Zong Luo felt as if he had a very long dream.

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He dreamed that Yu Beizhou himself admitted that he was responsible for the rebirth. Although it was beyond Zong Luo’s expectation, it was not incomprehensible.

Zong Luo had personally experienced the power of the protagonist’s halo. Since the world in this book had evolved from the prehistoric, the protagonist was truly the Son of Heaven, the author’s own son, the spokesperson for the beautiful, strong and miserable, and no one would be able to wrong him.

Looking at Yu Beizhou’s previous life, it was true that he had gained what he wanted, prosperity and wealth, status, power, and admirers……There was no shortage of them.

The Wei family’s aristocratic young master, who went to Great Yuan to become a general, successfully became a King with a different surname, and finally sought power to usurp the throne and change the dynasty.

If Zong Luo hadn’t been sure that the “Can Drink A Cup of Nothing” he had read before transmigrating inside the book was serialized in Lujiang Literature City, he might have wondered if it was a trick written by a straight guy on a terminal website next door.

Therefore………..this was simply comparable to a magic trick, and was not a difficult task for Yu Beizhou.

After his death in his previous life, without doubt, Yu Beizhou must have succeeded in stabbing the Fourth Prince behind his back and led a group of male supporting characters to seek power and usurp the throne.

Unless the Fourth Prince voluntarily relinquished the throne……..

Zong Luo thought back on how obsessed his Fourth Brother was with Yu Beizhou, and felt that under the halo of this heartthrob with thousands of fans, it seemed that it would not be a surprise for the male supporting character to do such a shocking thing.

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Zong Luo simply couldn’t understand, since Yu Beizhou had already reached the top of his destination in that life—what more does he want?

What is his plan in this new life? Does he want to feel the joy of struggle again?

Zong Luo didn’t believe it, he didn’t believe that Yu Beizhou was reborn with him just because he wanted to kill him again.

“…Do you want to embark on the journey of cultivating towards immortality?”

It was no wonder that Zong Luo thought about this aspect, it was because…… was not impossible for this ancient court setting to transform into cultivating immortal text. There were often authors who wrote and wrote with cool plots and didn’t want their story to finish, therefore they would open a new setting. In the past, Zong Luo had also seen ones that opened from modern times to the end of the world and finally opened outside to the universe. It was not impossible to think about it.

Yu Beizhou was surprised, “Senior brother, why do you think so? Is it because I use an immortal method for you?”

Immortality, what is the meaning of immortality?

But of course, it is more interesting if he can fight against the Senior brother again.

Zong Luo repeated in disbelief, “So you went back in time, really just to kill me with your own hands?”

The general in red smiled and nodded.

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Zong Luo:”……….”

He sewed up the corpse of his previous life, put it in the hall with ice and kept watch every day, tried his best to find the immortal method and bring him back to life just to kill him again?

It’s really simply like the literal meaning, just to kill him once.

The white-clothed swordsman was silent for a long time, he stopped the actions of his hands for once, retreated backwards, and landed lightly on the ground.

He lowered the Qixing Longyuan across his chest, conveniently drew an arc with the sword, put it into its sheath, turned around and left.

In the past, how to say it, in “Can Drink A Cup of Nothing”, no matter how a “masochistic pervert with brain problems” Yu Beizhou was, Zong Luo only thought that the protagonist was quite interesting. Now that he had personally felt it, he could only say that it was particularly shocking that his Three Views had been destroyed, which made him simply want to buy a train ticket and escape from this planet overnight.

If he was a normal person, Zong Luo might still want to reason with him, but with a lunatic…..there was really nothing to talk about, as it would only lower his IQ.

If one couldn’t, then at the least he shouldn’t.

“Alas, why is Senior brother leaving?”

Seeing Zong Luo put away his sword, Yu Beizhou couldn’t help but froze on the spot.

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Since it was only a warm-up just now, and there was no blood, he had not yet enjoyed himself at all.

Yu Beizhou had been bored for a long time before and after his rebirth, he finally found the thrill of fighting, but with the abrupt halt in the middle of the fight, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

“Senior brother, come play with me one more time.”

He still wanted to fight Zong Luo again, but Zong Luo looked like he had lost his fighting spirit, and no matter how much he teased him, he was not moved at all.

However, Yu Beizhou was definitely a professional when it came to making his Senior brother angry.

He simply would fan the flames while watching the sense of bustle and make everything worse. His red clothes were flamboyant, and he chatted vigorously. From his previous life to this life, he couldn’t wait for Zong Luo to lose his cool.

Feeling rather helpless, Yu Beizhou had no choice but to use his trump card.

“Doesn’t Senior brother want to know the truth about his death in the previous life?”

When Zong Luo pretended not to hear him, he kept a cold face along the way, but when he heard Yu Beizhou say this, there was a slight reaction.

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“Since I get to live again, I will naturally check these.”

He turned his head to look, with the white silk covering his eyes, his brows that were seen were gentle, but when he looked at Yu Beizhou, there was an indelible coldness hidden on those brows of his eyes.

“Yu Beizhou, there’s no need for you to provoke me on purpose. The debts you owe me in the previous life, for now, we are even. In this life, you will follow your path and I will follow my single-plank bridge. We’ll never mention the past again and we will not owe each other again. “

Hearing Yu Beizhou said that the rebirth was for him, Zong Luo felt somewhat complicated in his heart.

The most annoying and helpless thing for a person should be accepting the sentiment of a sworn enemy.

Regardless of whether Yu Beizhou wanted to do it all over again or if he would be harmed again, at least he got to live again……Zong Luo was happy.

There were too many unwillingness and regrets in his previous life.

If he could do it all over again, understood these regrets with his own hands, how great would that be.

Zong Luo claimed that he was not a benign and open-hearted gentleman, but no matter how unwilling he was, he had to admit that if there was no Yu Beizhou, there was also no third life.

As the saying goes, saving a life was like becoming a life-saving benefactor. But even if Zong Luo was killed, it would be impossible to recognize Yu Beizhou, this stinky junior brother, as his benefactor, but if let go of his hatred……..he thought, maybe he could do it.

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