Strangely, after the astonishment passed, Yu Beizhou didn’t have any intention to struggle.

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In the process of falling, with the violent whistling sound of the wind, his red clothes rose up like a raging fire. If looked at from a distance, it appeared like a blazing fireball, wrapping the whole body of the white-clothed swordsman intimately.

Under the thin clothes, Yu Beizhou’s body was astonishingly hot, as if he was completely ignited.

They were falling and gazing at each other. One pair was covered in cold ice, while the other was in raging flames.

Ink black waterfall-like hair was scattered and blown askew, it licked Zong Luo’s jaw, tracing the shape of his beautiful lips. The latter’s high bundle of hair that held on and was unknown when to eventually disperse, was entangled with it in the wind in a mess, and appeared inseparable.

Time seemed to stop, and it paused here.

In the vague sound of the wind, Yu Beizhou looked up at him, with a joyful but obscure expression on his face, as if he was trying to endure something.

“Senior martial brother, you really……”

Pleasantly surprised me.

He smiled happily, but he didn’t finish his words, he instead raised his hand and pulled Zong Luo’s long hair behind his ears. Contrary to the warm and affectionate action shown, his fingertips were stained with dense killing intent, as if it would violently explode in the next moment, and strangle the other’s neck.

Zong Luo ignored him.

Perhaps because of the mists blocking the sight from above, the cliff was not as deep as Zong Luo imagined. The bottom of the cliff was without protruding jagged rocks, but was instead covered with a layer of soft black soil, with a vast field of white wildflowers that were in full bloom. With mist coiling around, it looked like a fairyland.

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The moment before landing, the prince in white twitched his lips. He bent his knee and used it to push Yu Beizhou to the ground.


The sound of bone cracking was crisp, simultaneously, he gave out a violent pained breath on the ground.

The internal organs were immediately impacted, and as Yu Beizhou laid down on the ground, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

Scarlet blood stained his lips, it trickled down the corner of his mouth, and appeared very soul-stirring.

But his throat was still making muffled noises, he seemed to be very elated.

“Let’s let it slip this time.”

Yu Beizhou licked the blood on his lips, with a bright smile, like a ghost in a storybook who feeds on human flesh and blood, “Next time……..I’ll find Senior brother again to collect interest.”


Zong Luo dared to swear, that this was probably the most embarrassing moment for Yu Beizhou in the past few years.

Otherwise, the moment they jumped off the cliff, he wouldn’t have shown such a dumbfounded expression, an expression that seemed to be out of his control.

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It felt great, it’s almost the same as when little Yu Beizhou followed behind him and harassed him tirelessly, mouthing Jin Yu every time, eventually making Zong Luo vexed, which made him directly say that they were not so familiar with each other. Afterwards little Yu Beizhou’s mask then broke and brought him happiness.

However, now that Zong Luo had calmed down, he felt that his act of jumping off the cliff with Yu Beizhou was really stupid and reckless, which did not conform to his usual calm and sophisticated style at all.

But rabbits would bite people when cornered. To deal with such a lunatic like Yu Beizhou, he should not play cards according to common sense.

Nonetheless, the luck this time really defied the laws of nature, rolling off the cliff made it out like it was no big deal.

Perhaps it was because of the light of Yu Beizhou, the protagonist. After all, jumping off a cliff was a standard configuration for the protagonist of a novel. But if it was someone else, it was guaranteed that they would die on the spot, thus if it was the protagonist, it would only be a standard configuration for an adventure.

It was unfortunate that he was protected by the protagonist’s halo, and was caught by the branches of the cliff several times in the middle, making the momentum of the fall greatly reduced. With a body protected by deep internal force, he wouldn’t die so easily.

But this would make Yu Beizhou stay in bed for ten or twenty days, so it’s fine.



Zong Luo breathed a sigh of relief and slowly got up from the bed.

Fortunately, the feeling of dull pain in the body was not obvious.

Clothes had been neatly placed on the head of the bed. Zong Luo casually took the plain indigo robe with a white background and put it on his body, wrapped the silk around his eyes, and slowly got out of bed.

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Pushing open the door, the night outside the window was cold, and the moon was as cool as water.

A little farther away, the sky was painted with the coming of dawn.

The young servant guarding the door was suddenly awakened, quickly stood firm, bowed his head and said, “Young Master.”

Zong Luo said, “No need to be too polite, where is your Master?”

“Answering the Young Master, the Master is in the medicine hut, and he specially asked the Young Master to report to him immediately when he wakes up.”

While they were talking, an attendant carrying a lantern passed by at the corner.

The Prime Minister in green robe was tall, slim and graceful, following him were several children holding medicine cups in their hands, and a masked witch doctor, hurrying in the night.

Seeing Zong Luo out of bed, Pei Qianxue quickened his pace, “Jin Yu, you’re awake.”

He carefully looked around the white-clothed swordsman, and after confirming that the latter was fine and could stand on his own, he breathed a sigh of relief, “Good.”

Pei Qianxue knew that it would be useless to talk about the recognition of relatives. As long as Zong Luo appeared in front of Emperor Yuan, everything would eventually fall on its own.

That’s why he took the risk of reporting in front of Emperor Yuan. After provoking Emperor Yuan’s anger, he got up and drove out of the palace, and brought the Imperial Guards directly to the hunting ground, and asked to see the student named Gu Luo.

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Who would dare disobey the order of the Son of Heaven?

The guards searched the entire hunting ground comprehensively, and finally found traces of fighting at the narrow cliff. As there was a long whip and a jade pendant scattered on the edge of the cliff, they estimated that the King of Beining might have accidentally fallen off the cliff along with this student.

To be frank, everyone present had their hearts beating like drums.

His Royal Highness, a precious body, as well as a judge in this hunting competition, how could he have fallen down the cliff with the said student?

When Emperor Yuan heard this, his expression became even worse.

He snorted coldly, “My life is gone, yet still wanting to face the Holy One?”

(t/n My life is gone, so why talk about XX?- The XX here can be embedded with any word. The people who love to use this sentence pattern the most are precisely those people who always label other people traitors, cents, 1450, and kneelers. A rotten heart that knows nothing about shame.)

After he finished speaking, he whipped his horse and drove away.

Before leaving, he didn’t forget to stab the audacious Pei Qianxue. He said that if the student surnamed Gu did not die, remember to bring him to see him in Qingsi in two days’ time, otherwise he would punish Pei Qianxue for the crime of deceiving the Emperor, and to never forgive him lightly.

These were all trivial matters. Pei Qianxue then sent off the Emperor with his hands folded together, while his eyes were filled with anxiousness by the words the guard reported just now.

Jin Yu unexpectedly got hurt?! He also rolled off the cliff together with the King of Beining?!

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