Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 122: 122

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Hearing the noises on the phone, Fu Zhengzheng is shocked and asks: “What’s wrong with Fu Xing?”

“Oh, there is nothing wrong with Xingxing. It is Tiantian and Ji Muxian who are quarreling.”

“They just started to quarrel?” Finding that Han Siqi is staring at her, Fu Zhengzheng immediately changes her tone and asks, “Why do they quarrel?”

“They quarreled half a night last night, making my head dizzy. As planned, Ji Muxian can take Xingxing away after he accompanies Xingxing to the hospital for examination. But Ji Muxian asked Tiantian to give his keys and wallet back, and Tiantian asked him to pay for her turtle. Then they quarreled and I couldn’t stop them!”

“Can you make it clearer?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused by Sun Qiubo’s incoherent words, “What key, wallet and turtle?”

“Oh, I’m not sure. You persuade Tiantian.”

Probably Sun Qiubo hands her mobile phone to Tian Xin. Fu Zhengzheng hears Tian Xin say: “I won’t answer the phone. I will not go easy on him!”

“You must find the things for me today!” It is Ji Muxian.

Wow, it’s rare for Ji Muxian to be so angry and frustrated. Fu Zhengzheng feels extremely happy.

Sun Qiubo says helplessly: “Zhengzheng, I don’t know what to do. Ask your man to call and persuade his second brother. How can a big man quarrel with a woman?

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and looks at Han Siqi with innocent eyes, saying: “Xingxing is fine. Your second brother is quarreling with my good friend, Tiantian. Please call and persuade him.”

“Why does my second brother quarrel?” Han Siqi is puzzled. He dials the number and then puts the phone down, saying: “His phone is turned off.”

Fu Zhengzheng has to call Tian Xin, but before she speaks, Tian Xin says: “Zhengzheng, let Xingxing stay here for two more days, and I will take good care of him. I will confront the fake second uncle of Xingxing!”

“I am not fake!” It is Ji Muxian’s angry voice.

“Then show me your certificate! And your false police officer’s card. Bring it together...”

The phone is hung up again. Fu Zhengzheng is also puzzled. Didn’t she just ask Tiantian to make a fool of Ji Muxian? Why do they seem to quarrel so fiercely that they almost break up?

No, she has to ask Tiantian for details later.

“It seems that there is some misunderstanding between your second brother and Tiantian.” She covers it up to Han Siqi, “No big deal. Tiantian is easy-going.”

Han Siqi seems to understand something, and he doesn’t ask any more. Then he holds Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and leaves Weihan in public.

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“Where are we going?” Looking at car at great speed, Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“Handa City.”

“Handa City? What are you doing there?” Fu Zhengzheng notices that there are advertisements for Handa City on both sides of the road.

“The garden villas of the first phase will be available in early spring next year.”

“So fast?” But does it have anything to do with her?

“Yes. There are one building with one household and one building with two households. which one do you like?”

“Both of them seem good.” Fu Zhengzheng is a little excited, “If it is a building with two households, we can live with friends or relatives. Then we can take care of each other.”

“Linglong and Zhongxu are going to get married next year. My eldest brother is going to give them a house. How about we live downstairs and they live upstairs?”

“Great! I heard that Yan and Xiao Yicheng have also ordered a three-bedroom apartment of the first phase, and we will be very close then.”

“Yes. Xu Yan’s house is not far from the villa.”

“Really? Great!” Fu Zhengzheng is extremely happy. She only has the two best friends in B City.

But soon she becomes unhappy and says: “I didn’t say I would settle down in A City. I have to work!”

After saying that, she immediately covers her mouth.

“It won’t affect your work as an assistant. But I don’t think you have time to go to work. Next year you will give birth to a little Moon.”

“Humph!” Fu Zhengzheng snorts with disdain.

The car comes to the Sales Department of Handa City. Fu Zhengzheng finds that there are plenty of people who are talking around the sales lady.

When they walk in, a female greeter is about to call “Mr. Han”, but she is stopped by Han Siqi. “Get down to your own business.”

Han Siqi leads Fu Zhengzheng to the layout model, points at a place and says to her: “We and Linglong’s will live here, and Xu Yan will live there.”

Fu Zhengzheng finds the location is really good. She sighs secretly that it is great to be wealthy.

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Her own two-bedroom apartment cost all her brother’s savings these years, and she also borrowed a lot of money from Qiubo and Tiantian.

Originally, she didn’t want to settle down so soon, but after hearing Han Siqi’s suggestion, she suddenly yearns for such kind of life.

But soon she becomes gloomy. Now it is Han Siqi who is making his own decisions. His parents haven’t agreed yet.

Feeling the temperature of Han Siqi’s hand, Fu Zhengzheng turns her head and sees Han Siqi looking at her smilingly. She forces a smile to him in response.

“Let’s go.” Han Siqi holds her hand and goes out.

“Where are we going?”

“Aren’t you going to take the necklace? It is in the bank safe not far away.”

When they come to the door of the bank, a gust of wind tousles Fu Zhengzheng’s hair. She turns around and fixes her hair in front of the glass window. Suddenly, she finds two men looking this way not far away. She is shocked, but when she looks at them carefully, she can’t find them.

“What’s wrong?” Han Siqi notices her unusual expression.

Maybe she is overthinking it. It is accidental for Han Siqi to bring her here to get the necklace.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and says: “Nothing. Let’s go in.”

Without thinking too much, Han Siqi leads her in and opens a safe. Then he hands a box to Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng is a little nervous and she opens the box quickly. When the golden necklace appears in front of her, she suddenly closes the box excitedly.

Six years! It finally reappears!

She can help Yang Tao make a great contribution finally!

“Why are you so excited?” Han Siqi jokes.

Fu Zhengzheng pauses and then finds an excuse: “It is the amulet left by my grandma, and is our love token. So I am happy to see it!”

Then she hurries to put the box with the necklace into her handbag carefully, and then goes out while holding the handbag tightly.

When they almost reach the car, they hear the sound of a motorcycle. They look up and see a motorcycle rushing straight towards them. There are two people on the motorcycle, who are wearing helmets.

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“Watch out!” Han Siqi pushes Fu Zhengzheng away.

When the motorcycle dashes between them, the man in the back seat suddenly reaches for the handbag in Fu Zhengzheng’s hand. Fu Zhengzheng holds the handbag tightly, turns around and jumps one meter away. The man fails to grab her handbag.

Unexpectedly, the motorcycle makes a sharp turn a few meters away and rushes to Fu Zhengzheng again.

“Be careful, Zhengzheng!”

Fu Zhengzheng quickly jumps to the other side of the green belt. The motorcyclist speeds up to the front corner and turns back, ready to rush towards Fu Zhengzheng again.

Han Siqi quickly gets in his car, starts it and drives to Fu Zhengzheng.

When the motorcycle approaches Fu Zhengzheng, she jumps onto the green belt again. There is a sharp braking sound behind her. She looks back and finds that Han Siqi’s car parks not far from her, and the motorcycle is far away.

“Zhengzheng, get in the car.” Han Siqi rolls down the window and yells at her.

Fu Zhengzheng looks around and doesn’t see any suspicious person. Then she quickly jumps into the car. Han Siqi has started the car, but her heart is still beating fast.

“Ah, Siqi, did you just want to drive the car and hit them?”

“Fortunately, they bypassed me.”

“You’re crazy! You’ll get hurt too!”

Han Siqi laughs disapprovingly and says: “Do you think my car is made of mud? Even if there were ten motorcycles, so what?!”

Then he calls Lin Yongcheng, briefly explains the situation just now, and asks him to investigate it before hanging up.

“Maybe they thought we had just drawn a lot of money.” Fu Zhengzheng covers it up with a smile.

She is afraid that Han Siqi would pay attention to the necklace. No, the sooner she gives the necklace to Yang Tao, the better!

Just then, Han Sixian calls.

“OK, I will be there later.” Han Siqi hangs up the phone and looks at the time. Then he says to Fu Zhengzheng: “I’ll have to accompany my eldest brother out to meet a client later, and I will probably be back very late. I drive you…”

“You drive me to Qinyuan Mingyuan.”

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“No, it is not safe there.”

“It is all right. Just a few burglars.” Fu Zhengzheng disagrees.

Knowing that she is afraid of being alone with his parents, Han Siqi thinks for a while without saying anything more, and then drives her to Qinyuan Mingyuan. When they arrive at the entrance of Qinyuan Mingyuan, Fu Zhengzheng gets out of the car for the reason that she wants to buy some food. Han Siqi warns her and then leaves.

Fu Zhengzheng immediately texts to Yang Tao. After receiving his message, she hails a taxi and makes a few more rounds deliberately. Making sure that there is no suspicious person, Fu Zhengzheng goes to the supermarket where she usually meets Yang Tao.

“Yang Tao, it is the key to the small vault!” As soon as she sees Yang Tao, she takes the necklace out.

Yang Tao takes the heart-shaped pendant of the necklace and looks carefully at it for quite a while, looking confused.

“I don’t think it looks like a key, either. Go back and study it with others together.” Fu Zhengzheng can’t help being excited and says, “You can make a great contribution then!”

“It is your credit!”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately shakes her hands and says: “You must not report the story between me and the key. Don’t forget that I only came to investigate Weihan. Don’t let the leader know that I violated discipline!”

Yang Tao looks at her. He knows what she is thinking, but he is still in a dilemma. “It…”

“All right. Take it as a favor I have done to you. Just remember that you owe me a favor.” Fu Zhengzheng gives him a witty smile.

When it comes to favor, she has owed him a lot.

Yang Tao smiles and says nothing more. He puts the necklace away and says: “I will go back to the bureau and deal with this matter now.”

“Take care! The necklace was almost snatched today.” Fu Zhengzheng briefly tells him about the handbag almost snatched by a motorcyclist.

Yang Tao looks serious. He warns Fu Zhengzheng and then leaves.

Fu Zhengzheng also leaves the supermarket after him.

She feels relieved after giving the key to Yang Tao. Then she immediately hails a taxi and goes back to Qinyuan Mingyuan.

Halfway down the road, she sees several men beating a woman by the side of the road! The woman squats on the ground and doesn’t fight back. She just lets them beat her.

A sense of justice rises in Fu Zhengzheng’s heart. She yells: “Stop the car!”

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