By A Slight Mistake

Chapter 38

A gentle expression and a soft smile.

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A calm gaze is staring straight at me.

“Good evening, Sagara Mizuki-sama.”

The third-year student, who narrowed his eyes and smiled deeply, called out to me.

“Good evening, Student council president-sama and secretary-sama.”

Ariwara and Tachibana are both holding their breath by the sudden appearance of the president.

It seems that the person in question is quietly watching the state of his opponent.

I think I’m going to wait and see, depending on his next action.

“Can you call me by name, not by position?”

The sweet-sounding baritone is softly demanding.

How do you do it? It’s a beautiful voice just below a tenor.

Hold back the likes of getting goosebumps and get ready for war.

“May I call you Toudou(藤堂)senpai and Ninomiya(二宮) senpai?”

It is crucial to call the other person’s name.

I don’t know where the mines are lurking.

Should I probe them from a secure answer?

“Do you not know my given name.”

Tilting his head, the student council president Toudou asks.

“I know it, but I can’t use it without your permission first.”

Even with the apparent rejection, the student council president, Todo, never breaks his smile.

On the contrary, he has a playful smile on his face.

“Why is that?” he asked, I’m not going to play along with words so that you can feel satisfied.

“I’d like to ask for your help. Initially, both the student council president and secretary should be packed in the auditorium. As the person in charge, I don’t think there is an obligation to warrant staying in that greenhouse.”

It is unlikely that four 1st year students are willing to leave the solan after finishing their meal and relaxing.

It seems he has the intention to bring in trouble.

Otherwise, there is no reason for Chiaki to be cautious.

In the first place, it’s busier today than it is tomorrow.

After the clean up is over, it seems a surplus amount of time will be born.

“It’s a crucial task.”

The student council president Toudou then proceeds to smile sweetly.

President todo is not a so-called handsome man.

The face itself may be in order, but it is a face where likes and dislikes are divided.

Some people may say it’s normal.

However, it is his whole atmosphere that remains impressive rather than his face.

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It feels calm, but, at the same time, it feels bottomless.

That’s the impression I get.

“Ninomiya, not me, will be asking for the favor.”

I nodded to Ninomiya senpai and encouraged him to speak out.

“Sagara-sama, I would like to ask you to take charge of the next term as secretary of the student council.”

Ninomiya senpai, who has a clean and refreshing image, conveys his business in a powerful voice.

“I refuse!”

I immediately shoot down his proposition.


It seems he did not anticipate his proposal to be rejected immediately; as a result, he is left flabbergasted.

“I refuse …”

“Yes, she said I refuse.”

I’m glad that Chiaki can read the mood.

I don’t know where it came from, despite Chiaki, not fully understanding what was going on; I was able to reply thanks to her assistance.

“I want you to think carefully before answering. I don’t see any demerits for you.”

“There are no negative factors, nor are there any positive ones either. I have already experienced being the secretary of the student council back in middle school, once is enough. I don’t want to do it again.”

“That’s it; I’m also looking into the fact that you have experience as a student council secretary. I want you to lend me your strength.”

“Then, do you know why I belonged to the student council? Fortunately, I don’t need any additional credits this year.”

I have no good memories of the student council.

All I remember is a pile of paperwork.


“Ninomiya, stand down.”

The student council president Toudou holds back Ninomiya-senpai as he tries to persuade me.


“I’m starting to lose my cool a bit. Just what I’d expect of you, Sagara-sama.”

“Let’s be frank. I want you to take the seat as the next student council president.”

That was to be expected, by going by the flow of the conversation.

Since the student council president has the power to appoint a secretary from the grade below them, they would like me to be the successor, by shadowing the next president and learning from them.

It was anticipated that Ninomiya senpai planned to run for the student council election for the next term to be Student Council President.

Or rather, In the game, the seat of the president was to be transferred from Ninimiya senpai to Suwa Iori.

This is also an event where it’s not possible to proceed if you don’t support Suwa to succeed as the next Student Council President in the Suwa route.

If he fails and Ariwara instead becomes the student council president, you will end up with the bad end.

Instead of Ariwara becoming president, it seems I will become the next Student Council President instead.

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The story has changed after all.

It’s not like I’m fussing over the game similarities to reality, but being the Student Council President is such a chore.

I don’t want to be snarled every day in a pile of paperwork anymore.

“I shall have to decline.”

“I’m a stubborn person.”

The Student Council President Toudou murmurs with a wry smile.

“Toudou senpai, aren’t you forgetting vital data about me.

He’s a stronger opponent compared to Ninomiya senpai.

“What essential Data?”

“I’m certainly a student of Shinonome Academy, but I’m also a designer doing commercial activities at the same time, right? Is it okay for a member of the student council to du such activities?”


It was Ninomiya senpai who raised his voice with a surprised expression.

Toudou senpai is still smiling.

“Good grief. What a tough situation. But, I’ll back down this time, for I don’t want to make a scene.”

A beautiful voice in vain.

Beautiful low-pitched voices are often reserved for villains.

I highly doubt the Student Council President Toudou-sama is a villain. Don’t you agree?”

“I’ve been pushing my time; I’ll have to go back to the auditorium soon.”

Looking at his watch, The Student Council President Toudou whispers.

“Sagara-sama, this war of attrition has just begun. Best regards.”

“It is no use trying to fill the outer moat. I have no intention of besieging, so I may not be there when the outer moat has been filled.”

“……Really, you’re tough. Well then, till another time.”

The student council president Toudou waved his hand lightly as he turns on his heels and walks away.

“No matter what you may say, Sagara-sama, I will not give up.”

Ninomiya Senpai, too, seems to have regained his composure during the conversation between Toudou Senpai and me.

He suppressed his passionate feelings and continued after the student chairman with a cheerful smile.

” . . . .Mizuki-hime, what are you doing? Do you want to have a fight with Toudou?”

Ariwara asks anxiously.

“I don’t feel like fighting, but I’m not interested in the student council. If it doesn’t matter what you do, you can use any means to smash it or twist it down.”

“Well, Mizuki-hime is a martial artist.”

Ariwara shrugs his shoulders while sporting a mischievous smile.

“But the other side seems to be serious too, so you have to be prepared. If there’s anything we can do to help, don’t hesitate to tell us.”

“Yeah, thanks. At that time, I will not hesitate to rely on you.”

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I thanked Tachibana for his sincere words.

If you ask me, why should I be embarrassed to rely on their help?

“Well, for the time being, I would like to search for Chiaki. Will you come with me?”

“All right.”

After laughing and clearing the table, we stand up.

Unintentionally, my eyes locked on to the bag I received from Suwa.


Did Suwa realize the meaning of that candy bouquet?

Ariwara and the others noticed it.

The symbolism of lollipops lilies.

I wonder if you know.

I left the greenhouse and went back to the school building.

I guess a group of 4 tall males can be somewhat oppressive, for there was no one brave enough to greet us as we passed by.

I wonder if it’s because the gale seems to be in a bad mood.

In such a situation, a familiar face called out to me.

“Mizuki-Hime! Trick or Treat!”

“Oh, Omatsuzaki-hime. (小松 )”

She’s a girl in my class.

This morning too, she was the one who gave Chika the mirror when she put the hair ornament on me.

“If you don’t give me candy, I’ll play a trick on you, alright.”

She looks up at me with a mischievous smile.

Oh, this is.

I see I’m being challenged.

You’re challenging me, aren’t you?

Very well.

I’ll accept it.

Fortunately, we’re in a hallway close to a wall.

“Mizuki-Hime!! You must’ent.

With a smile on her face, she raises her voice, trying to stop me.

However, it was too late.

I place my hand on the wall near Omatsuzaki ear and bend over.

Ranked number one by every maiden in love, it has to be the [Kabedon!].

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As for me, I feel that it has been overused and been worn out.

Just ask Yakimu-niisan thought me the first step should be.

“Are you going to play tricks on me?”

As I put my mouth next to her ear and whisper softly

“…… What kind?”


Omatsuzaki-sama, who has turned red, sits down with her ears pressed.


“Mizuki-hime, that’s overdoing it.

All of my friends behind me cover their faces and sigh.

Yakumo-niisan, it seems that this is too effective.

“I’m sorry, Omatsuzaki-hime; it seems my prank has gone too far.”

I quickly crouched down and offered Omatsuzki-hime a bouquet of lollipops.

I should have given it to her obediently from the beginning.

I’m reflecting.

“Mou, this is so embarrassing!!”

Omatsuki-hime says while blushing feverishly.

“Yes, I’m so sorry.”

“I can’t believe that Mizuki-hime isn’t always a gentleman!! This is so vexing!!”

“Eh? That’s what got to you!?”

I can’t believe that was the cause of her resentment. I was so stunned that I started to blink repeatedly.

“It seems that you don’t always act like a gentleman, but that’s alright.”

“Ahahahaha…, Yeah it’s annoying and unpleasant on the contrary, isn’t it? “

“That may be so. Oh, I’m sorry to say that.”

Omatsuzaki-san, who has puffed up her cheeks, places a small cake box on my palm while showing a face full of regret.

“It’s in return for the bouquet. Also, a message from Sugawara-sama said I’ll be waiting in the courtyard, so please come over when you have the chance.”

“Thanks. Well then, be careful and have a Happy Halloween.”

As soon as I help Omatsuzaki-san get up, she walks away and waves goodbye.

“Well, shall we make haste towards the courtyard.”

“Lets quickly retrieve the twins and withdraw for today.”

I wonder why.

It’s not like we have to meet up with the twins quickly, but I feel like I must.

As we hurry to the courtyard, we safely meet up with them, exchange some information, and then head home.

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