By A Slight Mistake

Chapter 43

The Christmas presents I choose were a muffler for Hayate, a lap blanket for Ariwara, gloves for Tachibana, ear muffs for Chiaki, and for some reason, a book cover for Chikage.

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I thought I had chosen a gift with the person in mind, but somehow it ended up like this.

Perhaps it’s because I often meet Chikage in the library.

By all means, I’d like to establish a bookworm alliance.

For Chiaki, I thought that the earmuffs would good on her when she ties her in twin tails.

I think the warm and fluffy earmuffs look cute, but I wonder if she’ll like them.

Since Ariwara is sensitive to the cold, I thought he’d use it while he studies.

For some reason, Tachibana rarely ever wears gloves, so I got curious and bought some.

But if there is a reason why he doesn’t wear gloves, then I’ve made a mistake, but it should be fine.

I’m sure they’ll accept my gifts.

Since Hayate will be gifting me a coat this year, I decided to get him a muffler to protect against the cold.

Once the hymnal practice was over, I quickly sat up and left the chapel with the gifts in hand.

If I were to loiter around the chapel, I would be immediately be overwhelmed by various people inviting me to their Christmas and New Year’s events, so I quickly ran away because I don’t feel comfortable refusing the invites.

We decided on a meeting location where we would gather after the hymnal singing was over, so we should be able to escape safely.

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Being the substitute for the instrumentalist was just a role in name only, and I was there just to watch.

Ah but! I got to play the pipe organ for a bit!!

The foot pedals were complicated to use, while the keys were awfully heavy.

Being able to control both simultaneously is truly amazing.

It sounds similar to an electronic organ, but I think it actually feels more like a harp.

You play the melody with both hands while changing the pitch with the foot pedals.

While for the pipe organ, it feels like the pedalboard is for rhythm, and the hand levers are for changing the notes.

A few were allowed to try the organ, but most of them couldn’t play a single note.

In my case, the sound did come out, but it was flat and lifeless.

The pipe organ is a considerably rare musical instrument in Japan, and apparently, only a few remain.

It is said that the oldest and largest pipe organ is in the chapel of a private university in Kyushu. (TN: The University is Seinan Gakuin; it’s a private Christian school founded in 1916 the organ was built in 1914.)

I’d love to see it, but unfortunately, it’s not so easy to get a tour.

For the time being, I understand that it takes several years of perseverance to be able to play the pipe organ normally.

It’ll be impossible for me since I quit playing the piano when my brother destroyed it.

However, the sound of a pipe organ is similar to the feeling of being bathed in sunlight.

The sound washes over you like a ray of light. (降り注ぐ音と降り注ぐ光)

It sounds like the Shō that’s used in gagaku. (雅楽で言えば、笙の音だ)

It’s a very pleasant feeling.

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When I said that, I was told that I have a good pair of ears.

Music is much too difficult for me even though I have the sensibility to match it. (やはり同じ感性勝負でも、音楽は私には難しいようだ)

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The day after the end of the term ceremony, we gather at the chapel in Shinonome on Christmas morning.

The Japanese tend to get overly excited about Christmas Eve, but the mass isn’t held on Christmas Eve, but the day of Christmas.

For the next few days, Christmas parties would be held.

My grandfather declines the invitations, saying I’m not feeling well, I’m sorry, but I’m actually in good health.

I’m a little sore and stiff from the cold.

But as long as I don’t accumulate too much stress, my weak skin should be able to hold out.

Well, it has grown a little more robust compared to before; I believe if I were to work a little harder, I’d be able to return to how I was before.

The muscle strength on the right side of my body has also improved.

The muscles developed to cover the shattered bone.

Now that the bone is fully healed, it has become thicker than before, so now my right arm is slightly thicker than the left arm.

Since I’m a girl, I do worry about that.

It’s an undesirable balance; I, too, would want to have somewhat slender arms.

It’s an arm that has nothing to do with furisode. (肉振袖とは縁のない腕だけど)

That’s why it’s hard for me to wear dresses.

Kimonos are good at disguising this, so even though it’s a little painful right after you put it on, it helps because the overall balance is well disguised.

However, I feel that wearing a kimono on Christmas is somehow out of place and would make it difficult to participate in a party.

If you say I’m overly concerned about it, then that is all I have to say. (気にし過ぎと言われれば、それまでだけど)

I’m thankful for my esteemed grandfather, as his judgment has been personally helpful.

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When I visited the chapel with Hayate, there were quite a few people.

The third-year students of both middle and high school are free to participate.

Those who have external exams coming up are focusing all their effort on studying and refrain from joining.

After parting ways with the Hayate, we took our positions by the pipe organ, and something that looked like a mass began.

I say “something like” because we are firmly Buddhists and have never attended a Christian mass, so I don’t know much about it.

In addition, both Buddhism and Christianity have their own denominations, and each denomination has its own detailed traditions, which makes it even more difficult to understand.

Who can blame me for playing it safe when it comes to what I don’t know? (知らないことは無難に済ませたいと思ってしまう事なかれ主義を誰が責められよう)

At any rate, after the annual mass smoothly ended, we transitioned into singing hymnal songs.

The pipe organ’s solemn sound reverberated in the hall as the choir’s voices began to resonate over it.

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My ears are happier when I’m the listener rather than the participant.

At least I don’t have to hear the disappointing sound of my voice as I sing.

I narrowed my eyes to the sound of the pipe organ and the singing, which felt as if they were pouring down from the heavens; while I was basking in the afterglow, it appears the event has come to an end.

The room’s atmosphere began to grow louder as people began to leave their seats to exit the building.

Blending in with the crowd, I, too, left the chapel.

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I grabbed my luggage and headed towards the meeting place where few people visit.

In the corner of the courtyard, there is a fountain whose water has now been turned off.

As I sat on a bench there and waited, my face lit up as I saw the faces of the people who had gradually gathered.

We quickly exchanged gifts and confirmed our plans for the New Year holidays.

Everyone is planning to stay in Japan, but they are all busy with their own family events.

“So I guess we won’t be seeing each other until the start of the third semester.”

Although I understand, there are times when I think it’s a pity.

“Well, it can’t be helped; the third semester is short, and there aren’t many events either. Well, soon be second years too.”

” Yeah, I guess so. I hope we can all be in the same class this time.”

After exchanging these words, we wished each other a『Happy New Year’s』and parted ways.

As expected, it was Hayate who stayed with me until the end.

“Thanks for the muffler. It’s pleasant to the touch.”

Already wrapping it around his neck, he smiled happily.

I choose a muffler made of both cashmere and silk.

It’s a common material found in stoles but not so common in mufflers.

It looks very thin, giving off the impression of it being cold but it actually has excellent heat retention properties.

Above all, it feels pleasant to the touch.

I choose it because it’s thin, light, and warm.

“Naturally, I was very selective.”

Hayate laughed when I said it in a pompous way.

“It was also the same for the towel, Mizuki your very particular when it comes to the texture.”

“That’s right, the more comfortable, the better!”

“That’s true, but you oddly very particular when it comes to your nap pillows and blankets.”

“I will never compromise! Soft and fluffy is justice! Feeling good brings me happiness.”

“Is that how it is?”

“That’s how it is!”

I believe that the texture of a product is crucial.

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The softness enraptures me and helps me relax.

“I love them so much I was considering getting some for you too, Hayate.”

“I see.”

Seeing him smiling happily made giving the gifts worthwhile.

These kinds of gifts may be self-satisfying.

It will bring me great joy if they like their gifts.

“Hayate, must be busy at the end of the year, right? There is no need to force yourself to visit me. I don’t plan to leave the house either.

“Are you sure?”

“How can I go out when my brothers and sisters are all at home? Besides, my brother Sohou(蘇芳) would begin to cry like a baby if I were to go out.”

“……is Sohou-sama still the same?”

“Since I have a good relationship with my sister-in-law Yukiyoshi-sama(雪義), the two of us are able to handle the situation……”

Yukiyoshi-same is the wife of my brother Sohou; she has a dainty body and has a cute face, but unlike her appearance, she has quite a strong personality.

Unlike my impression of him as a childlike person, he cared for me with all his might.

I heard later this was the side of my brother she fell for.

“Well, do your best.”

I got in the car with a laughing Hayate and left the school.

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“Come now, Mizuki! Let’s train your left arm!!”

“I’ll properly support your body, so try your hardest!”

The winter holidays had begun, and just when I thought I would be able to welcome the new year peacefully, a humanoid typhoon attacked.

“Hey. I said the left arm……. not the right one, you can already use that arm.”

I told Mari-neesan(茉莉) that I would like to train my right arm instead.

“You don’t understand,Mizuki. Your right arm, from the perspective of others, is your greatest weakness. They will look down on your left arm and disregard it. For this reason, with your left arm, you strike back and turn the table on them!.”

I sigh at Mari’s declaration as she clenches her fist and raises it.

“No, I have no intention of fighting.”

“Life is a constant battle. The moment you lose the battle, it’s all over. So don’t ever give up and fight with all your might till the very end. Even if your opponent is an infantry soldier or just a petty thief.”

“That’s right. Your absolutely right, Mari-neesan! Mizuki should also train her left arm properly. Her right arm, if she rehabilitates it properly, won’t deteriorate too much.”

“I am training my left arm as well, I am!”

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That’s right; when I was training my left arm, I constantly fought off the fear that I would never be to use my right arm ever again.

I would practice writing with a fountain pen and how to hold chopsticks correctly.

If I only practiced writing letters with a mechanical pencil, I could read them reasonably well.

However, I started to practice with a fountain pen on purpose because I felt that I had to exert unnecessary force using it.

If you apply too much pressure with a fountain pen, the ink will bleed or smear, making it difficult to read.

The chopstick training was also a really frustrating rehabilitation process, as I had to learn exactly how to grip the chopsticks properly from the basics, and then I had to line up peas in a row and pick up grains of rice and move them around.

Thanks to that, I can now do most things with my left hand without any inconvenience.

Well, the right hand still works better, though.

“Mizuki, don’t take grinding the chestnuts lightly. It’s not something you can forcefully do. You need to repeatedly use the right amount of force to get a smooth texture. “(裏ごしを馬鹿にしちゃいけないわ、瑞姫。力任せにすればいいってものじゃないの。絶妙な力加減で繰り返しすることが、滑らかな舌触りの裏ごしを仕上げることになるのよ)


I’m sure she’s trying to mess with me, even though she’s saying it with such a serious expression.

“Kurikinton, in particular, is the most sought-after of all the osechi dishes! We have to make them carefully and deliciously.”

I was a bit taken aback by my two older sisters, who appealed to me that it was a basic but important job.

They have very different looks and personalities, but their cooking skills are unexpectedly quite good.

Normally they would never do such a thing, but at times like this, they really show off their skills.

However the both of them a very mischievous.

“Mari, Kikka(菊花)! Stop messing with Mizuki and don’t play with the food.”

Mother nailed the pair who were frolicking.

“Yes! We won’t waste the food.”

They didn’t deny it.

They were toying with me, after all.

“Mizuki. If you’re tired, take it easy and rest. The taste of the food depends on your mood, you know. If you’re tired and not happy, don’t hold back. It is disrespectful to those who eat the food.”

“Yes, Mother”

I nodded my head in response to my mother’s unexpected comment.

That’s right.

Cooking is for the people who eat it, so I shouldn’t just cook out of a sense of obligation.

I smiled, realizing the obvious.

I used to cook just for myself in the past, so I didn’t think about it at all.

I guess that’s especially true for the osechi we serve to our guests.

With that in mind, I worked diligently on grinding the chestnuts.

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As a result, my muscles ached wonderfully.

I’m a little curious as to why my back is so stiff.

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