That’s right. If Jin Yu hadn’t really lost his memory, then it’s impossible for him not to come to see His Majesty.

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Pei Qianxue knew that although his best friend didn’t say anything on the surface, he was actually filial and loyal, and put emphasis on love and righteousness. Moreover, his act of rivaling his brothers was still a little restrained. After all, the situation of seizing the throne was always changing in the Imperial City, and murderous intentions were hidden early on, only showing its sharp edge.

(t/n Emphasis on love and righteousness-Chinese vocabulary, pinyin pronounced as zhòng qíng zhòng yì. It means that regardless of your own personal feelings or the feelings of your relatives, you always care about family affection. For friends and colleagues, all aspects are righteous, and you will not do people or things that hurt relatives and friends .)

Although he longed for family affection, he was not a fool, yet he was also not interested in the throne. When the Fifth and Sixth Princes mostly competed against each other, he merely watched the fire from the sidelines. This point was also sympathized by Pei Qianxue after that long talk all night.

But for Emperor Yuan……Pei Qianxue thought–Jin Yu is a prince that should be worshiped and revered.

Obviously, there was no need to say more when it came to reverence. Which minister in the court would not tremble in fear when they see Emperor Yuan, just wanting to simply escape? With Emperor Yuan’s fierce reputation outside, it was doomed that everyone who saw him would be like a mouse seeing a cat. Even the few princes who were fighting for the crown prince position only dared to do some petty tricks in private, determined not to make it public, and even changed their tricks to show their loyalty and filial piety to Emperor Yuan.

To others, Emperor Yuan might just be a well-known tyrant. But for those who really understood and saw the truth of the emperor concealed under the cover of cruelty, Emperor Yuan was indeed worthy of admiration, and respect, otherwise he would not be able to attract noble and arrogant students like Pei Qianxue to follow him.

In addition, since Emperor Yuan’s reign, he had achieved remarkable achievements, he had a unique vision, and strived to reform, moreover, when he was still just a prince, he fought in the army, which also earned him a reputation of a fierce and cruel man. The reason why he was able to quickly destroy the surrounding countries after he ascended the throne was also because he cleared many obstacles for the Great Yuan when he led troops. Now there were only three countries left in the Great Wilderness, excluding the Great Yuan, there were only two. For thousands of years, the long-cherished wish of Great Yuan’s ancestors to unify the world was close at hand. If successful, it would really be the first time in the Great Wilderness. The title “One Emperor Through The Ages” would absolutely be bound to win through, which only showed his great talent and bold vision.

With such a father, worship seemed to be taken for granted.

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Zong Luo would never talk to Pei Qianxue about Emperor Yuan.

He would only silently express his admiration.

Even if he didn’t say it, Pei Qianxue nevertheless knew it.

Before the battle at Hangu Pass, Jin Yu asked where he could find an imperial piece of raw green jade with excellent color and luster, that would be comparable to the legendary Heshibi that had been lost for many years. Afterwards, he would face this raw material every day, grasp a carving knife, and sculpt carefully. Even when he went out to fight or only squatted in the barracks, he didn’t forget to take out his carving knife to make two strokes.

Seeing how obsessed he was, Pei Qianxue asked a little curiously.

At that time, Jin Yu secretly showed it to him, and mysteriously told him not to say anything about it.

The owner spent half a year carving and polishing it, and this palm-sized jade had begun to take its shape.

Although it was only a very sloppily made raw material, it could also be seen that its momentum was like a majestic dragon that soared through the clouds and rode the fog.

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Since the prince used Kui patterns most. Therefore, it goes without saying who this piece of jade carved with dragons was dedicated to.

He had only always led soldiers to fight a war, yet this hand that held a sword could unexpectedly carve such a delicate jade. One could only say that it must have taken a lot of painstaking effort.

Originally, last year was supposed to be Emperor Yuan’s birthday, “knowing the destiny at fifty” big birthday, and it was supposed to be held with great splendor.

(t/n Knowing the destiny at fifty or Knowing the mandate of heaven at fifty-means that after the age of fifty, one realizes that it is difficult to realize one’s ideals, so he no longer pursues results in doing things, and merely follows destiny.) 

It’s a pity that when the news of Hangu Pass came, the whole country turned gloomy, and the big day that was supposed to be held in a grand way, was changed into a white mourning dress with a plain and simple ceremony. Emperor Yuan even ordered the cancellation of the banquet, and none of the gifts prepared by the princes were sent out.

Pei Qianxue restrained his mind, and cupped his hands again, “This subject also went to see that student and confirmed it again and again. Thus this subject have come to report to His Majesty…”

“Pei Qianxue!”

Emperor Yuan was almost at the end of his forbearance.

His eyes became as sharp as a falcon, and with a cold light, “Don’t think that because Zhen is fond of you and trusts you unduly, lets you speak out and advise, that you can be lawless and bold!”

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The Prime Minister in green robes paused slightly, yet still ignored the cold murderous aura that erupted from the other party’s fury, and continued to speak calmly, “This subject thinks that Your Majesty should go and see him.”

“See him, and His Majesty will understand everything.”

The incident with Mu Yuanlong just now had already pulled Emperor Yuan’s anger to the warning level, and no matter what he would say now, it would only backfire. What’s more, Jin Yu, at present, was amnesiac and blind…..After weighing the pros and cons, Pei Qianxue decided not to take any more risks.

After all, although Emperor Yuan was not as cruel as the rumors said, he was definitely not kind to others as well.

However, as long as that capable person stood before Emperor Yuan, everything would be discredited.

Emperor Yuan sneered, “Okay, then Zhen will have a look, Prime Minister Pei is so respected, he would rather provoke Zhen to also want to look, what is so sacred!”

(t/n What is sacred- used to describe the mystery of someone’s background, or to ask questions about someone who doesn’t understand  or “Who are you and what is your background (generally refers to a more powerful person) Who are you? What’s your background?)

“Servant, prepare for Zhen to go out!”

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Ye Linghan clutched his wound, and stood up staggeringly, he immediately applied a wound medicine and bandaged himself.

In order to hunt prey better, he specially gave some benefits to the two garrison guards who followed him, telling them not to follow him and only observe the other students, and if they could find a big fat sheep, they would also be rewarded heavily.

That’s right, in order to win, Ye Linghan bribed some palace servants in private and abused his position for personal gain.

In the hunting competition, one did not have to necessarily hunt prey by himself, robbing the prey of other students, and turning it in at the appointed time would also be counted. As for the other students, their prey was kept by the garrison guards, and even if one or two went missing, as long as one bit their tongue and refused to admit it, there would be nothing left to say.

What’s more, Ye Linghan before, used every means to flatter someone, curry favor while accompanying in drinking and he really climbed to several dreadful high branches. Over the years, he had also accumulated some property by various means, and was only waiting to use it all in this time of the hunt, and finally win the first place in one fell swoop.

Yet now………..nothing.

Ye Linghan clenched his teeth, feeling the sharp pain from his right arm, his heart cooled down and he only felt indifferent.

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