worn away.

This cold and broken ancient qin no longer revealed its original appearance. Even the most skilled restoration expert would consider it severely damaged, beyond repair.

However, Tang Jing carefully cradled it in his hands, treating it as if it were a rare treasure.

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“I will take you home.”


In the midst of a massive cyclone, the battle between Long Shen and Otowa Yasuhiko continued.

Otowa truly lived up to being an earth demon who had absorbed demonic qi from the ancient stone box. He was far more difficult to deal with than any enemy Long Shen had encountered before. Otowa’s demonic qi and the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi complemented each other, almost endless in their supply. As long as the sword was present, the demonic qi could regenerate and circulate seamlessly, leaving Long Shen helpless for a moment.

The demonic qi from the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi surged, constantly emanating from Otowa Yasuhiko’s body, sweeping towards Long Shen. Although it was temporarily blocked by Long Shen’s protective qi, it completely enveloped him, rolling and churning with black demonic qi, obscuring all light. Long Shen looked around with his eyes wide open, as if the heavens and earth were plunged into darkness, unable to see any trace of brightness.

However, it remained at this level. Long Shen remained motionless, seemingly unable to find a breakthrough, and Otowa Yasuhiko couldn’t find a flaw in Long Shen’s defenses, unable to make any further progress.

“Director Long, I have come up with a brilliant idea.”

In the unending stalemate, Long Shen suddenly heard the voice of the other person.

Otowa Yasuhiko’s tone remained unhurried, but Long Shen narrowed his eyes, catching a subtle hint of aging and hoarseness.

It seemed that this confrontation with him wasn’t an easy task for Otowa either.

Otowa was cunning and crafty. If there was an opportunity to kill the other person, Long Shen believed that neither of them would hesitate. But now, trapped in a stalemate, both Otowa and himself needed to find a defensive flaw that would shake the other’s concentration, in order to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

Knowing that Otowa Yasuhiko was trying to find his weaknesses through words, Long Shen remained silent.

But Otowa continued, “Your power is the strongest I’ve ever seen in my life. However, I can tell that you’ve been stagnant for a long time, making no progress at all, right? How about I give you the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi? With its abundant demonic qi, it will help you further advance your cultivation. In this way, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi can also be fully utilized. What do you think?”

Surrounded by the demonic qi, Long Shen adjusted his breath. Within his protective qi, Otowa couldn’t easily detect his presence or discern his life or death.

However, Otowa didn’t believe that Long Shen had no weaknesses at all. Everyone had desires—some wished for immortality, some for fame and wealth, some to return to the past, and others to resurrect their deceased loved ones. The variety of desires were endless, and as a former human, Otowa understood this well.

Although Long Shen’s true form was a sword, which meant his mentality was more steadfast than an ordinary human, not easily swayed, the previous illusions had revealed to Otowa that Long Shen wasn’t without weaknesses.

“Director Long, your disciple is just an ordinary person. He can’t be immortal like you. Sooner or later, he will grow old and may even change his heart. Mortals are always so fragile and unreliable. Only time, when frozen, can preserve everything. Even with your abilities, you cannot retain his years. However, if he possesses demonic qi, everything will be different. You can infuse him with demonic qi, making him, like you, immortal and eternal. Then, you can keep him by your side until the end of time.”

Otowa thought this idea was perfect. He didn’t actually hate Long Shen and hadn’t thought of killing him. He even admired Long Shen as a perfect weapon spirit. He was just regretful that Long Shen was born in China and had been brainwashed by the Special Administration Bureau or certain individuals, making his thinking rigid. If Long Shen was willing to absorb demonic qi, Otowa wouldn’t hesitate to offer the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. He would be glad to have another comrade.

“Why haven’t you done the same for the person you love?”

Long Shen finally spoke up, his voice transmitting through the layers of protective qi and demonic qi, sounding slightly distorted but unmistakably his voice.

Otowa thought he had struck a chord, feeling pleased. “It seems Director Long doesn’t understand me. I have lived for hundreds of years and have never loved anyone, including my parents. They were just vessels that bore me. As for wife and children, they were merely tools for procreation! Only this demonic qi you see always exists, full of vitality. If it were human lifespan, I would have long decayed in the ground. But this demonic qi has given me a second life, allowing me to experience the most wonderful flavors of the world, making my body light and powerful. I should have turned into a demon long ago. I only regret not opening that stone box earlier, so the demonic qi could have entered my body decades earlier!”

Long Shen calmly stated, “In that case, you would accumulate even more blood debts. Although you haven’t fully repaid them now, I’m not interested in waiting and then having to dismember you.”

Otowa laughed loudly. “Director Long, I’ve never understood why, even though you’re not human, you would protect their interests more than humans themselves. Have you been brainwashed and turned foolish by them? Don’t forget, you are the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, born from the hands of Ou Yezi—a divine weapon with countless incarnations. Among them, the Longyuan Sword is undoubtedly the one that Ou Yezi poured the most effort into. There is only one of you in the heavens and the earth, yet you choose to leave behind more powerful forces and instead spend your time on useless matters. I find it pitiful for you!”

“Humanity believes itself to be the superior species, but human hearts never know contentment. In Nanjing, there was a family that took in a penniless beggar on the verge of starving to death. They fed and clothed the beggar, helped him find work to sustain himself. But that beggar, after the Japanese army entered the city, voluntarily led them and was the first to go to the house of his former benefactors. Even I look down on such an ungrateful wretch. When he was reported to me, I had him killed, and his eyes were gouged out to feed the dogs.”

At this point, Otowa sneered. “You see, if it weren’t for these wicked desires that abound, the soil for the birth of demonic qi would be gone. Compared to pure demonic qi, it is human hearts that are the most filthy and dirty. Therefore, it is not demons but humans who should be eliminated!”

Long Shen remained silent.

He couldn’t deny Otowa’s words. Human nature was indeed impure. If we talked about ingratitude, when the Tatar soldiers besieged the city hundreds of years ago, Yu Qian stepped forward in the face of danger, saving an entire city and even the fate of a country. Afterward, he was framed by petty people and beheaded. Who had stopped all of that? The history books casually mentioned “the world’s injustice”, but how could that compare to what Long Shen had witnessed with his own eyes?

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“But he has never regretted it,” Long Shen suddenly said.

“Who?” Otowa narrowed his eyes.

“Neither have I,” Long Shen replied.

The light of his sword surged in his hand, breaking through the layers of protective qi and striking the demonic qi, creating a sudden gap!

The darkness trembled violently. Otowa Yasuhiko was taken aback, quickly gripping the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and thrusting it into the ground. The demonic qi instantly spread from the sword’s edge, billowing in black clouds and raging around, not only enveloping Long Shen but also surrounding Otowa himself, forming a new barrier that blocked the view of Wu Bingtian and the others.

A massive explosion rapidly spread from the center of the battlefield. Wu Bingtian acted quickly, using his remaining hand to grab Li Ying by the collar and drag him away. However, both of them were still knocked down by the residual shockwave, and Wu Bingtian was almost crushed to death by Li Ying’s weight.

“Get off me! You’re crushing me to death!”

Li Ying apologized repeatedly, quickly crawling off his superior. Unexpectedly, another wave of explosions followed. Before he could stand up, the force of the shockwave knocked him down again, and Wu Bingtian, with old wounds not yet healed, suffered new injuries. His face turned even bluer.

Within the vortex of airflow, Long Shen furrowed his brow slightly, feeling a flicker in his heart as if he had caught hold of a certain thread in the enemy’s plan.

“Yasuhiko Asaka, you detest human nature and detest even more the experience of being born as a human. That’s why you destroyed the stone tablet and opened the array, not just because you yearn for the depths of hell, but because you want to completely abandon everything from the past and enter a new world, isn’t that right?”

The demonic qi around them trembled even more violently because of his words. Long Shen quickly turned around, trying to find a breakthrough amidst the turmoil.

“Exactly!” Otowa’s angry voice resounded. “Japan could have achieved victory in the war, but because of the weakness and incompetence of those people, the opportunity was delayed, and in the end, the war reached our homeland! We could have dominated the world, but because of those incompetent fools, we became nothing more than a second-rate country, a lapdog to the United States. If they had listened to me, we would have…”

Long Shen coldly interrupted, “We would have perished long ago.”

Otowa smirked sinisterly and fell silent. But Long Shen could sense that beyond the qi, the demonic qi was overwhelming, rushing in like a tidal wave, roaring and howling, baring its fangs and claws as if it wanted to crush and shatter him before stopping. However, under the tremendous pressure, the enemy’s inner weakness was exposed.

Long Shen released his defenses, and the demonic qi immediately took advantage of the opening, infiltrating in wisps and tendrils. Seeing his slight vulnerability, it advanced further, wrapping around his wrist and swiftly spreading from there to his arm, neck, chin, and finally seeping in through his brow. Long Shen closed his eyes.

If he didn’t enter the tiger den, how could he catch its cubs? His approach undoubtedly carried significant risks, but if he didn’t do this, he feared he would have to contend with Otowa for a long time. He could wait, but Tang Jing and the others couldn’t afford to wait.

In reality, the invasion of the demonic qi wasn’t as painful as he had imagined. He only felt a coolness on his forehead, as if something had started to move within his body, gradually gaining control over his emotions and bringing negative fluctuations.

Whether it was influenced by the demonic qi or not, Long Shen suddenly remembered his cultivation on the peak of a snowy mountain many years ago. The swirling snowflakes were no longer the greatest obstacle. The more difficult part was the endless gusts of wind that felt like knives against his face. If the wind carried snowflakes, his face should have been numb from the cold, yet he could still perceive the pain. Even though his true form was much more resilient than an ordinary human, that didn’t mean he couldn’t feel pain.

The average person couldn’t even stand it for three days, but he stayed there for a whole thirty years. It was an extremely unforgettable experience. In the early stages of his life, his unstable physical body was tempered in the wind and snow, forging an ability that matched his willpower and further strengthening his determination.

Now, the demonic qi flowed through his limbs and bones, resembling the edge between persevering and potentially giving up in the past. He had been honed in various ways, yet his spirit became increasingly clear.

In the past, what supported him to continue was his perseverance in wanting to undergo a transformation. But now…

Now, it was the belief in upholding the righteous path in the mortal world, the life and death of his comrades outside, and the unwavering determination to meet Dong Zhi once again.

A faint flame ignited within his consciousness, but in an instant, it blazed fiercely. The demonic qi lets out a howl, hastening its pace, attempting to escape from this soil that prevented its growth.

The time is now!

Long Shen swiftly took out an object and held it in his palm.

It was given to him by Zong Ling before he left the Special Administration Bureau.

The Four Symbols Star-Setting Lamp.

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