The boss suspected that Yun Xingze was sent by a competitor-who would directly reduce the price to one-tenth?

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After receiving a round of scolding, Yun Xingze not only did not leave, but cheekily continued to bargain with the boss, trying to convince him that he was a student who loved mecha but had no money.

At first, the boss felt that this kid was trying to trick him. But his his eyes were clean and clear, and his voice was very sincere, so his attitude gradually softened.

Yun Xingze said so much, that his mouth was dry, and finally the price was reduced to 150,000.

Reaching out to wipe the sweat off his round head, the boss helplessly said: “It really can’t be cheaper anymore, kid. Please let me go already…”

Yun Xingze knew that the price was already the boss’s bottom line.

But he only had a balance of 100,000 star coins, and was still 50,000 short.

After thinking for a while, Yun Xingze gritted his teeth and said to the boss: “Okay, 150,000 it is then. But I don’t have that much money now. Please keep this mecha for me, and I will pick it up in a few days. Thank you boss.”

The boss looked at the young man’s serious and firm eyes. He should have been angry at this exchange, but suddenly laughed at this moment: “You are quite interesting.”

Usually, those who like to bargain will say words like “I really like this mecha”. Most of it was polite flattery.

But the young boy’s eyes contained strong perseverance and love.

“Boss, you must keep it.” Yun Xingze stared at the boss. There was non-negotiable; he would not leave if the boss did not agree. “Selling to others is not allowed.”

The boss couldn’t laugh or cry. “Yes, I promise you. You leave me your contact information.”

Yun Xingze was relieved. After holding the boss’s hand and thanking him again and again, he left the third floor basement.

Although his mecha was negotiated, Yun Xingze was not relaxed.

Because the registration for the Mecha Contest only lasts one week, it also meant if he can’t save the remaining 50,000 star coins within a week, he will miss the deadline.

For Yun Xingze, the mecha contest is an excellent opportunity to not only experience the pleasure of mecha combat in the real world, but also to study other people’s mechas along the way.

He cannot miss this opportunity.

After returning to school, Yun Xingze lay on the sofa in the living room of the dormitory, looking for a part-time job that could make money quickly.

From search engines to campus forums, Yun Xingze searched a lot of related content. Finally, a post on the campus forum caught his attention. The content of the post was as follows: “To users of Xinghai Mecha Mutual Help Network: Can those who do not know how to repair mecha not take orders? My mech’s left arm was just a bit inflexible. The beta who took the order removed my mech’s left arm, and was unable to reattach it. May I ask if this kind of person is a spy sent by another military school?”

Yun Xingze carefully read the post and learned that in addition to the campus forum, Xinghai Academy also had an internal website called “Xinghai Mecha Mutual Help Network.”

Because the fees for mecha repair shops are usually very high, the school encourages students to help each other on the website. Some students who know how to repair mecha can receive orders on the website as long as they register for a repairman account. This also provides a way for poor students to make money.

Because the price is relatively low, many human mecha problems will be registered on the website. However, if you are unlucky, you may also encounter the situation described by the poster.

Make money by repairing mechas?

Yun Xingze straightened up from the sofa, quickly opened the Mecha Mutual Help Network, and roughly browsed the content of the webpage. There were many maintenance orders issued by fellow students.

Yun Xingze tried to register a repairman account. In addition to submitting identity information, he also needed to scan the toolbox for repairing the mecha.

A mecha repair toolbox ranged from 1,000 to 20,000 coins, with a small amount of basic materials. He reluctantly spent around a thousand to buy a toolbox on a shopping site.

About twenty minutes after the order was placed, the aircraft that delivered the goods arrived at the door of the dormitory.

After receiving the toolbox, Yun Xingze scanned it and successfully registered a repairman account. He started looking for maintenance orders.

There was a wide variety of orders. Some are simple routine inspections, some are damaged parts, and the prices varied according to the difficulty of repair.

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Yun Xingze wanted to find the tasks that paid more. When he first saw the orders, the pay was very cheap and he was little disappointed. Just when he was trying to take a cheap order, he suddenly noticed an order that no one took. The price was…

40,000 star coins?!

Yun Xingze’s eyes widened, and he subconsciously clicked it.

The request of the order is simple: routine maintenance, and modification of the elbow of the mecha.

Orders for modification are generally fairly expensive, but a price of 40,000 stars indicated that this person was really rich!

But… why didn’t anyone take the order?

Curious, Yun Xingze clicked around and found that this order was highly viewed. He clicked on the preview picture of the boot armor. It was a pure black mecha, which looked a bit familiar.

Yun Xingze tilted his head and thought about it for a while, and suddenly he showed an expression of sudden realization-this mecha looks like the projection on the mecha training hall!

Could it be that Luo Wenchuan’s mecha?

However, Yun Xingze didn’t care about whose mecha it was, he needed the money too much. Even if it was a royal mecha of the interstellar empire, he must take this order!

The gentle electronic synthesis voice of the website asked: “Are you sure to take this maintenance order?”

After Yun Xingze confirmed, a cooperative relationship between the two parties was successfully established.

Not long after, a message popped out:

[Anonymous user]: “Are you certain about accepting the order?”

[Find me for maintenance]: “Yes.”

[Anonymous user]: “Drop in?”

[Find me for maintenance]: “Anything is okay. ”

[Anonymous user]: “Then go to the clearing behind the school grove at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

[Find me for maintenance]: “No problem.”

Early the next morning, Yun Xingze carried the toolbox and arrived to the clearing behind the grove in advance.

It was one of the few open spaces in the school. When some students repair the mecha by themselves, they will come here to repair it.

After Yun Xingze waited for a while, a tall alpha with flax-colored hair appeared in his field of vision.

When he saw Yun Xingze, the other party was obviously stunned.

Yun Xingze looked at the alpha, saw him walking towards him, scratch his head and asked: “This classmate, may I ask… have you seen a mecha repairman?”

“That’s me.” Yun Xingze pointed to the toolbox in his hand. “ID is [Find me for maintenance].”

The alpha boy turned around and left.

“Hey! Why are you leaving?” Yun Xingze hurriedly caught up, “I really can repair it. I didn’t lie to you!”

He bought a toolbox for more than a thousand coins. If the order is cancelled, he needs to wait a day for the cooldown to take the next order, which means he’s in an unfavorable situation and loses more than one thousand yuan on the first day!

Poverty made Yun Xingze courageous and block the way of the tall alpha: “Brother, don’t go. You take out the mecha and let me try it. I have more than ten years of mecha repair experience…”

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“Are you trying to cheat people?” The boy looked at him blankly, “You are an omega who can repair mechas?”

“Why can’t omegas repair mechas? What does it have to do with gender!”

The boy’s expression was obviously very depressed.

The male alpha’s name is Ke Lei. A few days ago, he helped his roommate list a mecha repair order on the forum. The price increased several times, but no one dared to take it.

Last night, someone took the order, and whether it was the concise ID or short speaking style, it faintly had the feel of a mecha great god, and he was happy for a while.

Unexpectedly, the other party was a white and tender omega!

“Step aside.”

Ke Lei skirted around Yun Xingze and walked directly in the direction of the small forest. As he walked, he brought up the light screen and sent a message to his roommate: “Dachuan, I have encountered an online cheat. The other party is not a serious maintenance worker at first sight…”

As soon as the message was sent out, his hand was caught.

For the first time in his life, Ke Lei’s hand was held by omega. His face flushed at the light contact, and he hurriedly threw away the other person’s hand: “If you have something to say, say it. We’re a lone alpha and omega, is this appropriate?”

Yun Xingze anxiously and sincerely said to him: “Classmate, just trust me once. Anyway, I haven’t received the money yet; in the worst case, you don’t pay me.”

Ke Lei hesitated when he heard those words. After all, he has also been looking for a maintenance worker for a long time. And the person in front of him is holding a toolbox, so maybe he really knows a little bit?

Yun Xingze made a killer: “You’re already here anyways.”

Ke Lei looked at Yun Xingze’s sincere eyes. As if guided by ghosts and spirits, he took our the mecha storage cube and handed it to Yun Xingze. “Then look at it?”

At this moment, Ke Lei’s optical brain received a message.

At this moment, Ke Lei’s optical brain received a message.

[Luo Wenchuan]: “?”

[Ke Lei]: “It’s okay, you are busy.”

Yun Xingze took out the scanner from the toolbox. Placing the mecha cube on top, and after scanning for a few seconds, the mecha’s holographic image appeared on his optical brain screen.

Ke Lei looked at Yun Xingze’s skillful movements, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Yun Xingze stared at the light screen, analyzing the various data points of the mecha. The routine inspection was quickly completed. After he filled out the report, he passed it to Ke Lei and said to him: “The problem is not big. There are a few basic parts need to be updated. I’ll replace it for you in a while.”

Ke Lei looked at the maintenance report and had to admit that the omega really understood mechas.

Later, Yun Xingze released the mecha in a sitting posture, and took out an electric ladder from the toolbox. The mecha is a medium-sized mecha, with a full standing height of about ten meters, and a height of five or six meters when sitting on the ground. It is not difficult to repair.

Yun Xingze stepped on the elevator, holding the repair gun, and skillfully removed the basic parts that needed to be replaced, and then replaced them with new ones.

The whole process only took about ten minutes.

During the repair process, Yun Xingze confirmed that the mecha was indeed the projection on the training hall. But many modifications were made, so the details are different while the general proportions remained.

When Yun Xingze first saw the projection, he felt that the elbow link of the mecha was flawed. The driver should also be aware of this problem and modified it once, but the modification was not satisfactory, so he looked for someone to help on the mutual help network.

Yun Xingze began the next step. He measured the data on his elbow while coming up with a plan in his mind.

Because he didn’t buy a lot of materials, it was impossible to make a new elbow joint. He could only make some modifications on the original part, which required him to be very careful.

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The elbow of the mecha is very similar to the elbow bones of humans. It has a typical composite structure composed of multiple bionic mechanical exoskeletons to form a bearing, and elastic ties provide toughness. To modify the elbow structure, he must separate the front and rear mechanical parts, analyze and then modify the mechanical skeleton wrapped inside it to improve its firmness and flexibility.

Such a modification is simple and straightforward, because it does not require too many new materials. However, it can also be considered complicated because each component is closely related and affects entire skeleton, so inexperienced maintenance students did not dare accept this order..

But this is not a problem for Yun Xingze.

Yun Xingze first opened the link points between the arms, performed a subtle inspection of the exposed elbow joint points, and found out the bone modules that could be improved. Then he temporarily dismantled the elastic ties, and prepared to work on the mechanical brachioradial joint. His goal is to reduce the arc to increase the bidirectional flexibility of the arm.

Holding the repair knife, he tapped the stress point of the part.

“Wait!” Clumsy eyes stared wide-eyed. “Are you start directly? Don’t you have to draw sketches? You don’t even need to make preparations?”

Yun Xingze was stunned for a moment: “I don’t have this practice.” He has drawn countless pictures and instructed others to modify countless mechas. Relying on his eyes and brain, he can easily do countless precise modifications.

“This mecha is very expensive!” Ke Lei raised his head to look at the person on the elevator and shouted, “Don’t mess around!”

Yun Xingze had no choice but to mark the mechanical brachioradial joint symbolically.

Just when Ke Lei was worried, Yun Xingze directly began to make drastic changes, using the repairing tool to cut off a large piece of metal.



He’s finished!!

When Luo Wenchuan comes back, won’t he cut him with a light knife?!!

Yun Xingze’s ears were stabbed by the cry. He glanced at alpha on the ground with some helplessness, wondering why did this Luo Wenchuan make such a fuss? How did he become the winner of the Mecha Contest with such a mentality?

Was it relying on his loud voice?

Ke Lei tremblingly asked: “You, what do you want to do…”

Yun Xingze didn’t bother to explain to him. He continued his movements and made corresponding changes to the remaining elbow pulley joints to increase the bearing strength of the elbow. Finally, he adjusted the connection point of the elastic tie to increase the strength of its arms. His actions were so quick that Ke Lei could not see it clearly.

Each of his changes appeared bold, but in fact was carefully made.

Finally, Yun Xingze reinstalled the link parts of the arms back. With the help of tools and mechanical external force, he made the mecha raise its a forearm to draw a few small arcs.

Ke Lei’s expression changed from grief to surprise.

The lines of the modified elbow joints fluently connect with the mecha arm. When it raised its hand, the smooth movement was almost comparable to that of a human arm, and looks pretty good at first glance.

Yun Xingze began to change the elbow on the other side. This time, Ke Lei did not stop him, but watched his movements curiously.

After finishing the modification, Yun Xingze got down from the elevator, put away his tools, and said to Ke Lei: “After the modification is complete, you can take it back and try it. If you are not satisfied, please find me again.”

“You’re finished?” Ke Lei Lei looked at Yun Xingze in disbelief, “You are so fast!”

Ke Lei ran under the mecha and looked up at the elbow joint. He couldn’t see what changes Yun Xingze had made. It just feels like the front and rear mechanical arms are linked more naturally, and there is no sign of breaking.

Yun Xingze looked at the mecha. The design and materials used on the mecha were excellent, and it was indeed very valuable.

He couldn’t help covet wanting to go up and drive it for a while, so he asked: “Classmate Luo1, can I drive your mech?”

Ke Lei just recovered from the shock and did not notice that he called him “Classmate Luo”, immediately refused: “No! Absolutely not!”

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Letting an omega drive Luo Wenchuan’s mecha – this is much more serious than a failed modification!

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the omega boy showed a disappointed look, and could not bear it. Calming down, he explained: “That, the difficulty of the operation of this mecha is SS-level…you may not be able to drive.”

“I see. “Yun Xingze nodded. He was really impulsive just now, forgetting to consider that the world’s neural connection technology was very backward. His C-level mental power cannot drive high-level mechas.

Ke Lei put the mecha back into the black cube and scratched his head: “Don’t be discouraged. By the way, what level is your mental power now?”

“C-level,” Yun Xingze replied.

“It doesn’t matter, you can temper your mental power more often.” Ke Lei said seriously, “It is easy to upgrade from C-level to B-level, and more difficult to improve later on. Our school has a special mental power training classroom. If you want to use advanced mechas, you can train more.”

Yun Xingze nodded and agreed. He admitted that it is indeed a very important thing to improve his mental power.

After all, even if he saves money to buy that C-class second-hand mecha, it is only a temporary measure. It cannot satisfy him. In the future, he must use a mecha above S-class like Luo Wenchuan.

Of course, perhaps in the future, nerve connection technology can be improved so that they are no longer limited by mental power. But improving this technology requires a lot of money for research experiments. He currently has no way to do it, and can only improve himself first.

Therefore, in addition to making money, Yun Xingze suddenly had an additional task of tempering his mental power.

Ke Lei said he would contact Yun Xingze again after he tried the mecha.

Before leaving, Yun Xingze took a look at Ke Lei, and suddenly remembered the words “Luo Wenchuan is so handsome, it would be great if he was made into a projection sculpture”. He was a little confused in his heart.

This appearance is okay, but was it handsome enough to be made into a projection?

After the went their separate ways, Ke Lei took the mecha cube back to the dormitory. He sorted out the modification data sent to him by Yun Xingze, and prepared to send it to Luo Wenchuan together with the virtual image.

Before clicking send, Ke Lei was very nervous.

He has the illusion of handing in homework to a teacher.

He even began to regret his actions.

The reason why the order was unfilled was because everyone recognized it was Luo Wenchuan’s mecha.

And with Luo Wenchuan’s temperament and terrifying strength, who would dare to easily modify his mecha? Who could guarantee they can modify it better than the original? What would they do if it broke?

The more Ke Lei thought about it, the more worried he became. He felt that he was blinded today. Why did he believe that omega’s words??

Before sending the report, Ke Lei first confessed his guilt sincerely: “Dachuan2, today the maintenance worker may be a little unreliable, but his eyes seemed clean, so I believed him…”

Then he dared send the documents out.

Five minutes later, Luo Wenchuan received the document, but did not reply after a long time.

Just when Ke Lei was still worrying, a message popped out.

[Luo Wenchuan]: “Who made the modification?”

Ke Lei’s eyes were black. From the question, his brain made up Luo Wenchuan’s anger.

It’s over.

It’s really bad.

Luo Wenchuan was looking for the omega to settle accounts.

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