By A Slight Mistake

Chapter 28

By A Slight Mistake 28

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Translator: Silver Editor: Namorax


She was a Japanese beauty with a small basket at her side.

Her raven black hair was loosely tied up by a pale ribbon, which projected a cool and calm atmosphere.

In her presence, the humid summer heat seemed to turn into a refreshing breeze.

Do beautiful women never sweat?

How can that person look so cool outside despite the humidity?

Those were the thoughts that occupied my mind as I had an unexpected encounter with Fujiwara Umeko.

My cheeks were slightly dyed red with embarrassment, and I had to lower my gaze.

The stares from the surrounding men were painful.

Why were strangers directing their unbridled rage towards me?

I mean, did they even know what was happening?

Staying here would only cause trouble for the doctors in charge of my treatment.

He had plans after this too.

“Fujiwara-sama, why did you come visit me?”

She offered me a gentle smile in response to my question.

No wonder the good-natured Ariwara had trouble dealing with her.

She was the maiden of people’s dreams.

So I couldn’t take a rude attitude with her.

“Well, Mizuki-sama…… ah, apologies. I called you by your name without permission…… how presumptuous of me.”

“I don’t mind. Things will get confusing if you address me as Sagara, given that my older sister works in this hospital.”

“Thank you very much. I’m happy. Ah, that’s right. When Shizuki-sama said you were being hospitalized here, I decided to come and visit you, Mizuki-sama.”

“Oh really. Thank you for taking the time to come. Sorry for exposing you to my unsightly figure. If you don’t mind, I can take you to the hospital.”

Why not take the opportunity to end things here?


Why did I tell you where I was being hospitalized?

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Maybe the conversation won’t take too long.

Unlike Tachibana, Ariwara had poor conversational skills with difficult individuals, so he probably divulged the information without intending to.

Since it couldn’t be helped, I ended up inviting Umeko to my room.

I lowered my head to the doctor and received a soft smile in return.

The doctor and Umeko followed behind me as I slowly walked along on crutches.

“Shizuki-sama said that you could walk normally.”

“Yes, that’s the case. My leg is just sore because I was in rehab until a little while ago. I can now run short distances.”

Umezaki made a charming smile in response to my comment.

“So it’s like that. I’m not the most athletic person and can usually run about as fast as I walk. Running at a fast pace is wonderful, isn’t it Mizuki-sama.”

Umezaki spoke with a charming expression.

I imagined myself running laps in Umezaki’s brain.

It was a dramatization, not fact.

The physical therapist led me along. It was quite laughable honestly!

My shoulders shook a little.

“Please don’t overestimate my abilities. Currently, I can’t move very fast. Sometimes it is  frustrating how slow I can move.”

Even though I was sure I was too quiet to be heard, I still corrected her.

We reached the elevator and waited a while after pushing the call button.

The light shined, and the door opened with a ding.

We entered and stared at the closing door after pushing the button to the top floor.

With their unique floating feeling, the elevator began to rise.

Once the doors opened again, my room was on the right.

“Thank you, Doctor.”

As always, I thanked him for accompanying me to my room.

“Yes. We’ve arrived. Please take your time and allow your leg to rest.”

“I understand. I’ll do as you say.”

I handed my crutch to the doctor with a nod.

No need to act rashly.

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I hated pain.

After seeing the doctor off, I urged Umezaki into the room.

“Please, have a seat on the sofa. I’ll prepare us some tea.”

Having said that, I took out the tea set and began brewing a pot of tea.

“Oh, you know how to make it yourself, Mizuki-sama?”

“Yes. When I was younger, I wanted to be my brother’s butler, so I learned how to serve tea. Unlike in other houses, individual pursuits and hobbies are encouraged within my family.”

I explained things to Umezaki as I prepared our tea.

Since this was a hospital, I couldn’t put together any dim sum, but the tea would be masterfully brewed.

I really wanted to show off my skill, but there weren’t enough people I could show it to.

I carried to tea set to the table and waited the proper amount of time before pouring two cups.

“I am sorry, but I don’t have anything cold to offer you given the summer heat. Since we can’t cool our bodies, let’s acclimate ourselves to the heat with hot tea.”

Umezaki smiled in response to my comment.

“This fragrance, is it Bergamot perhaps? I love Earl Grey. How delightful.”

After saying so, she lifted her cup and took a sip.

“Ah, this is really delicious. Anything is possible for you, Mizuki-sama.”

“No. As I mentioned before, this is just the result of my special training. I’m happy that you like it though.”

My cheeks were flushing as I spoke.

“I actually saw Mizuki-sama as you were leaving Otomo-sama party.”

“Is that so? You should have spoken to me back then. I was with Ariwara at the time.”

We didn’t encounter Umezaki that night.

I thought we needed to change our strategy because of that.

It seems that I hadn’t needed to worry.

“Yes. It was the first time I saw Shizuki-sama laugh so wholeheartedly. Shizuki-sama has such an innocent smile when he’s with his friends.”

Umezaki spoke in a somewhat envious tone.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

Ariwara was equipped with a fantastic smile.

What kind of smile did you give her, Ariwara?!

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“Since its the face I always see, I don’t know what time of smile Ariwara shows you, Fujiwara-sama.”

“It’s the same type of smile Mizuki-sama has. I can tell just by seeing it. Shizuki-sama rarely shows a smile that reaches his eyes.”

Umezaki faintly muttered something under her breath.

“How can that be? Ariwara is a straightforward man. He doesn’t smile or laugh unless he wants to do so. When we’re together, Ariwara will probably be laughing and smiling along with me.”

I was a little saddened to speak the truth.

“Is that so?”

“Of course. Ariwara, is true to his emotions.”

For some reason, Umezaki began to chuckle.

“That’s good. If Mizuki-sama says so, then it must be true.”

Yes, that’s right. That’s right!

Her behavior was a bit suspicious though.

“I attended an all-girls high school, so I’m quite shy and not good with talking to people other than close friends and family. I’m surprised that I can talk with Mizuki-sama so naturally.”

“Really? I’m quite honored.”

I took a sip of tea after I answered.

“Because you have such a soft and gentle atmosphere, it makes me want to talk about anything with you, Mizuki-sama. It’s no wonder that Shizuki-sama has such a close relationship with you.”

She seemed to be sincere in what she said.

It wasn’t the reaction of a woman obsessed with possessing her fiancé.

If anything, she was acting like a close friend of the (male) fiancé.

“I’ve been hearing a lot of stories about Mizuki-sama and Okabe-sama. The description of a Prince and Knight is genuinely fitting. As I thought, I can rely on you for this particular matter. The spectacle of seeing you together with Tachibana-sama and Shizuki-sama prevented me from speaking at the party.

Umezaki seemed enthralled by her imagination.

Can we stop with the BL development?

That was my honest hope.

People that gleefully allowed rot to ferment in their brains caused a shiver to run down my spine.

I am an exception to the rule, please don’t lump me in with them!

While I was thinking so, Umezaki began to stare at my lips.


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This was completely different from what I’ve heard.

“I’ve done something inexcusable to Shizuki-sama.”

Her sudden revelation made we wary.

“What do you mean?”

I didn’t want to hear it, but I had to listen to it nevertheless.

What she said might contain relevant information.

“I met Shizuki-sama at another party.”

Umezaki paused and made a complicated expression.

“Shizuki-sama was very nice to me. However, a misunderstanding cropped up between us because of something I did.”

“A misunderstanding?”

“Yes. I’m truly sorry for Shizuki-sama.”


“That’s right.”

Umezaki nodded along as she explained her troubles.

“You see I fell in love at Otomo’s party.”


To my surprise, I was in trouble.

“How can I explain this to Shizuki-sama……”

“Do you think it’s normal?”

I had no idea what to say but managed a smile and a vague response.

“Ariwara is an honest person. He dislikes lies, so if you tell him the truth, he’ll accept it without issue.”

Umezaki nodded along with what I was saying.

“Thank you very much. I feel relieved.”

She gave me a gentle smile.

However, why was I the relationship counselor in this situation?

I waited for Umezaki’s next words while that thought crossed my mind.

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