Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 226: 226

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Late in the afternoon, rumbling sounds came from the side of the canyon. A civilian helicopter then appeared over the canyon and circled the camp for about two minutes before descending. At last it landed on a bench land.

Ji Wengui went up with the rest of the archaeology team. The only “outsiders”, Ning Tao and Jian Mi, left in the camp.

“Brother Ning, there’s something I don’t know if I should say,” Jian Mi hesitated.

Ning Tao smiled and said, “You can tell if you want to. Don’t hesitate.”

Jian Mi said, “I think they went a little overboard. If we hadn’t met you, we’d probably be dead in that miasma. You just offered to join them, but they turned you down. They won’t show you any kindness, let alone repay you for saving your life.”

Ning Tao said, “That’s what you wanted to say. Never mention it again.”

Jian Mi was surprised and asked, “Why?”

“I’m a doctor, and it’s my job to heal people,” Ning Tao explained. “I never expected anything in return. Also, they are two different things. They have their own ideas and difficulties. I understand. It’s okay not to join them.”

Jian Mi said angrily, “Brother Ning, you can understand, but I can’t. I’m just angry at the way they treated you. I won’t show them the way anymore.”

The helicopter stalled and the wings came to a slow stop. Soon the cabin door opened and a tall, leggy woman stepped out, followed by a man. The man and woman were young, the man in his early thirties and the woman in her mid-twenties. They wore outdoor sportswear. The man was handsome, and the woman was generous. Ning Tao didn’t know what their relationship was, but they seemed like a perfect match.

Ning Tao couldn’t help thinking about their relationship as he watched the two of them get out of the helicopter.

Owning a private helicopter would be unthinkable for most people in their early thirties. Most of his wealthy peers were still enjoying life, driving fancy cars and hooking up with celebrities, but he was investing in an archaeology team that was about to break up. It was kind of confusing.

“Jian Mi, let’s go and have a look,” Ning Tao said.

Jian Mi said, “I don’t want to go. But if you insist, I will go.”

His words made Ning Tao laugh. “If you really don’t want to go, you can stay here. I’ll go and come back soon.” He headed for the helicopter. Jian Mi pouted. He didn’t want to go, but he went with Ning Tao anyway.

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Next to the helicopter, the young man shook hands with Ji Wengui and introduced himself. “I’m Tu Wenjin. This is my girlfriend, Tang Zixian.”

Tang Zixian shook Ji Wengui’s hand, smiled and said gracefully, “Captain Ji, nice to see you. I have loved history since I was a child and dreamed of becoming an archaeologist. Please do me a favor and help me realize this dream.”

Ji Wengui said politely, “Miss Tang, make yourself at home. If you need anything, just let me know.”

Ning Tao, who had just made it to the side of the crowd, stopped and surmised, “Her surname is Tang… Will she be…” He was sensitive to the surname Tang. He immediately aroused the eyes and nose to looking and smelling. In his sight, Tang Zixian’s innate aura was normal, without the spiritual energy of a practitioner or the inner strength of a martial artist. Her boyfriend Tu Wenjin was also normal. He was just a normal guy.

Ning Tao finished the state of looking and smelling, thinking, “Maybe I’m too sensitive.”

Ji Wengui introduced Tu Wenjin and Tang Zixian to the team members, who also shook hands with Tu Wenjin and Tang Zixian.

“Who is this?” Tu Wenjin’s eyes fell on Ning Tao, who was standing back. Ji Wengui introduced all the members of the archaeological team, but not Ning Tao and Jian Mi who was standing next to Ning Tao. As Tu Wenjin cast a glance at them, Jian Mi, who was dressed up like people living in the mountains, could not be called decent-looking.

“Oh, this is Ning Tao, Doctor Ning.” Ji Wengui added, “He’s here to collect herbs.”

Tang Zixian’s eyes also fell on Ning Tao with a calm look on her face.

“Isn’t he one of the archaeological team?” Tu Wenjin asked again.

Ji Wengui replied, “No.”

Tu Wenjin just nodded at Ning Tao as a simple greeting without saying a word.

Ning Tao smiled back as a greeting. Tu Wenjin was a little arrogant, but nodding was also a way of greeting, and if Ning Tao didn’t respond, it would be a little ungraceful.

For a moment, the scene was a bit awkward.

Tang Zixian said, “Guys, help me move this stuff. Wenjin and I brought some supplies and equipment.”

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Ji Wengui then said, “Move, everybody. Unload the supplies first and then move them back to camp.”

Ning Tao turned and left. “Jian Mi, let’s go back to the village.”

“Okay,” Jian Mi said, and followed Ning Tao away. He didn’t want to stay here any longer.

Ma Tongtong ran after them and asked, “Doctor Ning, where… where are you going?”

Ning Tao said, “I’m going back to the village first, get the herbs and then go back.”

“Are you staying several more days?” There was a flash of disappointment in Ma Tongtong’s eyes.

Ning Tao said, “I came here to explore with you guys. Since I’m not welcomed, there’s no point in me staying. I’ll go back to Cloud-lying Village to get some herbs, and then go back.”

“How about I ask Mr. Tu? He’s the sponsor. If he agrees, so will Ji Wengui,” Ma Tongtong said.

Ning Tao smiled. “No need. Am I the kind of doctor no one wants? Even if they ask me to join you now, I won’t stay. Besides, I’ve been away for two days. It’s time to go back.”

Ma Tongtong gave a sigh. “You go back in such a hurry. I guess you are not busy, you’re missing your girlfriend after leaving her for two days, right?”

Ning Tao couldn’t help but picture Qing Zhui in his mind. He wondered why Ma Tongtong mentioned his girlfriend and he remembered Qing Zhui.

Ma Tongtong looked at Ning Tao and tentatively asked, “Am I right?”

Ning Tao was a little embarrassed. “She’s not a clingy woman. She’s always on her own.”

“What’s her name?” Ma Tongtong tried to make a thorough investigation.

“Qing Zhui,” Ning Tao responded. This was the first time he had directly admitted Qing Zhui to be his girlfriend in front of others. Strangely, he felt a peculiar lightness after he said it.

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Ma Tongtong’s eyes flashed a light of loss, and a bitter smile came across the corner of her mouth. “She must be beautiful, isn’t she?”

Ning Tao nodded. “She’s really beautiful.”

“Well, say hello to her and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness,” Ma Tongtong said, turning away.

She was pretty sure that she had a crush on Ning Tao. This was a normal thing, because Ning Tao was handsome, energetic, kind and capable. The most important reason was that he had saved her life. However, good men were in demand. He already had a girlfriend. Her affection for him had to be strangled in the cradle. Fortunately, this was only the beginning of affection. She felt a little sad, but it was not hurt. She believed that she would get out of the shadow soon.

Ning Tao suddenly remembered something and caught up with Ma Tongtong. “Wait a minute, Dr. Ma.”

Ma Tongtong asked. “Is there anything else?”

Ning Tao lowered his voice and said, “I feel something is wrong with Tu Wenjin and Tang Zixian. Be careful, and take care of yourself.”

“Thank you.” Ma Tongtong smiled at Ning Tao. “You’re so nice to me. Aren’t you afraid your girlfriend will be jealous?”

Ning Tao paused a little, and then he smiled back. “She’s jealous? She wants to…”

Before he had finished, he realized that he almost let the cat out of the bag.

“She wants to what?” Ma Tongtong pressed on.

Qing Zhui wanted Ning Tao to find another woman to marry, but how could Ning Tao say such a weird thing?

“That’s it. Be careful. Take care of yourself. I’m going.” Ning Tao turned and left.

Ma Tongtong’s lips moved as she looked at Ning Tao’s back, but said nothing.

Tang Zixian, who was near the helicopter, also looked at Ning Tao’s back, with no expression on her face, but her eyes were sharp, as if she wanted to penetrate Ning Tao’s back to his heart.

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Tu Wenjin leaned over to Tang Zixian and asked, “Is he…”

Tang Zixian interrupted, “Go get the stuff.”

Tu Wenjin nodded his head and went to carry the stuff.

Ma Tongtong returned, head down, listless.

Ji Wengui approached Ma Tongtong and asked, “What did he tell you?”

Ma Tongtong looked up at Ji Wengui and asked, “Why are you asking?”

Ji Wengui frowned slightly. “Xiao Ma, we’ve been on this team for three years. Don’t you know what we’ve been through? I know you’re upset because I didn’t agree with Dr. Ning joining us, but this was a vote, not my decision. Everything I do is for the good of our team and the good of our country! Is it hard to understand?”

Ma Tongtong said, “That sounds sweet. What about them? Why could they join us so easily? I see. It’s not because they have money, but because they are aspiring, right?”

“You…” Ji Wengui was furious.

Ma Tongtong added, “I hope we don’t encounter a toxic miasma after, or we will have no chance to spend the money!”

Ji Wengui was struck dumb.

As Ning Tao and Jian Mi walked out of the valley, it grew dark.

Ning Tao stopped. “Jian Mi, let’s just find a place around here for the night. It’s hard to walk at night.”

Jian Mi said, “That’s what I’m thinking. Let’s rest on the bench land tonight. I’ll pick some firewood for a fire.”

Ning Tao said, “You get some wood for the fire while I get something to eat.”

Agreed with Jian Mi, Ning Tao went into the woods, but not to look for food. Instead, he snuck to the team’s camp from the side of the woods.

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