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I am one of the Four Heavenly Kiangs, Glasya the Malicious, and the next Demon King.

Before the Demon King’s disappearance, his Majesty angrily proclaimed that he doesn’t need his title as King if that’s what it takes to bring Astres back.

If he wants to cast away his title of Demon King that much, I’ll gladly take over it.

My lineage used to be the chosen one to inherit the Malicious-Holy Sword Fünfviolett.

It may be broken for a long time now, but it’s still has the necessary qualifications!

I’ll be the next Demon King since Lord Zedan gave his throne away!

…Or so I thought. The moment I declared myself as post-Demon King, surprisingly enough, several idiots thought of doing the same thing.

It’s still understandable were it Lord Zedan’s sibling who lost to his Majesty during the succession struggle that happened long ago, but just who do these commoners think they are for them to dare of rising to the throne?

The title of Demon King isn’t something to be taken lightly!

You’re not even considered one bit worthy if you’re not of royal blood!

Besides, having the virtue, intelligence, and solemnity that can shut everyone up from one glance are also essential!

Naturally, Lord Zedan has them all. And yet, these dimwits think they can become his Majesty’s successor without having any one of these qualifications! There’s a limit to one’s absurdity!

I’ll annihilate all of you!

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…Thus, a civil war broke out, and a considerate amount of time has passed.

Because of the uproar caused by the Dragon at the front lines, it has been predicted that even the human army won’t attempt to do something stupid. Nonetheless, everyone’s still rioting without a care.

It’s a messy civil war with fools drowning in their ambition as the next Demon King, but to my surprise, the other Heavenly Kings, Ravillian and Belphgamilia, remained calm and cooperated with the main army to maintain public order, devoting themselves to protecting the citizens.

…What, am I the only one trying to seize this golden opportunity?

As it turns out, the rest of the absurd fools are rather meek. The moment they get in a squabble with the private army, they immediately give up. Even I was far from attempting to annihilate everyone. I couldn’t move the moment Ravillian and Belphgamilia confronted me.

…Damn it.

This is quite the stalemate.

And while we were forced to stand by and do nothing, that disappointment of a bastard, Lord Zedan, came back despite neglecting his heavy responsibilities and went missing in action before he disappeared.

However, his determination and conduct are far different from those who proclaim themselves to be Demon Kings. He led the army that focused on protecting the citizens and contained the situation in a flash. Thinking this was the perfect opportunity, he purged the rest of the troublemakers…including me. But when I was taken away from Lord Zedan’s sight after demoting me to regular soldier, I couldn’t believe what I saw.

That stupid woman, Astres, is right beside him.

And what’s with her outfit? A dress?

What’s a female general without an ounce of gracefulness like you getting a disgusting makeover like that?

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Demon Queen?!

That means, you’re Lord Zedan’s wife?!

Cut the bullshit! When did such a thing happen?!

You’re an incompetent woman who was fired from being a Heavenly King after failing to accomplish your duty and was banished to who knows where!

Why is everyone coming back in such a surprising way?!

I can’t be satisfied with this! This calls for a match!!!

Like hell I can behave in front of Lord Zedan!!!

Besides, the civil war breaking out after Lord Zedan’s vanishment is all this stupid woman’s fault to begin with!

I’ll judge this wretch that caused disorder to our nation right here and now!

Please don’t stop me, Lord Zedan! I’m betting my own life on this!!!

Hmph… so you do accept my challenge, huh, Astres? You’ve got some nerve.

We’ll officially see if you really are worthy to be the Demon Queen!

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Take that! My ultimate secret technique: Hellfire magic!


My magic dispersed before it reached her?!

“As expected of the dress Batemy tailored using Lord Saint’s adamantine silk. It can even intercept high-class magic from a Heavenly King!”

What the hell are you saying, Astres?!

If magic doesn’t work, I’ll just have to physically attack you! I’ll split you in half with this magical silver sword crafted by a skilled dwarf!


The entire sword shattered in bits and pieces!

Hey, Astres! What is with that sword you wield?!

The Wicked-Holy Sword Sechsweiss, you say?!

Don’t lie to me! The holy swords we Four Heavenly Kings possess have been shattered by Einrot ages ago!

It was restored with the help of the Saint?!

What is the meaning of this?!

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…You received the demon race’s ultimate blessing –“Blessings of Mother Goddess’ Husband” as a married couple directly from Hades, God of the Underworld?

And you’re telling me that was also the work of the Saint?!

What the hell is up with the both of you?!

I’m supposed to be a Heavenly King, someone of equal family status with you, and yet…!

Lord Zedan only keeps favoring Astres alone!!!

Does being childhood friends matter that much?! Just because you met her at a way earlier time, I stand no chance against Astres!!!

Even I did my best to serve the military so I don’t lose to her! And yet, why does his Majesty never look at me?!

It’s always Astres this! Astres that!!!

I’ve had it! Execute me, I don’t care! Even I aimed for the throne and caused a mutiny while his Majesty was gone, anyway!

Like I care about his Majesty who never bothered to notice my feelings and only favors Astres all the time!

If I can’t become Lord Zedan’s wife, then there’s no point in living!!!

So, just execute me!

If you can’t do that, then let me be his Majesty’s wife!

I want to be Lord Zedan’s wife tooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

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