By A Slight Mistake

Chapter 24


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My hospitalization came a few days after the party.

The purpose behind this round of hospitalization was to remove the keloids.

Since I’ve gained more physical strength and have grown taller since my last visit, various checkups were needed.

I’ve grown nearly 20cm since the incident.

Yes, my scars did ache during my growth period.

Regardless of gender, those of the Sagara family were tall.

Though I wasn’t an exception, I was the smallest one in my family.

I was big enough outside, but my family still treated me like a child.

It was a delicate balance to be a part of.

I’d be staying in the same special room I did during my last hospitalization.

For security reasons, the room wasn’t that large.

It would’ve been an inconvenience for others anyway.

Also, there was a way to prevent any visitors without permission from entering the room.

Although my parents had many work associates, not even they would be allowed into the room because they didn’t have any relation with me.

Work associates shouldn’t have relations with minors in the first place!!

If my father suddenly brought an unknown person into this room, no matter what he said, I’d just stare at him blankly.

A room like this, one didn’t enter without permission and requests for a visitation were also refused quite often, to say the least.

I didn’t want to think about the cost of such a room.

It would be terrible! I’ll regret asking about the price!

“Is this all your luggage, Mizuki?”

A mindful Hayate examined the baggage I was taking to the hospital.

“Yes. A change of clothes, so this is just the necessities, my art supplies, and some study material.”

Even if I called them art supplies, it was just a sketchbook and some colored pencils.

I doubt I’d have the energy or desire to paint much of anything while I was here.

However, if I drew a few sketches, filling them in later shouldn’t be too extraneous.

“You serious plan to study while being hospitalized?”

Surprise was written all over Hayate’s face.

Gone were the days when the mere mention of the hospital would sadden Hayate.

“Satsuki asked if she could come to visit you, would that be alright?”

“Sacchan? It’s fine! Tell her I’ll be more than willing to play with her any time.”

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Satsuki was three years younger than Hayate and just started junior high school this year.

Though she was only an acquaintance through a friend, I was still delighted whenever she visited.

The game cited her as Mizuki’s young disciple.

However, being in junior highschool prevented her from appearing in the game.

Since she was still small, she resembled a cuter version of Hayate when he was that age.

“Understood. I’ll let her know. We’ll visit every day.”

“Heh…… isn’t that overdoing it a bit? Ah. You don’t have to stay overnight. Unless there’s a life-threatening complication, there’s no reason to do so.”

“I won’t stay over if nothing happens.”

So, he’d stay with me if there was even a hint of trouble.

“My older brothers will be visiting every day.”

“……I-I see.”

Hayate’s expression became taut.

My elder brother’s attendant was Hayate’s older cousin.

He gave Hayate a sermon about love whenever they met.

His consideration for girls was lacking in certain areas.  Hehehe.

“Then, are you going?”

We’d already loaded the toiletries and essential cosmetics into the trunk of the car.

Only the small things remained.

Hayate suddenly snatched my bag from my hand.

“The dictionaries are rather heavy, so I’ll take it.”


We walked towards to the main driveway side by side.

A polished car was already waiting in the driveway.

“Have a nice trip, Miss Mizuki.”

Several housekeepers were waiting for us there.

“Yes. I’ll be back soon. Please take care of things.”

“Yes, take care. Takimoto will handle your change of clothes at the facility.”

“Takimoto-san is coming? Thank you. It’s rather humid, so please be considerate of your health.”

I waved to the housekeepers and got into the car.

Hayate followed after me and closed the door.

As the car pulled off, I saw bowed heads in the rearview mirror.

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In an array of dazzling light, the familiar scenery vanished behind us.

“By the way, about that woman back then. I checked to see if she was actually a daughter of a Tojo branch family.”

While I was busy looking out the window, Hayate suddenly brought something up.

“Hmm? I see. That was rather quick.”

“It seems that family is stirring up trouble here and there. They’re the branch family of a leaf clan’s branch family.”


Hayate’s tone was bitter, verging on the angry, as he relayed what he discovered.

The words spewed from his mouth.

“After that woman was talked down to by Nanami-sama at the party, she was shut out of social circles by the daughters of other branch families. Well, I’m doing something similar, so I can’t blame them for doing that. The main Tojo family has also severed ties with that particular branch family.”

“Oh. Are they forming their own family?”

“The main family has decided that the successor will no longer be that woman’s husband.”

“……Is the branch family aware of this? If things are handled poorly, they’ll be erased.”

The cool air flew throughout the quiet car.

That’s when I noticed something.。

Tojo Rin’s parents died in a car accident.

Faulty brakes had caused the accident.

“…………… Impossible.”

I was overthinking things.


“No, I’m alright. So? What was with the fancy dress she wore?”

The cabaret dress she had drawn my attention.

Something about her costume bothered me to no end.

I searched the entirety of my former life’s memory, but I couldn’t figure it out.

“Ah…… that. I hear it was a dress a deceased American actress wore in an old movie.”

“A movie? Actress? Was there such a movie? With such an orange dress……”

“It seems she was a considerably famous and beautiful actress. There are a few rumors that a peculiar manner of walking was named after her.”

The Monroe Walk!?

She was the standard bearer of beauty during her time, and was known for her revealing attire, but that orange dress……

“White!! That dress should’ve been white!”

Hayate was surprised by my outburst.

“Eh? White? You are well informed, Mizuki. Is there one in Otomo-sama’s collection?”

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“A…… yes. So……”

Even if there was one, the current me couldn’t show it to him.

Her sharp wit and abundant charm outshined her beauty, but there weren’t many jobs that utilized her intelligence.

Had she been born a little bit later she would’ve received more awards and accolades, or even been cast in a more diverse set of roles.

“So that’s it. Since Uncle is a cineaste, I’m occasionally being asked to wear the costumes of famous movie characters?”

“…… I guess that’s bound to happen.”

“Make sure they’re suitable for you!! Reckless!! Rather, isn’t that a blasphemy to cinemaddicts!”

The exposure was high, but the dress’ appeal was worth it.

The authentic article wasn’t some cheap piece of cloth Natsume sensei could buy multiples of!

Though I was angry, I remembered something Hayate said worried me.

“So when did the actress pass away?”

“She died considerably young, in her mid-30s…… a hundred or so years ago, I believe.”

“A hundred years!?”


It shouldn’t have happened that far back.


“Ah. Sorry, I’m alright.”

I eased Hayate’s anxiously with a light chuckle.

It was an amusing tidbit, I realized a while ago.

The world had the same settings as 『Seventh Heaven』.

I’d felt that this world was different from my former world.

Generally, there weren’t any four ranked clans or leaf clans.

I knew there had been a Sagara clan in the feudal era, but I don’t think it had any descendants in the modern era.

The most strange thing was the capital of America.

Though it should’ve been Washington, it was N.Y.D.C. in this world.

New York!! That was the wrong answer an elementary schooler gave on a basic geography test.

Nevertheless, New York was the capital here.

I was vaguely aware of the differences.

Even in the game’s quiz mini-game, you’d get the question wrong if you choose Washington instead of New York.

Almost as if it was a bug, the correct answer is, “The capital of the United States is New York.”

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A joke!? Fix the bug already or apologize to everyone who pointed out your mistake! The developer blog was awash with such comments.

I was caught off guard because I hadn’t expected such a thing to exist here.

The death of the beautiful actress who captivated the hearts of men died almost 100 years ago.

It was still strange.

I didn’t want to say anything about it because doing so would break something inside of me.

Though nobody else notices the inconsistencies, the entire history of this world was strange.

Something had been distorted, and I would never get used to the sense of incongruity that distortion had created.

Even then, I had to keep living here.

Things were getting to heavy, so I decided to change the topic.

“Hayate, have you seen pictures of the actress?”

“Eh? Oh, yes.”

“Wasn’t she beautiful? She had a nice body.”


I couldn’t hide my grin when Hayate’s face was dyed red.


Her beauty was beyond words.

The embarrassment of youth was really lovely.


Even in a few years, I doubt his response will change.

“She was quite the beauty. You have to understand my anger!?”

Hayate frowned when he remembered the woman from the party.

“She was supposed to be from a proper house, yet she mistook the dress’s color and made it look cheesy! It is blasphemy of the highest order.”

“Yes. I think you’re right Mizuki.”

I placed my hand on Hayate’s shoulder in solidarity.

“Besides, the actress was a very clever person. It’d be good if you marry someone like that, Hayate.”


“That’d be nice. Go for it, Hayate!”

“Already!! Mizuki! Father has……”

Hayate became bright red and nearly fell out of his seat.

Teasing Hayate was fun.

It was difficult to pull off though.

A smile appeared on my face as the hospital came into view.

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